Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Prophetic Picture of Feasts and Holy Days

 Salvation comes by the atoning blood of Israel's promised Sacrifice Lamb
“God will provide Himself, a Lamb". (Gen.22:8)
On the 14th day of Nisan
The sacrifice lamb is slain. The blood of atonement upon the door brings salvation as the death angel passes overhead. It is the eve of the Passover. The epic Exodus that follows sees God's covenant people delivered from the bondage of Egypt.
This was the Old Covenant fulfillment of Passover for national salvation.
On the 14th day of Nisan
In 33 A.D., on the eve of Passover, Yeshua is crucified. The blood of the promised Sacrifice Lamb is shed. This is the redemption God has provided. It brings salvation to His covenant people, delivering them from the bondage of sin and death.
This is the New Covenant fulfillment of Passover for personal salvation.
The unleavened "Bread of Heaven" is the sinless and accepted sacrifice.
Leaven, a type of sin, was removed from the dwellings. Then at twilight, as the 14th day of Nisan was ending, the Passover lambs were slain. Sunset initiated the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Nisan 15 was a "high day", a non-Saturday Sabbath. Bread baked without yeast was eaten during the seven days of the feast.
Sunset began the 15th day of Nisan. Jesus was buried, just in time for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But in the grave His body did not decay or see corruption. That Passover the sinless unleavened 'Bread of Heaven' was revealed as that long awaited perfect sacrifice for sin. Thus He fulfilled the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
 After a cold barren winter new life breaks forth. On the 17th day of the Nisan moon the first fruits of the barley harvest was gathered and waved before the Lord in celebration.
On the 17th day of Nisan in 33 A.D. Jesus rises up from the grave. He is the first fruits from the dead. On that very day He fulfilled the feast. 

 50 days counted out from First fruits is Shavuot or Pentecost. God comes down to His covenant people in an earthshaking day of visitation. It is a betrothal leading into magnificent future glories.
Old Testament Fulfillment
50 days from the day the First fruits of the barley harvest was waved before the Lord, (50 days from the morrow after the Sabbath after Passover), is Shavuot or the Day of Pentecost. Rabbinic scholars believe that it was on this day that God visited His people after their exodus from Egypt and through Moses, brought the Law down from Mount Sinai. This earthshaking day of visitation, trembling, and betrothal is the birthday of the nation of Israel. Moses brings down the Torah or Law for the nation. Because of sin 3,000 die under the Law that day. The Old Covenant is a national covenant between YHVH-God and His covenant people. And so the nation of Israel was established. They agree to follow Him in devotion and obedience. In spite of past failures the nation of Israel will indeed be restored. The Jewish House of Judah will be saved and the throne of David in Judah will be established upon this earth under Messiah. But that is not all. The lost sheep of the House of Israel, the lost ten tribes of Israel, will be found and brought back home to Israel again. (See Ezek.37). The nation and Kingdom of Israel along with Messiah's  Melchizedek Priesthood will be fully restored as a single Elect and Chosen people. The Old Covenant and the Law has not been "done away with" as we have been told. Both estranged houses of Israel will embrace Messiah. Then with their partial blindness healed they will rediscover each other at the end of this age to restore the Union in both Righteousness, (the royal national burden of the Jews), and in Grace, (the holy priestly burden of the Church). Both Houses of Israel are being sifted through the nations. Those being saved are bringing many companions home to Israel with them. (See  Ezekiel 37:15-28) The nation will be reunited and regathered as that Commonwealth of Israel spoken of by our Apostle Paul. (See Eph. 2:12-13). Restored Israel is destined to be cross-linked together as that "royal priesthood and holy nation spoken of by both Moses and by the Apostle Peter. (See  Exod. 19:6, and  1Pet.2:9). The Old Covenant God made with the nation of Israel and the righteous rule of Israel’s Messiah upon this earth is in the heart of the Jewish House of Judah. YHVH-God's righteous rule will surely come and the nation of Israel will be restored, but only under Messiah and not by might or by power. The restoration will not come by a seducing religious humanism or by the military might of a crusading Church Dominionism). It will come by God's Holy Spirit. (See Zechariah 4). The New Covenant is established soul by soul and silently in the gentle bonds of love and devotion as Messiah is received into human lives. It is by YHVH's Grace through faith that His Law is written into the hearts. The prophet Jeremiah spoke of this mystery. See Jer. 31:31. See also Hebrews 8:8-12. The prophet Zechariah saw the Jewish House of Judah in Israel repenting and receiving Messiah rather late, even as Jerusalem was surrounded by armies at the close of this age. See Zechariah 12:7-13:1.
