Thursday, October 10, 2013

Seven Year Cycle in Prophecy of American Finances

Cycle of Seven Years
American Christians are very ignorant (and I don’t mean that in a bad sense but rather a lack of understanding through knowledge sense) about how the Jewish calendar is the calendar God uses. If you don’t understand the basics of the Feast Days throughout the Jewish Civil calendar then you’ll never truly understand the prophecies and the signs God uses to inform us of impending happenings that will affect us all. If you want to understand French you need to learn French, simple as that. I am writing this article because it is being played out before your very eyes every night on the TV news programs (albeit very one dimensional reporting). There will be an economic collapse of the American dollar and that will greatly affect all world economies and leave America pretty much destitute and the rest of the world will be very angry with us letting this worldwide economic collapse happen. Below is a general synopsis of the soon to occur events here in the United States and it is all Biblical and all prophesied through the Bible. When American politicians began to defy God in speeches to the nation and the world God took notice and began the warnings immediately, the tipping point had been reached.  
 Deuteronomy 15:1 “At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.”
Deuteronomy  15:2 “And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD'S release.”
The year of the Lord’s release from debt is called the Shimitah year. This always takes place on the 29 Elul (around the end of September by our Roman calendar) and is the last day of the civil Jewish calendar which is one day before the Feast of Trumpets which is heralding a time of renewal and new beginnings.
September 17, 2001 (29 Elul on Jewish Civil Calendar) 684 point loss or 7.13% after one week of closure
Now move forward exactly seven years to
September 29, 2008 (29 Elul on Jewish Civil Calendar) it lost 777 points or 7.0%
The people and the nation are only given so much time to make amends before real financial pain is felt.
Move forward seven years to the next Shimitah year of September 13, 2015 (29 Elul on Jewish Civil Calendar) and here we find a partial solar eclipse (which in this case) is a sign for Gentile Nations that a financial eclipse is coming for the world economy.
September 14, 2015 (1st of the month Tishri) and is the Feast of Trumpets heralding a time of renewal and new beginnings which is also during the 8th Tetrad Blood Moon sign in the Heavens
September 28, 2015 (15th of the month Tishri) the last Blood Moon of the 8th Tetrad falls on Sukkot which is the second Feast of Tabernacles (the eighth is always a sign of new beginnings).
Once the financial systems have weakened and are in the throes of collapse then the stage is set and the understanding of Revelation begins to be seen and unveiled to more and more Christians who are trying to seek the truth and the picture becomes clearer.
Rev 6:12
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
            NOTE; The earthquake will be a huge sign because we already know when the sun and moon will have their eclipses 2014 and again in 2015
 Rev 6:13
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
                NOTE; If you haven’t noticed and you probably haven’t noticed that here are multiple asteroids, comets and meteorites suddenly being discovered and their orbits are much closer to earth than ever suspected. Stars falling onto the earth could be meteorites which come from Comet tail debris fields and some asteroids break up when they get too close to the earth of sun are seen as fireballs in the sky
 Rev 6:14
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
                NOTE; This is rather spooky in that it reveals a picture of great crustal movement as part of an earthquake scenario or combined with a great tectonic plate movement or shift, this would be bad and I pray it is site specific and not worldwide.
 Rev 6:15
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
                NOTE; Why are all the underground safety zones built by the U.S. government intended only for government officials, look it up.
 Rev 6:16
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
 Rev 6:17
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
January 2010 7.0 Earthquake hits Haiti 316,000 die
September 2010 7.0 Earthquake hits Christchurch New Zealand
February 2011 6.3 Earthquake hits Christchurch 185 die
March 2011 9.0 Earthquake hits Japan and causes Tsunami 20,896 die
August 2011 5.8 Earthquake hits Washington D.C. cracks Washington Monument
These earthquakes are warnings and are precedent of the big earthquake of Revelation 6:12 prophecy
During these days of financial upheaval, earthquakes (large ones), fireballs hitting the earth or Coronal Mass Ejections (electrically charged blasts from the sun) it becomes a complete distraction and overwhelms the nations who simply go into survival mode and will accept just about anyone or anything they think can help them survive. People who have read the prophecy of Revelation and recognized the signs God has given us can be assured that the Word of God is true and He is to be believed it also gives those on the fence ample time to come to grips with their faith and accept the promise of salvation through the Blood of Christ.
I believe there is little time left on the clock and that is why I am trying to get the basics out there for those who remain searching for truth.  This is no time delve, as I have for 45 years, into scripture to disseminate the truth of God’s Word versus what is taught and supposedly known in the world according to men. When these signs come to pass many will say it is a coincidence (I get that phrase an awful lot, a catch-all for don’t understand or don’t want to understand and I am happy being ignorant, OK go be ignorant) but others will see the correlations of Bible prophecy and the things happening in the world all around them.
If you want to grow shortened it up and concentrate on Matthew, John and Revelation and you will have as complete a picture of Jesus and His teachings and prophecies as anyone alive because it is the foundation of our faith in Him.
To understand the world around you and get a clear vision of what the world is really doing and where it is truly headed one must be able to see the big picture and see that all things are indeed connected and this can only be done once you realize it is not a variety of small interesting stories, conspiracy theories, and a million other things that do not look like they are connected but they all keep you distracted from the truth in front of you. 
It really is simple to comprehend and see the distractions of the world for what they are but you can only do this if you see that a single strategy is in play and the individual tools used are widely varied and seemingly unconnected. Look at things from a battle ground perspective if you can and you will see, using the Bible as a guidebook, that it is one side bent on destruction of all things and the other side bent on saving each person from that destruction. Easily written but apparently so hard for many to understand but as Jesus said, some hear and some see because the truth is in them but most do not have the truth as a foundation and are blind and deaf, sobeit.   

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