Friday, May 29, 2015

American's Loves Pornography because we ignorantly encourage our children to take part

I wrote a piece about 4-5 years ago about the toxic preponderance of the expanding pornography industry here in America and the ease with which anyone can gain access to such terrible material.  When I wrote that piece I had only in mind adult men sitting in their parents basements and pursuing a sick desire to gaze upon physical sin.  This lone adult male behavior alone was abhorrent enough but I recently decided to investigate again the growth of this despicable industry, although I found the experience of this new investigation revolting it also had some very negative affects on me both physically and mentally.  I found myself actually in physical pain when I found that an explosive growth in true child pornography had occurred in recent years and that a majority of this pornography was provided by the children themselves.  My tears fell with the realization that today's adolescents do not even understand the perversity of their willingness to upload naked selfie pictures into the world wide web (spider's web).  The idea that these children apparently have no concept of right or wrong in regards to what is pornographic and what is not is mind boggling to me. This apathy is something that is taught by the constant onslaught of hearing there is no sin, there is no right and wrong, there are no absolutes, there is but one law and that is now Aleister Crowley's satanic mantra of "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law". 

Words cannot express how sad it is for me to see that our country's youth now consider this dark satanically evolved and virulent mind bending derivative as a basis for a new and acceptable progressive modern morality without understanding the consequences and corollary effects this brings into a lawful society.  The acceptance of pornography in our American society has produced an evil and very dark industry that prays on the souls of all those who find themselves within the grasp of such a foul commerce. I have found it utterly amazing that I find very little written on this subject much less anything solid moving forward through our courts to put a stop to it all.  Pornography falls under "free speech" here in the United States and is therefore deemed sacrosanct and seen by the courts as a man-made "divine" and "hallowed" tenant of the 1st Amendment. That is why it will never be stopped promptly and it will be allowed to spread and prosper by which time the damage to society will have been discovered and promoted by politicians as a new revelatory science that has discovered and is finally seeing the deleterious effects of allowing our children to participate in this wicked promotion of plain evil masquerading as "Free Speech". 

I suppose the biggest shock I received from my little investigation was the information I received from prepubescent adolescents when I asked what they thought of all the pornography their are surrounded with daily, they looked at me quizzically and the then the light went off, and they said it was everywhere every day. Now I didn't quite understand what they had related until one of the kids held up a phone and said it's all in here all the time. A phone is a phone to me and the few times I used it to access the internet's world wide web I found it much harder than just using my computer at home so I stopped using my phone in this fashion, the kids did not stop using their phones in this fashion. The light came on!  The children have become desensitized to what is truly evil and what is truly good.  They do not recognize the dark and evil path their parents have allowed them to travel and that is because their parents no longer recognize what is evil and what is good.  If one can no longer distinguish between what is evil and what is good as a secular citizen than surely one has no capability of pointing out   a potential trap to help one child bypass the pitfalls that surround us.  It is no wonder that I continue to hear that nothing makes sense any longer and what does it all mean?  Really? I have to explain how this works?  I live in a country that is lost in translation and apparently no longer able to hold the capacity for reasoned thought and conclusive objective understanding.  Dennis Prager put it best, "Those who do not see or understand evil fight those who do."  The world and the United States continues the fight to remove God from our world and our American lives.  Yes, the road map to a completely secular world without God is a road map Americans seem to be happily using daily as we travel this road and we are trusting in some faceless someone to lead us to the glorious Utopia of progressive leftist dreams a dream where "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law".
I just want to expand upon one other point here and that is of sin, a terrible sin the entire country will be held liable for before a heavenly court.  What is that sin? The sin of stealing or theft.  Yes, the 8th Commandment.  What and how is this Commandment primary to my assessment? I believe the eighth commandment is the only commandment that is truly open ended and covers all the commandments when one understands the true nature of theft or stealing.  Most believe that this commandment is about the theft of physical property but it is not it is about everything that can be stolen, confiscated, destroyed, misused etc.. 
What can be stolen?  Let me make a small list to get you on the right train of thought here;

Murder is stealing ones life

Adultery is stealing a person's spouse

Coveting is the desire to steal what rightfully belongs to another

Giving false testimony is stealing justice

Stealing a person's reputation through false testimony, libel, slander or gossip is a horrible sin because rarely is it fully restored

Stealing a person's precious dignity by humiliation is abhorrent

Stealing a person's trust through deception, so it is just telling a simple lie

Stealing a person's intellectual property, like downloading music without purchase or stealing another's words such plagiarism. This particular theft is currently rampant and seen as OK.

Stealing a child's youth and innocence is probably the absolute worst case of theft and one that actually physically hurts my heart and I mean it truly physically hurts.

Why don't I hear Christians shouting everyday about this extremely abhorrent practice? Why do most Americans claim to be good people when this is evil is fully supported by the government and courts we put in place above us to guide us and protect us. To condone what God has condemned, even through ignorance, is no excuse even before a secular court much less before the throne of God. To keep silent is to condone and therefore a sin of horrific theft on every American citizen be they aware or not. 