New Testament Fulfillment
50 days from the day the First fruits of the barley harvest was waved before the Lord, (that is 50 days from the morrow after the weekly (Saturday) Sabbath after Passover), in the summer of the year of Yeshua's passion, YHVH-God visits His people by His Holy Spirit. This is another earthshaking day of visitation and betrothal. But on this occasion God's Presence is not as unapproachable as on the former visitation back at Sinai. Moses had ordered 12 boundary markers placed around the foot of the mountain to hold back the people lest the fire of God flash out upon them. Amidst the thundering and lightning God came down as a consuming fire and blackened the entire summit. Only Moses could stand in God's Presence. Mount Sinai has recently been discovered east of the Gulf of Aquaba in the former land of Midian, (now Saudi Arabia).  The real Mount Sinai with many accompanying archaeological proofs of its authenticity is Jabal el Lawz, now hidden from the world behind security fences and armed guards of the Saudi military forces. Back at Sinai it was a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But this next Pentecostal visitation was quite different. Tongues of fire descended from heaven to rest upon consecrated individuals gathered to wait upon God. All of them had received Messiah and had come to know Him in a personal way in the New Covenant. And just as Moses had seen the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire now came down and rested upon the 120 in the upper room, not to consume them but to fill them with the Holy Spirit and bathe them in the glory of God. This day of wonder sees the Holy Spirit descend in a splendid flooding wave. This was the beginning of the Holy Spirit outpouring. And Joel saw this coming to a peak at the 6th seal at the very end of the latter days. See Joel 2:28-32. The revival spreads out from the Jerusalem epicenter as the disciples go out into the streets of the city proclaiming the Good News of salvation. Whereas 3,000 had died under the Law on the previous visitation 3,000 are now saved by Grace as the Apostle Peter preaches to the crowds coming up to the Feast. And so on this awesome day in holy history, the 7th day of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar, the Feast of Pentecost comes to its appointed New Covenant fulfillment. The Feast of Pentecost, the fourth of the Seven Feasts of Israel is taken up to the next level. It becomes the birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit revival spreads out from Jerusalem into Judea, Samaria, and thence onward to the utmost parts of the world. This was that promised Light to the Gentiles Isaiah spoke about (See  Isaiah 49:6). The ensuing 2,000 years sees Israel's Messiah continuing to 'call out' His 'ekklesia', His Congregation, by His Holy Spirit. The Good News of the Gospel overflows Israel and spreads out into the gentile nations and YHVH-God's Covenant people expand out of Israel to become a global Congregation (or "Church"), even as Israel's Jordan river overflows its banks all the days of the harvest.
THE MEANING OF THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS   (The very next feast due to be fulfilled)
The annual religious celebration, the shofar (rams horn) is blown at the western wall on the new moon of Tishrei to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets.
