Thursday, October 3, 2013

Babylon the Great is Alive

This particular subject matter has been a thorn in my side for 45 years because when I read “The Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey in 1970 I was enthralled and yet very agitated at the same time because the Revelation to John just remained beyond my comprehension at the time and I just did not understand most of what was being said. I couldn’t understand how a book in the Bible called the revealing of knowledge was so obtuse and opaque. I did understand that this knowledge and understanding of the end times would be thoroughly understood by those who have ears to hear in the times spoken of in this prophetic book. That time is now, the signs are being revealed all around us on a daily basis but those who will never see or hear and understand the truth will simply fall to the wayside and follow the common path of destruction. This particular study will only be enlightening to those who truly seek the knowledge of God the rest of those who read this will, as they always do, simply turn aside because it doesn’t match up with what they learned through the teachings of man his false doctrines. Again, I have wrestled with this new understanding of end times prophecies for the last year because I simply did not want it to be true. When I read it and truly saw and understood the words that were spoken in the scriptures about these end times by all the prophets my understanding went through the roof and pieces of this puzzle that have plagued me for years began to fall into place and the real picture began to reveal itself. It is not a pleasant picture for America and America is the only nation on earth that fulfills all these prophecies. It is a very sad picture of self-destruction that clothed in modern reasoning where emotions rule the hearts of men and not the Word of God. This is no longer the nation we fool ourselves into believing is a nation guided by God for our leaders have cursed God publicly and didn’t even know they had done it.

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