Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Your Heaven or Your Hell is Only a Heartbeat Away.

Have you ever wondered what Heaven and Hell truly are?

Why is there judgment?

What is evil and why can it never enter Heaven?

“It’s appointed man once to die and then judgment.” This must be because as long as there is evil there has to be judgment. Every sin, every wrong, every evil has to be brought to an end for without judgment of evil there can never be hope. Without judgment there would be no end to evil in the universe or in man’s heart. There would be no heaven….because heaven would then be filled with locks and prisons, hatred, violence, fear and destruction. Heaven would cease to be Heaven and would be hell instead. But there is a Heaven and there is a place of no more sorrow, no more hate, no more weeping and tears and no more pain. There must be a judgment for evil to end and for Heaven to be revealed to us. Do you see that if evil entered Heaven, Heaven would cease to be Heaven because evil would be within and the two cannot co-exist in the same place at the same time.

So who among us is evil?

Remember this from the Book of Proverbs, “All the ways of a man are right in his own eyes.”

The genocide’s of the past were right in the eyes of those who perpetrated these evils. They compared themselves and measured themselves by the standards they themselves created. Each, in his own eyes, was a good person, a moral person, a decent person, a religious person and no worse than the next person. By seeing themselves through only their own eyes they became blind. I just described the Nazis, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China but you say that there is a big difference between these people and most other people. The principle remains the same. You can never judge yourself by your own standards and your own righteousness for you will be deceived ever time.  Only the light of His righteousness is the standard by which we can see and understand our moral distance from Heaven.

Which do you think is greater, the moral distance that separates us from the most monstrous of Nazis or that which separates us from God? It is our separation from God because the first separation is finite but the second separation is infinite. What we see as the slightest of sins within ourselves appears, in the eyes of Him who is absolute goodness, as abhorrently evil just as the crimes of the Nazis appear to us. In the light of the absolute Good, our lust becomes as adultery and our hatred becomes as murders.

Who ten could stand? Who could make it into heaven? 
No one could stand and no one could make it into heaven. How far would just one sin take you away from the infinite righteousness of God? The answer is an infinite distance. 
How far are we from heaven? The answer is an infinite distance. 
How great is the judgment? The answer is infinitely great. 
How long would it take us to bridge the gap, to be reconciled to God, to enter heaven? The answer is an infinity of time, eternity. 
We would never get there. To be infinitely separated from God and Heaven is what? It is Hell, the infinite separation from God and from all things good: total, infinite, eternal judgment.

You may ask “Don't we just die?” No. 
Our soul is eternal, one way or another at the end the thousands of ages, you will still exist. 
The question becomes, where you will exist?

If the true joy of glory is being in God’s presence and in His Heaven and it is beyond our imagining, so too is the darkness and horror of being in His absence. Forever in hell. So our individual situation is graver than that of a nation in its hour of judgment. The prospect of spending eternity on the wrong side of infinite judgment is infinitely graver than any of any nation. Nations are temporary but the soul is eternal.

If you have an infinite gap and an infinite problem, what do you need? An infinite answer. Which means that the answer could not come from yourself or from the world. It could only come from the infinite, from heaven…from God, which means that any given answer, any given ideology and any given system based on the efforts of man is ruled out. This rules out every answer, every answer based on man trying to reach God, a hand reaching upward to Heaven. The answer can only come from the way, from the infinite to the finite, from heaven to earth…from God to man. A hand reaching down from Heaven.

What can answer an infinite judgment? 
An infinite mercy. The mercy of an infinite love. 
What alone can fill an infinite absence? An infinite presence.  
The infinite love of an infinite presence.

What is the answer to judgment? 
What alone can answer an infinite judgment and bridge and infinite chasm? Religion? No, religion reflects man’s search for God, no searching is required. 
Infinite love. What is infinite love? To give of oneself in sacrifice to save another. 
If God is love then what would be His ultimate manifestation of that love? 
Putting Himself in our place to receive the judgment. The infinite sacrifice. God giving Himself to bear the judgment of those under judgment if, by so doing, it would save them. Love puts itself in the place of the another. To bear the infinite judgment where all sins are nullified and all who accept are set free…saved.  You can only enter Heaven by walking through the waterfall of the living waters which is the gift of Yeshua, his real Hebrew name. Only by walking into and through the waters of His sacrifice can that infinite gap be bridged. Only by accepting the cleansing waters of life which is His infinite sacrifice of blood and death and His power to overcome can one be assured of an eternity in the presence of God. By not accepting this free gift one assures oneself of infinite and eternal separation of a Heaven your soul will always remind you is unattainable. You are one heartbeat away from finding the answer to your questions of God and you are one heartbeat away from eternity with God or an eternity in a prison of darkness and total separation.

