Tuesday, August 19, 2014

This world is made up of mortal humans who get to experience this world in flesh and blood bodies and a sometimes overwhelming array of emotions but I believe we are essentially spiritual beings at our core. We are spiritual beings experiencing a time sensitive limited lifetime in a 
3-dimensional plain and we return to our natural spiritual state. We are not simply mortal humans meant only to live and die and disappear from the roles of times. We are so much more than we know. 

I see people very willing to accept the fact that ghosts and evil spirits and good spirits exist around us at all times, yet they will not take the next logical step and ask why would you not ask about the nature of these spirits, where are they? what plain of existence do they occupy? Are there multiple plains of existence? Can they travel through them? Why are there good spirits and evil spirits? Why do we say some spirits are those of dead loved ones and yet we also acknowledge the dark spirits that were never human, where did they come from? Why do so many of these dark spirits want to lead easily influenced people to kill others and commit murderous acts, to destroy loving families, to put fear into the hearts and minds of people? What possible benefit could come to them from destroying individuals and families? Why has the Catholic church taken extraordinary steps to build a force of exorcists in the past few years? 

Willing to accept the existence of spirits and willing to see that some of these spirits are demonstratively dark in their nature would naturally drive the critical thinker to try and understand this phenomenon. Trying to see and understand the bigger spiritual picture would naturally drive one to find a source of information on the subject, a source that approached the question from a spiritual perspective that actually does explain so much about the spiritual realm but unfortunately so many people have hardened themselves against even searching for answers because asking questions may lead one to finding answers that they simply will not accept because it points to something more, something bigger than themselves and more complex than they can or want to try and understand. Living life with blinders on is great comfort for some people but it is just never accepting the strangeness of reality.

In the point above lies one of the great dividing lines between humans. One side is complacent and have convinced themselves to be happy with the short life they have in hand and that facing the requirements of a basic life is enough but pursuit of the deeper and more mysterious aspects of our existence will only add more levels of awareness and more is not better because life has become so overwhelming in its confusion and meeting the daily requirements to just live a simple life. Why add more to your plate when you can barely manage to cope with what is before you?, besides it will make your head hurt to think too much. 

Then there is the other side that continues to search because they simply know in their hearts that this existence cannot be the only fare offered at the banquet table because we have seen and experienced things that cannot be explained by any current scientific knowledge. We have an unquenchable desire to seek the answers that must be there, but where?

What if everything were true and your spirit is capable of an immortal existence and this existence was in a different realm or dimension, rather like a fish living it entire existence in the ocean never knowing there was a completely different world just above their heads. This is truly a extraordinary set of questions to seek answers for but what if it were all true? That in order to see this other world one had only to believe it was truly there. Acknowledge the mysterious world and more mysterious universe and ask your questions and if you listen quietly you may hear some surprising answers. Hearing the answers will lift you above the fog of this life and piece by piece the bigger picture begins to clarify and understanding removes the confusion and the fear. All things are simple in their essence and all things in their essence are simple.      

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Our Common History

Past civilizations have produced a wealth of intriguing stories and myths with elaborate backgrounds and details that can could only be imagined by the human mind on a wonderful trek of story telling, I should know I tell stories and these stories can feed off the themselves and can lead one into great imaginary fields with descriptive detail and elaborate interwoven tales within tails and connective tendrils combining to make a full and illustrative story worthy of repeating for their entertaining and audience capturing value.

Some of these stories start with a small kernel of truth past on in true story teller fashion which at some point begin to be elaborated upon to make a better story while sitting around a campfire but the point remains that some kernel of truth is at its core. After reviewing these myths and campfire stories from around the world we find they can be distilled down to a common kernel and point, its amazing just how many of these stories all begin with the first man and woman, the paradise in which they lived, the first language given to the first people, the first time they angered the gods or God, the first disciplinary actions of the gods or God, and finally the stories are basically the same when describing the first universal flood and the causes for why it came about, an act of the gods or God to clean the earth after it had been polluted and fouled by undisciplined children of the gods or God, for disobedience and condoning what the gods or God had condemned. 

How is it possible that peoples from around the world at a time when there was no interaction between civilizations, we are told, could hold the same stories if there wasn't any shared history, it really is not much of any probability for such a thing. In a mathematical equation considering all the variables that must be included the possibilities for such a common historical event to occur in all ancient civilizations at roughly the same time without communication is beyond reasoned thought.