God has said through His Prophet Hosea 4:6-7:

6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." 
7 "The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against Me; I will change their glory into shame.…"

What knowledge is lacking? It is the simple and basic understanding of the Ten Commandments and what does it mean to steal.  Elemental comprehension and awareness of God's simple truth of theft and what it truly means is something you would think anyone who has any knowledge of the Ten Commandments would understand.  How sad that we have come so far in our journey away from God and His moral code and it has resulted in this blindness to the destruction of our own children. 

Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! Seek the Light, Find the Light and Strive to remain in the Light! Only through knowledge of God's Word is this attainable.

Free speech is the pillar that supports and defends this attack on our children. If Free Speech is the tool used in America to continue the destruction of innocent children then Free Speech needs to be overhauled! Destructive behavior is supported by destructive policy.

If you saw someone beating a child on the side of the road wouldn't you try to put a stop to it immediately or would you just think someone else will come along and put a stop to it or even worse you decide to defer to the law and the courts and say it is that evil man's right, by way of free speech, to hurt that child and continue to hurt that child unto death so you drive on by. If that child dies because of the beating they received who would be held responsible? The one doing the beating of coarse but those who facilitated and supported the evil behavior on the basis of free speech are also primary in their guilt.
As a country we are guilty, as individual voters we are responsible because we voted for and supported candidates that have fully supported this evil for years and even with the dark consequences laid out before them they refuse to see evil for what it truly is.  

Those who see evil and fight evil are opposed by fools who do not see evil and will fight to protect those who do evil. Is this completely upside down or what? 

Evil just doesn't recognize itself in the mirror but God does.     

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This Will Make Americans Think, I Hope!

When you vote for an incumbent you are perpetuating our government as it is now.    Nothing will change. 
3 short sentences, you may find interesting.
  These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:
   1.)   We are advised NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
  ....  Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering.
   2.)   Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.
       How come we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money?  
        What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.
       Think about it..... Last but not least:
   3.)   Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping payments to illegal aliens such as monthly payments for each child, money for housing, Food Stamps, free education including college and also the right to vote?
  Am I the only one missing something?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Behold the Hand Behold the Nail

I just made this as a going away gift for my neighbors and it turned out quite well considering I had no idea what I was doing in the process required to put this together, all I had was a picture in my head to begin. In my normal fashion I began adding and changing things about this particular little sculpture but it never look quite right until I prayed about it when I got the message that simple and bold is exactly what the message to mankind was so just keep the simple message in picture form and let it do it's own work on behalf of the Gospel.
In the end I still felt it necessary to ad something that would personalize the new conversation piece so the chains at the base represent the family, the black iron chain is the family's Father and the gold and silver chains are interwoven within the links of the iron chain represent the wife and child forever linked to each other and all 3 of their lives are based on and lived for the "Message of the Cross".

The resin molded hand is mounted on an beautiful agate plate of blue and white and the nail is very real and was made in a 2000 year old blacksmith shop in Turkey that actually did make iron hardware, including iron crucifixion nails for the Roman army during the time of Christ. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What is Apostasy in the Modern World?

I have heard numerous times from those who no longer attend any form of church because what they hear from the pulpit just doesn't ring true within their hearts or they just don't see any immediate benefit by continual attendance. I can understand those who turn away because the Word never really penetrated the layers secular thought being taught daily. When the Word doesn't fully take hold of an individual it is generally because the seed of the Word has fallen on desert sands or poisoned earth, a product of the individual mind set and the pollution one has absorbed throughout their lives. This is a very sad state and indicative of one continues to go through live in a small row boat with no oars and simply drift where the current current takes them and that destination is usually the rocks, again very sad when we as Christians know that not only are oars available to those who ask but outboard motors are ready to be installed on your little lifeboat once you understand that the knowledge of God and the love of Jesus are starting place for all real wisdom. People need to understand that this falling away or great apostasy is spoken of and prophesied to occur during these end days. This falling away is another sigh that all things are converging on a single point in time when all will be revealed.  Be encouraged by these signs and know that those who hold fast run the race to completion will see the throne of God. 

I want to simply point out to those who say "I used to be Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, etc. etc." or "I used to attend church but just don't go any longer because...well I just didn't see the point any more in light of the discovers made in modern times." This is a falling away, a falling away for any reason is still an apostasy, so any testing of ones faith during this period is truly the refining of the gold ore gathered. When the apostasy is complete we who are still standing in the faith will be the nuggets gathered to present before God. Life is a refinery with the individual being in control of the gathering to themselves the gold dust and small nuggets of the Truth found during ones search for the face of God. Pretty simple really, you get to build that temple within yourself with the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit if you will but accept the hand that reaches down to help lift you from the natural morass found on this earth.

Apostasy in Christianity refers to the rejection of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian. The term apostasy comes from the Greek word apostasia ("ἀποστασία") meaning defection, departure, revolt or rebellion. It has been described as "a willful falling away from, or rebellion against, Christianity. Apostasy is the rejection of Christ by one who has been a Christian.

Luke 8:11–13 – Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away.

1 Timothy 4:1 – But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. 
Hebrews 3:12–14 – Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.