It has always been a matter of free choice and believing what your heart and soul know but your mind doesn’t want to grasp. If you choose wrong it is forever and you will only have yourself to blame because your stubborn arrogance has never allowed you to search beyond what you can see, feel, hear and touch…there is so much more than you can ever know if only you open yourself to the possibilities of an eternity of life, either in light or darkness, it your choice. 

I must thank Rabbi Cahn for simplifying so much of this message. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The American Curse Unfolds

Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Understanding comes from God and is freely given through His Word. He wants you to understand and provided you with the answer book.

There would be no purpose to a long list of America's violation of these "eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained" as stated in the 1789 Inaugural Address of George Washington at Ground Zero New York. A minimum 60 million babies have been taken from their mothers' wombs. Homosexuality is being actively legitimized by those in control. Promiscuity is the widely accepted norm. Anyone who reads a newspaper or listens to the news knows that we are no longer a people living in accordance with GOD's law. It is increasingly difficult because American law actually forbids following GOD's law in many areas of American society. America no longer claims a national identity as a God believing nation and continually moves toward an all-inclusive Humanism religion of we are all divine and therefore we are all God, a very satanic claim.

More than 2,700 years ago God gave ancient Israel a specific warning accompanied by nine symbolic signs of things to come if it didn’t return to Him. Those same harbingers of destruction are today reappearing—in uncanny detail—in America. Has God issued the same prophetic message for our nation of what is yet to come?

Is it possible that there exists an ancient mystery in which is hidden the secret of America’s future? Is it possible that this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11, to the War on Terror, to the crash of Wall Street and the global economy, to the Great Recession and more—even the words and actions of American leaders, including the president of the United States? And is it possible that this mystery contains a prophetic word—a message to America from God, a warning of national judgment?

It might sound like the plot of a science fiction novel or an Indiana Jones movie, but it’s real. In fact, it’s so real that it has affected and is affecting the course of our nation to this day.

Before God judges a nation, He sends warning. He repeatedly sent warnings to ancient Israel through the prophets. In 732 B.C., after years of calling Israel back—to no avail—God removed Israel’s hedge of protection and allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation.

Instead of heeding the call and responding with repentance, the nation responded with defiance. In Isaiah 9:9-10, the prophet recorded how the Israelites proclaimed a vow, saying “in pride and arrogance of heart: ‘The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.’”

What they were saying, in other words, was this: “We will not be humbled and we will not repent or return to God. We will continue in our course of rebellion. We will defy the hand of God and rebuild stronger than before.”

Israel’s defiance in the face of God’s repeated warnings sealed its fate. There then appeared in Israel nine harbingers of judgment—nine prophetic signs, alarms and foreshadows of what was to come.
Today America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God has likewise allowed America’s hedge of protection to fail and an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike that began on Sept. 11, 2001. It was, as with Israel, a nation’s wake-up call.

Exactly 7 years in September of 2008 a second warning was sent through the economic collapse and still American leaders repeated the same defiance publicly and they have once again unknowingly sealed the fate of America with ancient curse of judgment.  Again, Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee”

Yet America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance but with defiance. Long before the rebuilding began at ground zero, while the dust of the attack still hovered above the ground of devastation, a well-known American senator issued this call: “I believe one of the first things we should commit to ... is to rebuild the towers of the World Trade Center and show the world we are not afraid—we are defiant!” Other key leaders—from the mayor and governor of New York to the president of the United States—offered similarly defiant proclamations, echoing the same sentiment boldly pronounced thousands of years earlier by ancient Israel’s leaders.

And now the same nine harbingers of judgment that appeared in the last of ancient Israel have reappeared on American soil. Four harbingers have manifested in visible detail at ground zero, two have manifested in Washington, D.C., and several involving the highest leaders in the land. Each harbinger contains a prophetic message.