All ancient civilization describe one "sky god", "descended from the stars", "giver of knowledge" etc.....This one and first descending figure is usually described as larger than humans, elaborate dress and accouterments, ability to fly around the globe, in procession of knowledge beyond mans understanding, ability to transform from one visible form into another form, a great architect and builder and on and on. There was one ancient king who was such a transformative figure in history and he lived in the same time period when these stories and myths began to be repeated around campfires. His name in the Bible is Nimrod, the product of interaction between humans and the fallen ones,  the first king of the world when all spoke a common language and lived under his rule.

This same first king was a great architect and builder and had the people begin building a tower that would reach into the heavens above. No one knows what this tower would have been capable of when finished but I propose it was simply the visible representation of mans arrogance being fueled by an outside agitator, another "Surely you will not die if you eat the apple" moment. This tower, spliced with the acceptance of a hybrid race created by the commingling of the fallen with human women and the further creation of children that no longer carry purely human DNA,  was the beginning of the end of what God had originally created and so to slow down this process the common language was confounded 70 separate languages took its place. No common language, no common instruction, no common agreement, no understanding, no longer a common goal. Leaving only common confusion a new focus for the people and that I contend was simple survival with those who could communication with one another in one of the 70 languages. They peoples depart and find their own niche in the world and establish the first set of individual kingdoms throughout the world and with them went the memories and knowledge of what they had learned when they were all of a common cause, purpose and language. Adaptation to their new surroundings and the passage of time helped twist some of their myths and campfire stories to reflect this new paradigm but yet there remained that kernel of original truth and that is why we have ancient civilizations sharing a common beginning.
This history of the world has been recorded by a small group of tribes who were not powerful, wealthy or who even desired world conquest but rather an extended family of shepherds who tried to follow the guidance of their one true God who had proven to them His existence personally and with power beyond any image of any other idol or current gods being worshiped by all others. These others held onto the small gods of their past and never learning the lesson provided to them by the great day their common language was defused into multiple languages and their society was dispersed throughout the world.

The ability of all people to read this story in the original Aramaic and Greek is just another sign that in the end days knowledge of the Word will be greatly increased and disseminated throughout the whole world. The story is simple and to the point and covers every angle that is now being pushed upon us by those who refuse to even entertain the possibility that the Bible is the truth but they still must find a way to conjecture a way to points that could be possibilities but not real probabilities by reaching and twisting and convolution of pure critical thought with the science fiction of "What If??????"

What if the moon was really hollow and contained million year old advanced civilization of white mice building exploratory galaxy spaceships? This is the kind of thinking we get from all these TV shows purporting to explore the origins of man, pretty ludicrous in my opinion. Just turn and around look to what has always been with us and with true critical though review what has been to see what will be.   

