Saturday, October 18, 2014

America is safer than 6 years ago?

It is not a deadly and virulent virus problem America has with the advent of Ebola within the borders but rather a messaging problem the White House has expressing how well they are handling the situation so therefore the reasoning behind the hiring of a bureaucratic liberal lawyer lobbyist. Even the Ebola threat is not seen as a problem for the American people but rather a political problem for the President overcome politically through proper messaging to the public. Let me paraphrase, The President has said that "we must contain and eliminate the epidemic in East Africa but we must maintain a corridor of free travel for those within the so called containment area." So in essence he has said "We must contain the virus but we must set it free", What?  wait a minute, What? This is nonsensical rubbish. This rubbish is the platform of the current administration and the same rubbish that is being passed on to the public through media channels (propaganda wing) as real intelligence and real logic in action. If this is acceptable to the American people then we are doomed. I sometimes wonder if the President and his advisers are sitting around a table and wondering what more must they do to confirm to the American people that the President has no love or patriotism for the United States and just doesn't care what happens here, as long as it is bad then apparently the President is fine with that. Wake up America, this administration is here to fundamentally change America into something that is only recognizable in eastern Europe. The Bible says there will be evil in high places of government in the end times and I don't think He was talking about Malta. If you think you what evil is then you are in for rood awakening because it gets a lot worse from here on out.

America needs to return to God now if we expect any change in our country for the good of the nation. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola, the new Normal

The arrogance of ineptitude has been on display for all Americans to see as our Federal Government Officials continually fumble during this critical time period attempting to  respond to and the potential Ebola Outbreak within our borders. We no longer have secure borders so it would seem that alone will make the effort even tougher but our illustrious leaders continue to plod along apparently not understanding the history of the middle ages and the great plague. The basic and simple concept of containing a contagion through isolation and quarantine for a minimum of 40 days is apparently completely lost on the political wizards in Washington D.C. It is hard to politicize a deadly and non-discriminating deadly microbe but they certainly are trying very hard to accomplish this.

I find it rather silly to say that we cannot isolate the area where this deadly virus is virulent because it would be mean and insensitive to the races and cause them to scatter like rabbits from a discovered warren. Why American Politicians feel we  must allow the free movement around the globe of potential carrier is beyond understanding. The rest of the world still retains some semblance of common sense by blocking travel from and to their respective countries, good for them. 

I suppose the idea that if there were a Super Wall Mart in your community that was found to have diseased and infected fruit being displayed and sold would somehow not qualify for immediate closing, clearing and cleaning to remove the threat and protect the neighborhood from potentially deadly illness because the store was located on the edge of a distressed neighborhood and would look like discrimination and hurt race relations in the community. I guess the logic is that we will all die equally horribly so it remains fair throughout the death process. 

The people in Washington D.C. just don't know what they don't know and will never admit it publicly because that may change the perception of the party so they just keep covering up their ineptitude by saying things like, "It's hard to stop Ebola" , Dr. Friedan and our protocols are correct, for today. They have known about Ebola becoming a problem since March 2014 and yet they have no idea of what constitutes real personal protective for Nurses.

Why aren't all cases in one location? Why do all hospitals have different protective gear? Why has air born dissemination been completely ruled out when clearly you exhale through your nose and basically create a steam based air born delivery system for deadly microbes to attach themselves to and float through the air to land any where?

This is getting comical and would be funny if it weren't so deadly. I see it as the Bad News Bears taking on the New York Yankees in a one game playoff, loser dies.            

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Truth About ISIS and Islam

I have been reviewing the Qur'an, the sayings of Allah and the Hadith, the sayings of Mohammad and other Islamic writings lately trying to understand exactly what they really believe. It has been eye opening and disturbing to say the least to see the entire Qur'an and Hidith are a mirror image, exactly, for the what the Bible has said about the coming Anti-Christ, or rather the coming replacement for Jesus Christ. Every detail about the Islamic Mahdi (the Islamic Messiah), which Muslims claim openly is what they desire most, is almost verbatim the description of the Anti-Christ,the Islamic Mahdi and the Biblical Anti-Christ are one and the same, check out for yourself.

The Qur'an describes the fall of Lucifer and how he became the light of the world and savior of Muslims worldwide. Everything the Bible describes about this man being the epitome of evil walking on the face of the Earth and that he comes to destroy is exactly what the Qur'an and the Hadith say is exactly what they expect and desire and the rebuilding of a one world Caliphate at the expense of all others who must die is perfectly acceptable and what the coming conflict will be about. Nimrod built a one world Caliphate as it were and God destroyed his efforts and scrambled the tongues of men. God will, once again, destroy the usurper but this time it will be devastating because the threat of Islamic Jihad to the entire world will be all encompassing and no one will be unaffected. 

Turkey and Iran are the 2 countries to watch closely as they are continually spoken of in the Bible as the 2 most egregious offenders. Some thing will occur that will cause them to join together to apparently defeat ISIS but the apparent defeat of ISIS will only be a ruse and will help usher in the New Islamic Caliphate once Mecca and Medina are destroyed (they are destroyed because the hardcore Islamist's believe they worship a rock at the Kaaba are are apostate for having oil dealings with the enemies of Islam i.e. America and the west). Once the purge of these apostates is complete the new Caliphate can openly display their hatred and desire to eliminate these infidels by chopping off heads if they will not submit. Islam means submission.

Yes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob perfectly describes this end-time religion and its followers to the point one cannot turn away and say the Bible isn't clear on the subject, it is abundantly clear and if one reads the Bible with the notion that the entire end-times civilization will be harassed to the death by this evil Satanic religion. Read it for yourself and see if the Bible does not clearly identify this current situation facing the people of the world.

This has all led me to a question I just could not answer for myself, which is why the current White House Administration will never say openly that America is at war with extremist Islamic Militants and Terrorists. The Fort Hood shooting is still considered to be workplace violence, the beheading in Oklahoma is also considered to be workplace violence, the war with ISIS is not a war with Islam but with crazies now why would that be. I researched what exactly makes an apostate in Islam and one thing I found enlightening was the fact that no Muslim leader of any country anywhere will every declare a war on a group of believers who have declared Holy Jihad, this is a grave decision and one that would lead to the announcement that such a leader is now apostate and must be removed and beheaded. 

I believe our President is a Muslim and He will never do anything to hamper the goals of Holy Jihad and the World Wide Caliphate. Pull out of Iraq, prepare to pull out of Afghanistan, help overthrow Libya, help overthrow Egypt, totally support the Islamic Spring Movement around the world, give 5 top generals back to Al-Qaeda for a deserter, allow Iran to make Atomic Weapons, fight against Israel on all fronts, and generally do anything to help slow and derail America's recovery from 2007 economic collapse, reduce America's military power, create debt to the tune of 8 Billion dollars a week and refuse to do something smart like approve the pipeline. This all looks like someone who says one thing to the American people but continually tries to hamper American efforts to maintain a leading position in the world. 

Look closely and you will see that the Islamic world view is one of world wide control and believers will lie, cheat and do anything (all according to the saying of Allah and Mohammad) to help the cause, including American Presidents.