Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Time to Get Serious

Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.”

The Bible Codes are real, searchable, visible and very clear and concise as to the authorship of the entire Bible, God has personally signed every letter, numeral, vowel and even the spaces between the letters from Genesis to the last word of Revelation. Anyone can see them and understand them if you simply ask to have a conversation with God, He is always there and He wants to show you personally. It is all so very simple and so very easy, it will make your head swim, like it did mine, when you finally learn the power switch of understanding all things is your ability to speak. To speak is power to speak with God is unfathomable power of clarity, remember John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word”.

The Book of Life

The most important code in the Scriptures is YOU. Are you written in the Book of Life? Is the Bible a code book that also anticipates your decision regarding His offer of redemption? The most exciting code you will ever discover is your own.

Randomness in the Bible does not exist in the universe as science has proven. Your reading this right now is not a coincidence, but may be an event of cosmic significance.

When you sit down to study the Bible, treat it with the utmost respect. Don’t let anyone con you into allegorizing (interpret or represent symbolically) it or treating it as just a collection of cultural legends. These things have to be discerned by the Spirit of God. As you read and begin to study your Bible, as you do it diligently, you will make the dramatic discovery that it is supernatural in its origin, it is supernatural in its design, and it is supernatural in its affect on you and your life. But that comes about if you realize that God means what He says and says what He means. Allegorize it, spiritualize it, as some people suggest, and it will quickly unravel into meaninglessness. It is the integrity of the whole that provides its own defense.

As you study, recognize that every piece impacts every other piece. The real question is what does the Bible portray? What is the image it gets across? The great discovery you will make is that it is a portrayal of Jesus Christ, all the way through Genesis, all through the Torah, all through the entire Scriptures.

As you do begin your study, you will begin to understand the definition of truth. Truth is when the Word and the deed become one.  As Adam and Eve were dismissed from the Garden of Eden, God prophesied that He would provide a redeemer, a kinsman redeemer, a kinsman of Adam.  He gave a promise in Genesis 3:15, and that promise is amplified and extended page by page, generation by generation, century by century and of course this promise was fulfilled in Judea 2,000 years ago.

And He is not through. The ultimate drama is about to come to its climax. He has promised to return, to take possession of that which He purchased long ago. He described the circumstances that would prevail upon the Earth when He was to return. He said He would restore Israel to the land He gave them.  He said He would restore them His city of Jerusalem. Detail by detail we are being plunged into a period of time about which the Bible says more than any other period of time in human history. This isn’t limited to a narrow subject but addresses all of them. Every major theme of Bible prophecy-in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Daniel, the New Testament etc.-is being moved into place before our eyes.

The question before us individually and collectively is, What are you going to do about it? Whether you like it or not you will be in the middle of it all. Is Jesus Christ the primary dynamic in your personal life? It doesn’t matter which church you go to. It doesn’t matter what background you come from. What does matter is your personal relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Is He the primary element in your life? Jesus does not want to be number one on a list of ten, He wants to be number one on a list of one.

YOU were on His mind before the foundation of the world. Is your name, personally, written in His Book of Life? He has a destiny for you that is so fantastic that there is no way you can earn it. It’s there for the asking! Talk to Him about it, He’s anxious to hear from you.

The Creator is, indeed, in love with His creation. But He’s given you the terrifying capability of refusing.

We have only begun to scratch the surface of the codes imbedded throughout the Scriptures and the more we search the more we find, could each of us be coded by name into God’s Word, very probably Yes.  You can tell if your name is written there simply by your response to Him.

 “God will invade. But I wonder whether people who ask God to interfere openly and directly in our world quite realize what it will be like when He does. When that happens, it is the end of the world. When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then, when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else - something it never entered your head to conceive - comes crashing in; something so beautiful to some of us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left? For this time it will God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing; it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last forever. We must take it or leave it.”

― C.S. Lewis