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Occam's Dissection

Last time I talked about a book of history that through archaeological evidence and written records from around the ancient world in the form cuneiform tablets, pictographs, verbal histories as told by the elders is continually being proven closer to the truth than all the conjectures and hypothesis being offered by modern science and people thinking outside the box of modernity. Side by side comparisons of these stories and histories illuminated us in the light of a common ancestral background from which these stories and histories originally arose. Now take the wonderful stories and conjecture verbiage of shows, such as "Ancient Aliens" and simply compare the oft used terms "ancient aliens" or "extraterrestrial beings" with the more recognizable terms we have heard for thousands of years such as, "the fallen ones", "giants", "mighty men" and the gods and demigods of ancient civilizations sometimes described a benevolent or malevolent race of beings capable mastering sciences beyond the knowledge of the local peoples. 
I say they are all describing the same intra-dimensional beings world wide and strangely enough they all seem to have their recorded beginnings around the same time frame, 4000-3300 B.C. although not always accepted because of the way ancient peoples counted time but if you delve into their counting methods you will find that they counted blocks of time reaching a similar result still referring to the same period. Now go back to the original book of history in our possession and review the story of the first world government and its first king. This king was described as having attributes beyond all other men and that he was the product of a union between human and something above human, or more precisely something of an extraterrestrial nature thereby producing a king with demigod abilities, a mighty man and giant in his days. During his reign the peoples of the world made great advancements in building techniques, medicine, agriculture, instruments of war and this advancement has been shown continually in secular history as having begun around the same time world-wide. 
The one common advancement I have found most intriguing is the ability to build massive temples out of massive stone, something we today cannot duplicate because it this forgotten knowledge. The massive works in the interlocking stone work of Puma Punka in South America, precisely fitted stone work of Sacsayhuaman in South America, Trilionth of Baalbek in Lebanon (unbelievably large), or the recently discovered giant city of Ur in southern Iraq with massive stone works, this is the city in which Abraham was born and raised and the time period of the discovery is Abraham's time period. The point is that all these great and massive stone works appeared around the world at the same time, a product of the first world leaders projects instilling in the local people of projection of his power and ability above normal humans and leaving the peoples of the world in awe. History has also shown that this ancient civilization worked copper and gold  mines throughout the world, again on a massive scale and shipped the ore back to cradle of civilization (reference the copper mines of Minnesota and gold mines of South Africa).
Again, I go back to the original story of man in our ancient book of history and find that there were a group of beings who rebelled and their efforts were thrown down but they soon show up on the stage of history as the so called benefactors of this world. This small group of extraterrestrials had powers, knowledge and abilities beyond man which when presented to ancient man would have immediately placed these new beings on a pedestal, something to be worshiped and obeyed. Now some form of extraterrestrial ego afflicts these new comers and sharing their knowledge and displaying their powers cements their high place among the ancient peoples. Move forward again and find these beings taking human wives and producing offspring with some of the same abilities and they taught them their same knowledge, we now have demigods inheriting the control of the ancient world. The human species were being corrupted for years and generations to the point to that the true human genome is no longer common in the species but rather display a hybrid genome and few totally human people still exist, time to clean the plate and save what remains of the original species. 
The stories you hear now are simply replacement histories, through clever conjecture and hypothesis that is more palatable to scientific circles who never want to open much less read and understand the real history of the world and man. It is somehow beneath them to read and try to understand what ancient tribes of the ancient world had to say.
I have found that when I trust in first impressions the right of a matter can be easily found out. We have always had the truth before us but over time we have allowed ourselves to be misdirected and mislead by mind of man alone.
Occam's razor states that among competing hypothesis the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct but in the absence of certainty the fewer assumptions that are made the better. 
The truth is always simple when found out.   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Multi-Dimensional Thought

Last time I wanted to introduce the possibility that multiple dimensions do indeed exist and always have existed and it is just recently that our science based society has begun to understand, through physics that these other dimensions are really quite possible and most probable. The idea that television shows recently have begun to incorporate these possibilities into their story lines and scripts like Ghost Hunters, Hauntings,  Dead Files, etc. and in another aspect
Marvel Movies like Thor where many beings exist in other dimensions and can travel to our dimension by use of the knowledge of physics and the creation of tools and equipment to create the path. Now that this is being introduced into the common thought as entertainment it is opening many other doors of investigation by individuals into the reality of entities who can manifest themselves here from there like spirits, ghosts, demons, benevolent beings and most commonly found malevolent beings. So if people are receptive to the idea that these other dimensions exist and they contain other entities why is it so hard to see and understand that the stories passed down to us from our ancestors are not myth and fantasy but rather relate a truth that they understand and tried to relay to us in the only ways the could. The Native Americans, Aborigines, South American Natives, the Dogon Tribe in Africa, the ancient Hindus, the ancient Chinese, the ancient Greeks, the Babylonians, the ancient Sumerians and on and on have all told stories of beings coming down from the stars to pass on information, sometimes in a benevolent fashion and sometimes, like the ancient Sumerians, stories of man as slaves to these beings. The current fashion is to ascribe these visitations to ancient astronauts because that is the easy explanation and one that can be continually built upon even though it does not explain all the ancient stories, although they do try to bend, forge, manipulate and twist those stories into an amalgam which can be thought to make a semblance of possibility. There is an ancient source that can explain it all and does so in a pretty straight forward fashion but it is frowned upon because its basis is a very old history of man. It is the one history book in our world not written by the winners or losers but written by one small group of people who were guided in the writings by an extraterrestrial intelligence. It is a book of history about a small group of wanderers and it is surprising in its open display of their victories and more so open when relating their loses and mistakes. It is the only history book, as seen from a secular point of view, that is written that openly calls the people who wrote it fools, foolish, stupid, unaware, lacking in knowledge so much so that it is absolutely unbelievable when compared to all the other books throughout history that have been written by the victors. How often to find a history of Rome written by Romans that claim they are anything but a great gift to the world, that they were always right, that any mistakes that were made (like the Teutoburg Forrest) were the fault of individuals but not the Empire.  How many history books, written by those whom the history is about, have you read where everything is explained in detail warts and all, please let me know when you find it. Now on top of all that the one ancient book I am describing includes things that couldn't possibly be written from a perspective in the current timeline, they had to be written and sourced from a point outside of the current timeline proving itself extraordinary. How many books have been written of things that will happen hundreds of thousands of days, hours and minutes into the future and be proven down the day, hour and minute, I don't think there are any.  This book explains why the world is the way it is and what is behind this current state, what is soon to come about and again why it is coming about and story behind the story, wouldn't you want to read this book that can easily be proven true. The book is everywhere and readily available but people are laughed at it if they read it and scorned if they begin to believe its truth, this is the ultimate outside the box readings and acquisition of knowledge. Sometimes the answers are laying at your feet and you walk over them because its the current fashion. Think outside the box and search for the truth where it can be found, don't believe the conventional wisdom of the day because it is continually proved to be wrong.         