It is now inevitable that the next warning is around the corner. The next calamity will be worse and you may say “How can it be worse than the 2008 economic collapse?” One thing you need to know about these warnings is that they come faster and faster and become bigger and bigger blows to the nation. My humble opinion is that the time is ripe for the strength of the nation to be removed. What is that strength? The world is dependent on the strength of the American dollar and has pegged all world currencies and commodities to the dollar because of this strength but the world leaders have been actively discussing removing the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency and why not. Considering we are the biggest debtor nation on earth with no real means of ever paying it back I would be very leery of pegging all my hopes to failing economic system too. So don’t be surprised if you wake up one day and find that overnight your dollars have become worthless. If the American dollar is not worth the paper it is printed on what form will buying and selling take? Will it be a disorderly transition? How long will it take the government to respond, days, weeks, months or years? Will there be panic? Will you be prepared? Will you understand why? Will you return to God or will you be one of many going the opposite direction? The way to redemption is narrow but free and it is God reaching out to you. The way to separation (Hell) is wide and crowded with people who have made a choice and don’t want the free gift of salvation. Do you understand the gift or why the gift is given? Do you understand what Heaven truly is? Do you understand what Hell truly is? Do you know that learning the answer to both questions is only your next heartbeat away?    

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

America's Future is Written and Available

I don't know if everyone here knows that I have studied the Bible since I was a puppy, so it would be a good guess that I am a Christian. My studies have revealed more and more jaw dropping truths over the past few years, an indication that the curtain is slowly being pulled back to reveal so much more than we have ever known about how the Bible works. You have heard that bad things in history will repeat if history isn't studied and understood and the people are forewarned. The same thing applies to the Bible but on an imminently larger scale that involves all people, believers and non-believers alike. As a nation we have reached a new level of descent away from our countries founding principles, ideals and respect of God. We have had two important events over the past 12 years that were meant to awaken us and send us back to our original beliefs, we have ignored these warnings. In fact, as a nation we have moved further away from God and deeper into the arms of Humanism which is anti-God. God has always shown great patience when trying to turn a people around but that patience does not extend without end. American politicians are the representatives of the people and therefore the voice of the nation. When they repeated a scripture from Isaiah on national TV 3 different times in relation to answering the attacks of 2001 and the economic catastrophe exactly 7 years later they were repeating a curse.  Thinking it was a nice little passage from the Bible that seemed to have some relevance to current events they spoke without understanding and with total ignorance of what the words actually meant. They didn't understand the context and that it was the nation of Israel’s leader’s publicly stating that they turned their backs on God and stubbornly trusted in their own power, the power of Humanism.  Both Republican's and Democrat's repeated this curse without knowing what they were saying but they were challenging God, although inadvertently it was never the less an open and public statement and the voice of the nation. The road America the road we have travelled for 40 years or more and it is a destructive collision course. The only reprieve possible know is a nationwide revival and turning back to God as an entire nation which we all know will never happen in this day and new age of what the Aleister Crowley is quoted as saying was the new age mantra, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." The nation has chosen this path will have to live and die with it. I should tell you here that everything that has occurred is EXACTLY and I mean EXACTLY down to each action and each word as recorded in the Bible. If you want to know what happens next it is all in the book of Isaiah. I don't really don’t expect anyone care any longer, a harden heart can be impenetrable but not unknown to have happened. These days are exactly as they were in the past and these challenges to God will be answered exactly as they were in the past. The future is written down for all to read and understand because the veils of secrecy have been lifted, you need only look and you will find it. God said "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." The knowledge is an open book to all. What you do with this knowledge is up to you, my part is done.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Truth's Foundation Comes From GOD not Men

I want to start by saying that there was a time that I allowed myself to be lead by the teachings of modern men, priests, pastors, preachers, theologians, evangelicals etc. At the time it was simply easier for me to trust in those I thought were actually enlightened from above and teaching the Truth of the Word of God but I found a nagging doubt embedded in my heart about my Salvation. 