In the autumn of the year and on the first day of the Tishrei moon trumpets are blown to announce the Hebrew holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Biblical Christians refer to it as the Feast of Trumpets. It is the 5th of the Seven Feasts of Israel. The ultimate New Covenant fulfillment of this future Jewish New Year, (Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew calendar), will be spectacular beyond words. The feast will explode into holy history. And it will be a blockbuster. Moses declared and prophesied that it would become a "memorial of blowing of trumpets" (Lev. 23:24,25) It seems that many faithful saints will suffer at the hands of the powers when they blow the trumpet of alarm on Yom Teruah, that awesome future Rosh Hashanah.  (Ezek.33) That epic coming feast day will see the faithful watchmen of Israel faithful to the call. And "they will not be silent". This 5th feast was instituted by Moses at Sinai approximately 3,500 years ago. It marks the first day of the Hebrew (civil) new year. 'Rosh Hashanah' means 'head of the year'. The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the three, yet to be fulfilled, Fall Feasts of Israel. These Autumn Feasts relate to Kingdom/political issues rather than the High Priestly/religious matters that we saw Messiah address in the spring feasts during His first coming 2,000 years ago. Back then we saw Him ride into Jerusalem on a donkey as the 'Suffering Servant'. But when Messiah returns this next time He will come as the Conquering King.  After Trumpets on Tishrei 1 comes the "Ten days of awe" which lead on to Yom Kippur on Tishrei 10 which is the  Day of Atonement. This is the most solemn day of the year. On this awesome Day of Reckoning all accounts between YHVH-God and all His covenant people are settled. The Jubilee Year is also announced on this same tenth day of Tishri. Trumpets are also blown during special times of national crisis. God's covenant people are summoned to gather themselves together in a solemn assembly before the God of Israel. Trumpets are sounded during battle in times of warfare. Trumpets also announce the approach and soon arrival of a king.
On a future Rosh Hoshanah, on the new moon of Tishrei, the shofars will begin to sound on a day like no other. The ultimate epic future Feast of Trumpets will burst onto the world stage and into holy history. This will be an awesome day of mixed celebration and alarm. YHVH-God's determined times for Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks will resume in earnest. All of God's covenant people from  both houses of Israel will be "called out", summoned to solemn assembly at YHVH-God's new and revamped 'ekklesia', His new 'congregation', 'synagogue', or 'church' of the  70th Week". The saints will be crying out to God and this will spark the climactic End-Time Revival that Joel saw, (Joel 2:28,29,30,31,32).We now have very  strong evidence that this future Rosh Hashanah will mark the terminus of the "Roadmap to Peace". This will be the day when Israel signs the seven year peace covenant written about in Daniel 9:27. Israel will agree to divide and sell the Holy Land and their national sovereignty for a pocketful of promises of "peace and safety".  Moses spoke of this final dalliance of Israel and predicted the ensuing Great Tribulation. Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, said that they would reject Him who came in His Father's Name and said that His covenant people would consort with a  false messiah, a man who came "in his own name" (John 5:43).  Seven momentous years will then bring in the end-time witness. Then comes the final awesome Day of Atonement. Trumpets of Jubilee will herald the opening of the Day of the Lord which opens on the very next day. Angels of wrath will pluck up the wicked as tares for the fires. (Mat.13:30) At some unknown time in those ensuing days before the Feast of Tabernacles comes into its fulfillment the last trumpet will sound and all of God's Elect, (singular), will be gathered. The climactic future Resurrection will see Messiah gather His Chosen from the nation of Israel and from among the heathen gentiles. All the saints, the quick and the dead, from every nation, race, and tribe, from both sides of Calvary will be there. And they will all enter the glory together. (Isa. 49:6 and 1Thes. 4:15, 16, 17).
In Conclusion
The Feasts and Holy Days of Israel and the Jewish people are a direct and clear picture of the Salvation God has promised the believers in the atoning Blood of His Sacrificial Lamb. If this is a direct and clear picture of the promise then the words the His Prophets have given us are also meant has clear and direct information to us for growth and knowledge. To understand the Scriptures you simply must read them with a perspective that they are truly relevant and great impact on your understanding. The signs in the heavens all make sense if you remove yourself from man’s understanding and accept that man’s understanding is very limited and leaves in a state of confusion and leads most people to give up trying, you just cannot mix oil and water and see clearly. There are only two points of view, God’s view and man’s view, I trust God to tell me the Truth.

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