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Accept the Unbelievable

I have been relegated to watching the world go by as of late and the picture before me is one of confusion, fear, apathy, terrible leadership using terrible lies and a small group of world leaders leading the world into a ditch of war and hate, death and destruction surrounded by darkness. Just the kind of story line and  place you expect to find in a Marvel Comic Book. That is one of the explanatory pictures I paint for friends when trying to reveal to them the world in which we all live. Sometimes it is very hard to explain to people the why, who, when, where, and how our world became the morass it is today and it simpler to make the point that one must suspend their disbelief and simply follow the story line, a story line that could almost be said to have escaped from a Marvel Comic Book series into our reality.  I hear people say "this is unbelievable", "this makes no sense", "what in the world are they thinking", "this is getting scary", " are they nuts", these are things you say when you don't understand what is going on and these are feelings and emotions that take precedence just before a total rejection and withdrawal from the reality surrounding you. No one wants to face a world where everything is upside down and where answers cannot be found, only more questions. This is when we begin to withdraw into our world of a 10 foot circumference, a world where anything that happens outside that 10 foot circle no longer matters to us, we just want to be left alone to live our lives without all the major clutter and fear that we are inundated with everyday if we delve into the news of the hour. People have disconnected themselves willingly from the wider world around them in order to maintain and cope with the world near to them, to help make life the wondrous thing it use to be. This is a homegrown and self inflicted schizophrenia but still a verifiable clinical schizophrenia. Why? People just don't know where to go for answers and when they do find out where answers can be found they just don't want to believe it. I hear the phrase "We will let science guide us", or " It is fixed science", the only semi-fixed science is mathematics and even math has doors and keys to those doors which are found with some regularity so it isn't fixed at all. The problem with science is that no matter what scientists may say today they almost always say something completely different tomorrow or they just don't say anything at all. Rather like the recent claim the 2011 was the hottest year on record but a year later climate scientists simply put the 2011 summer back to it original place in the list of hottest years, many, many places below the number one spot but you never heard mention of it. Rather like the claim that Hobbit people once inhabited the earth eons ago but as it turns out the skull was found to be 15,000 years old and that it was a small person with down syndrome, you haven't heard that. The point is that no matter how much faith you put into science it is never verified until it can be repeated, through experimentation repeatedly in a controlled laboratory or scientific clean house setting, any other scientific claims are generally theory and theory is conjecture until verified. I hear people say that evolution is fixed science but that is nonsensical because it is still a theory and no hard evidence or verifiable proof has ever been brought to the table and what has been brought to the table has always been shot down easily. Science does have wonderful and insightful answers for us to consider in all arenas but it has no answers for things beyond the physical. So if you think our world is made up of nothing but the physical propertied things we can see, touch, taste , hear, smell then you have a very narrow vision of the world around you and you need to expand your horizon to include what lies beneath and beyond. There are more things in this universe than man will ever know and one of them is the existence of other dimension which science contends is possible and quite probable, I contend they are quite real and within them answers to questions we don't even know to ask.