In all honesty I was frightened of never being allowed into Heaven. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, I believe in the Holy Spirit, I believe in a Heaven and a Hell, I believe in Satan and I believe that Jesus became a man to show us the way home. I also believe that God does not deal in generalities and that He is always showing us in parables, parabolic imagery, contradictions and mysteries that His Truth and Teaching is black and white, yes or no, up or down with no deviations. Man started to interpret the Bible using his intellect and earthly knowledge, not because he intended to but because he allowed himself to be influenced unknowingly to deviate, in small measures away from the Truth, just enough to be almost imperceptible and sounding so much like the truth that it was accepted and taught again and again until it became the accepted truth. How true was my salvation?, Could I truly be saved?, How could I be absolutely sure that I would be one of those who stayed on the narrow path and rejected the sweet and honeyed way of the world? How could I be sure that I would not be one of those very elect who would be deceived? What must I do to find my way to the Truth as Jesus taught it and the Apostles after him? Where do I go to begin to ensure my first step is truly onto the right path? Well, it took me years to discover that I could search, research, investigate until my hair turned silver and bones began to ache, which by the way is exactly where I am, and I would never find the answer to my question, How can I know the Truth?

I certainly wish I could point to the moment that this great revelation came to me but I cannot, it just developed into an answer after extensive searching. That answer was this, "Start over, begin your search again from the beginning but find out where that beginning is and who is best to guide you from the BEGINNING." As it turned out that beginning is now pretty obvious, the Bible. The next part of that answer is a little more difficult to answer but it boils down to this "You will know the Truth when you shall desire nothing but the Truth.". I can best explain it like this, "My heart cries out when I see and hear the Truth" 
That Truth was found by wiping away all that I thought I knew and had learned at the feet of men and reading the Word of God as an empty vessel asking to be filled with the Truth as taught by Jesus and the Apostles. It was not an easy task to become embryonic and try to wipe clean my perceptions but when I saw that what I thought I knew was quite different than what I was now reading and understanding from a totally different perspective the doors of the Bible opened completely and I began to see the entire Bible for what it truly was. Amazing, enlightening, humbling cannot describe how I felt in my heart but it's a start.        

I want to try to bring some of my own new clarity to any modern Christians who may read this and be searching themselves for answers their hearts tell them do not reside in the modern teachings of most churches. What Jesus taught and what His Apostles taught versus what has today become a new and accepted teaching of the Truth is remarkably different in many ways. The bottom line is that if a current Biblical teaching, philosophy or church doctrine cannot be proven and supported in and by the Scriptures, then it is not truly the Word of God but rather as it foundation in the traditions and minds of men. 

Some of these modern teachings in the Christian church are very palatable as they are coated with honey and go down easily. Some of these modern teachings are a sweet melody that find the hungry ears of those who have never been taught the original Truth of the Word of God and are accepted, by trust in their teachers alone and never supported or proven in Scripture. Sure, you will hear the message of abundance and health and healing being preached by pulling snippets and half sentences from the Scriptures but then expounded upon by the words and ideas of the man or woman presenting this "teaching". Many today depend upon other men to teach them what God has said and has to say about almost any given subject but when those other men (preachers, pastors, theologians, church leaders and councils) who were never really grounded in the Truth of the Gospel and Word of God from the very beginning because they themselves were taught an incorrect doctrine. If you found your art instructor was now going to teach your advanced calculus class also but had no roots, background or real knowledge of mathematics how much calculus are you going to learn? Everyone's foundation must be in the original teaching of Jesus, the Prophets and the Apostles.  

Please don't misunderstand what I am saying here. I am not trying to convert unbelievers here, they have made their choices and have hard hearts and will not hear. I am directing myself to others like myself who have found the Truth of Christ but who have been unknowingly lead to other paths of Salvation when there is but one true way. Modern Christian teachers, who themselves have become mislead into believing unsupported theories, traditions and doctrines of men alone are not teaching from God's Original Word but have allowed traditional interpretation to infiltrate and poison their understanding. 

I think a lot of people today have become somewhat lazy in their spiritual lives as I once did and began to fully trust the men who were teaching them rather than go home and search out the Truth for themselves. In this day and age when almost instant gratification is normal and expected ("men running to and fro") with such tools as cars, planes, TV's, cell phones, microwaves, computers, 15 second news blurbs with very abbreviated news stories, it becomes almost the expectation the modern mind to expect the same sort of abbreviated Bible teachings at abbreviated gatherings. Here is where the honey coated teaching and sweet melodies become accepted by preachers and pastors, this is where they truly fall down and that is to continue teaching the message they are to keep the people showing up. It is easier to keep people coming to a modern, worldly and humanistic acceptable message of prosperity and health today than a message that requires the individual to work hard and search out the Truth by conviction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Listen to something nice and let someone else do all the thinking for you, very American these days. I am trying to point out that most people today in the modern Christian church have come to accept teachings that are not Scriptural but they won't know that unless the search the Scriptures for support of that teaching and if they cannot find the supporting Scriptures then it cannot be proved through the Word of God as the Truth. Christians today think that if they say they are Christians, go to church regularly, and try to do good works in the name of Jesus that they will automatically be saved, I have news for you, Jesus said;

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

What could he possibly have been alluding to here? These people were convinced they were saved. Why we're they not?

Hosea 4:6-7
6 "My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge: because thou hast reiected knowledge,
I will also reiect thee..."
7 "...therefore will I change their glory into shame."

What knowledge was missing in their lives? The knowledge of the Truth? What Truth? We're they listening to men and not to God?

These two Scriptures are not taken out of context for they plainly express a Truth. But again I ask you what Truth?

Mark 7:6-9
6 "This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men...
9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."

You may say that was then this is now but the Word says it is for all days. What traditions are now kept in the Bible believing church that are of men and not taught in the Bible? There are quite few that might and probably will surprise you.

Most people who believe in the Bible think that they are saved.
Most people who profess to be born again believers think they are saved.
Most people think they are good people, do good things, go to church on Sunday think they are saved.
The vast majority of people who profess to be Christians think they are saved.
Don't assume anything, Don't trust your eternal soul and your Salvation to someone else because it just sounds good and sounds right, investigate all the Biblical Truths you hold so dearly and be sure of your Salvation. 

I will write more soon and share with you some original Truths taught in the Bible that have been overlooked by most today but are needless to say still the Truth of your foundation in Christ.

 Here is a question for you to ponder, Is Jesus' name found in the Old Testament and what is that Name?          

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Real Name Has Power

A Jewish friend of mine recently asked me, "If Jesus is our Jewish Messiah, and the whole Old Testament is about Him, how come His name is never mentioned, even once?"

Then one morning while sitting on my back patio and watching the squirrels and birds feed after I put out that morning food I began to think once again, as I often did, that there was just something not right about the use of the transliterated name Jesus. This name came to us as a translation from Hebrew to Greek, the written form of the New Testament Gospels.
I knew from my Hebrew language studies that the name Jesus was not of Hebraic origin but was used because it was as close as the scribes could get to conveying the power of the name of the Messiah to the literate world in place at that time and aimed at the Gentiles of the eastern provinces of Rome who spoke Greek.  This was the beginning of my problem because once I began a thorough investigation of the Greek title Iesous Christos the floodgates opened to the waters of confusion because so much of this title was pulled from the Pantheons of Greek mythology which I will leave to the reader to search out and investigate on their own if they truly desire the truth.
Now I knew in my heart that the Old Testament includes a Gospel (Good News) pointing to the coming Messiah, as can be found in so many declarations throughout the Old Testament. For in the Old Testament all great characters were given names with a specific and significant meaning.

For example, in Genesis 5:29, Lamech called his son Noah [Comfort], saying, “This same shall comfort us concerning our work and tell of our hands.”  Genesis 10:25, Eber calls his firstborn son, Peleg [Division]; “for in his days was the earth divided.”  Genesis, chapters 29-32 the same is true of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob (changed to Israel-God's Prince), and all of Jacob's sons. In Exodus 2:10, Pharaoh's daughter called the baby rescued from the Nile, Moses [Drawn-Forth]: “and she said, because I drew him out of the water.”  We can go on and on to show the deep significance of Hebrew names but we no longer have that because the point has been made.
But I could not find the bridge I knew must be there to bring the whole picture to light. So I began, that morning while feeding the birds and squirrels, to ask God to show me the answer to this continually contentious and nagging idea that something was wrong about the name Jesus. I was answered with the inspiration to search for my answer among the writings of Jews themselves.  This led me to Jews who asked the same question and from them I was pointed to the Hebrew Bible and there it was,  suddenly and glaringly obvious, the true NAME of Jesus, found in the Old Testament about 100 times all the way from GENESIS to HABAKKUK!  Yes, the very NAME that the angel Gabriel used in Luke 1:31 when he told Mary about the Son she was to have.  

"Where do we find that NAME?" you ask.  Here it is, friend: Every time the Old Testament uses the word SALVATION (especially with the Hebrew suffix meaning "my," thy," or "his"), with very few exceptions (when the word is impersonal), it is the very same word, YESHUA (Jesus), used in Matthew 1:21. Yeshua written Yod-Shin-Vav-Ayin, is a masculine noun that means "He is salvation" or "He saves." Let us remember that the angel who spoke to Mary and the angel who spoke to Joseph in his dream did not speak in English, Latin, or Greek, but in Hebrew; and neither were Mary or Joseph slow to grasp the meaning and significance of the NAME of this divine Son and its relation to His character and His work of salvation.

So now when you read the Old Testament and come to verses like Genesis 49:18, when the great Patriarch Jacob was ready to depart from this world, he by the Holy Spirit was blessing his sons and prophetically foretelling their future experiences in those blessings.  He exclaims, “I have waited for thy salvation, 0 Lord!”   What he really did say and mean was, "To thy YESHUA (Jesus) I am looking, 0 Lord"; or, "In thy YESHUA (Jesus) I am hoping (trusting), Lord!"  That makes much better sense.

Isaiah 62:11 King James Version (KJV)
“Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation (YESHUA-Jesus) cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.” This becomes a clear picture of the proclamation of YESHUA-Jesus as our salvation.

Remember, the message of The Teaching of the Messiah is clear and easily understood if you just clear your mind and heart of all the traditions and nonsense taught by men. They have created a mine field of confusion with their interpretations of this and that or summarily stated this or that doesn’t matter, it does matter! Open yourself as a clean slate and only seek the Truth from the One who gave us the Scriptures, the One who’s Word it is and the One where you will find all truth and knowledge, just ask. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Ten Commandments

I recently had a long chat with one of the guys I was working with recently in Cheyenne Wyoming about religion and its many faces in Christianity today. He enjoyed my answers so much that he said I had cleared many things up for him and given him a new perspective on the Word and that he thought I should probably write these thoughts down and that it may help someone else. So that is exactly what I have decided to do here on my blog. I will start with basics and move forward from there.

This search for the truth is something I have been researching since I was a small boy and looked for answers to many questions I couldn't seem to get appropriate answers to about the Catholic church I was raised in. Needless to say I walked away from the Catholic church when I about 14 years old because the answers I received from the priests, monsignors and even the Bishop were sometimes more confounding than the questions.

When I first joined the Navy I told myself that I would begin a investigation into mans search for God (religion) and began by reading everything I could get my hands on and talking with a wide variety of religious leaders throughout my worldwide travels.

I'd like to start by saying that I believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. I believe in Good and believe in Evil, I believe in the Darkness and I believe in the Light and I believe that man is a three part being. One part physical, one part conscious and one part ethereal spirit (the gift of God to man). God did not make religion what is today but man has allowed himself to become confused by his own efforts and the efforts of a worldly realm of dark spirits. Yes, I believe in spiritual evil, I have witnessed its physical presence and its physical power and I have never been more frightened in my life. These dark and evil entities has been bound to this earth and continually try to influence mankind to turn away from God. I know what I believe. I am lead to believe that my personal search for God has yielded a bountiful harvest of the knowledge of the truth. The very sad thing is that after all those years of seeking the Truth I finally understood that I had found it as a young boy but let the confusion around me become my compass and ended up travelling in circles for many years trying to find what had already been found.

I hope readers of these new episodes throughout my blog understand that I am simply conveying to you the knowledge God has blessed me with over many years.  There is so much confusion today that many have simply given up their search for spiritual answers, like asking themselves "Who am I and what is my purpose here?" or they have become numbed by the modern world and see no point in wasting their precious time looking for God and the depths of eternity but rather cover themselves with the rewards of the here and now.

NOTE:  Jesus is a modern interpretation of the Greek "Iesous" (pronounced "[ee]yeh-sooce") and the later Roman interpretation of the Greek into "Jesu" (pronounced "yehsoo"). It is most proper to call Him Yeshua; only in Hebrew does this name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever. I have had some arguments about this but honestly I simply end each discussion with the fact that confusion begins at the beginning and the Messiachs Hebrew name is that pivotal beginning. My name is Paul and that is the name I have carried throughout this life I don't think I'd like to be called Clifford.

Lesson #1:  The Ten Commandments KJV

 1. Belief in God - "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
 2. Prohibition of Improper Worship - "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments."

 3. Prohibition of Oaths - "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

 4. Observance of Sacred Times - "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

 5. Respect for Parents - "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."

 6. Prohibition against Murder - "Thou shalt not kill."

 7. Prohibition of Sexual Immorality - "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
 8. Prohibition of Theft - "Thou shalt not steal."

 9. Prohibition of Harming a Person through Speech - "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

10. Prohibition of Coveting -"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

The Two Tablets: Duties to God and Duties to People

The ten commandments are the basic and very simple lesson plan for having a one on one relationship with God. Follow these simple instruction and you will lead a fruitful physical, moral and spiritual life.

I once met a Rabbi who summed it all up rather succinctly, "Know what is sin and FEAR it." 
I have had that thought foremost in my mind ever since.  That was a delightful and fruitful discussion all those years ago and still helps me maintain my main search for truth preface and that is that it is all so simple. 
The first tablet, containing the first five declarations, identifies duties regarding our relationship with God, while the second tablet, containing the last five declarations, identifies duties regarding our relationship with other people.

You may have noticed, however, that the fifth category, which is included in the first tablet, is the category to honor father and mother, which would seem to concern relationships between people. Simple, our parents are our creators and stand in a relationship to us akin to our relationship to the God. Disrespect to our biological creators is not merely an affront to them; it is also an insult to the Creator of the Universe. Accordingly, honor of father and mother is placed in the middle because it is both a duty to God and your mortal creators.

These two tablets are parallel and equal: duties to God are not more important than duties to people, nor are duties to people more important than duties to God. However, if one must choose between fulfilling an obligation to God and fulfilling an obligation to a person, or if one must prioritize them, and Genesis 18 teaches that the obligation to a person should be fulfilled first. This principle is supported by the story in Genesis 18, where Abraham is communing with God and interrupts this meeting to fulfill the mitzvah of providing hospitality to strangers (the three men who appear). The bible gives another example, disapproving of a man who, engrossed in prayer, would ignore the cries of a drowning man. When forced to choose between our duties to a person and our duties to God, we must pursue our duties to the person, because the person needs our help, but God does not need our help.

You can see here in Yeshua's words how important ones relationship with fellow man was considered to be. To come before God in prayer and seeking atonement while still withstanding or holding a grievance with another was a grievous offence and one that must be addressed immediately and prior to seeking God.

In His sermon on the Mount Yeshua says atonement has no application until and unless you reconcile with the one you offended. (KJV Matthew 5:21-26)

 21  "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill (Greek and Hebrew original the word is Murder); and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
22  But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
23  Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
24  Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
25  Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.
26  Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing."

Yeshua showed the full meaning of this commandment. All rash anger is heart murder. "Raca," is a scornful word, and comes from pride: "Thou fool," is a spiteful word, and comes from hatred. Malicious slanders and censures are poison that kills secretly and slowly.  If at any time there is a quarrel, we should confess our fault, humble ourselves to our brother, making or offering satisfaction for wrong done in word or deed: and we should do this quickly; because, till this is done, we are unfit for communion with God. It is always good and right for us to make a serious self-examination anytime we prepare to go before God. While we are alive, we should always be preparing to stand before the judgement-seat; after death, it will be too late. 
When you finally see the importance placed upon our ability to interact and live peacefully among our brothers neighbors and see the uncertainty of life, then how very important it becomes to seek peace here in our daily lives first and foremost and then be able to stand before God. 
In simple terms "How can you expect to have a daily loving relationship with a Universal and Divine God if you can't even have a simple relationship with your family and neighbors?"

End Lesson #1

We will go slow because there is quite a bit to cover.