When people say that they no longer attend any sort of church services but convince themselves they are still spiritual is like saying " I no longer display the American flag on the 4th of July because I just don't feel it but I still recognize the date on the calendar"  and I'm sure all of those around your neighborhood still recognize you as a flag waving patriot even though you no longer wave a flag on that special day. People are not good recognizing that which they cannot see, help them to see.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why are Christian Churches Losing Members?

I have been compelled as of late to speak openly about the current falling away from the faith of Christ in so many Christian denominations around the country. Southern Baptists and United Methodists seem to be losing fewer members than other protestant churches at a 4% decline over the last 5 years but the Catholic Church and other Mega Churches are experiencing a drop off of attendance by up to 16% over that same time period. The increase in loss in these churches is something you will hear involves many variables but I suggest that when a preacher, pastor or priest give sermons that do not reflect what the reality of the day truly is parishioners see the disconnect and ask themselves why are they preaching all this feel good stuff when the world is clearly on the edge of another World War, this one being religious in nature and world wide in scope. The time is now to teach the unblemished truth about the world around us and the signs of the times as can clearly be discerned by any novice Biblical searcher. 

Tickling the ears of parishioners with feel good preaching is just leaving a hole where the heart knows only one message and one man can fill the void and so people leave the churches because they are not receiving the meat of the banquet table but rather sugary crumbs that have no individual value to a soul trying to grow in the knowledge and teachings of God. We have reached a point in the heavenly timeline, established by God long ago, where the signs in the heavens (starts), the moon and sun are to be closely watched and recognized for the harbingers they are for the second coming of Messiah. Jesus said that no man will know the day of His return but he alerted us to the fact that we can know the Season if we but search the Word for hear the voice of truth. I believe that the time is very close to the final chapter and we need to increase our efforts to help people see that it is paramount for each individual to reassess their real relationship with Jesus Christ the Savior for it is only by the sacrificed innocent blood of Christ on the cross and the Grace of God that can save us. 

In the next few months and possibly years to come everyone will make that final decision. It is up to each individual as to whether or not their decision is well informed, through diligent searching of the scripture (as we are instructed to do) and praying or is it to be a decision that is based on the traditions of man, the knowledge of man and the teachings of man claiming to speak for God. I know that God speaks for Himself through the Bible and He leaves little room for conjecture, He speaks quite plainly and in terms that one cannot misconstrue; As you can see below there seems to be no other interpretation available if one reads the words of Christ 

JOHN 14:6

World English Bible

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.

Young's Literal Translation

Jesus saith to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me;

New International Version

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 

New Living Translation 

Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

English Standard Version
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

 New American Standard Bible

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Holman Christian Standard Bible

Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

International Standard Version
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

NET Bible
Jesus replied, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English

Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

GOD'S WORD® Translation

Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me.

Jubilee Bible 2000

Jesus said unto him, I AM the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me.

King James 2000 Bible

Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.
American King James Version

Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.

American Standard Version

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Douay-Rheims Bible

Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.

Darby Bible Translation
Jesus says to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father unless by me.

English Revised Version

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Webster's Bible Translation

Jesus saith to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me.

Weymouth New Testament

"I am the Way," replied Jesus, "and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

World English Bible

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.

Young's Literal Translation

Jesus saith to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me;

New International Version

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 

New Living Translation 

Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. 

English Standard Version

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

New American Standard Bible

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

None of this is really very hard to understand if you read the Bible for yourself and don't rely on other telling you what you just read. It always reminds me of how the talking heads on CNN will tell you what the President just said in a speech to the nation, really, I just heard it for myself and now people on TV are telling me what I just heard because I am too stupid to understand plain English or because the spin needs to be added to keep you thinking correctly and maintain that directional process by which you are guided both consciously and unconsciously toward an outcome acceptable to the ruling parties. Churches seem to do the same thing when they tell you this is required or that is required when in fact all you have to do is remember what occured between Jesus and the thief while hanging the cross.

Luke 23:43 “Today you will be with me in paradise”

Why would the thief be with Jesus this day in paradise
unless all the thief had to do was to believe that Jesus was who said He was, no other requirement. That doesn't mean that good works will not follow your conversion, that is simply the natural outcome of taking Jesus's heart as your own but that is not one of the many requirements I have seen and heard of over the years from various Christian churches and I have been to many. Only your belief will save you.

Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Once someone understands that the Old Testament is the story of the New Testament somewhat hidden (for a good reason I might add) and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed one cannot but understand that Jesus simply put an end to all blood sacrifices, the sacrifices that would cleanse the people of their sin for 1 year, but His one time sacrifice was for past, present and future sins of mankind. There is the entire story of the Bible, God knew man could never overcome his sinful carnal nature because mankind inherited this sinful nature by blood from Adam and Eve and so man would never be able to reattain the position in the Garden of Eden we were meant for. God chose to become a man of flesh and blood and actually allow himself to be sacrificed as that once and for all innocent blood sacrifice that covers a believer with the Holy blood of Jesus, a new covering that hides the sins of man and reveals only that new covering cloak that has been washed in the blood of Christ. God loves His creation and wants to see it restored and He was willing to suffer all the pain and anguish required to spill His blood upon the Earth covering everyone. Now they just need to understand and accept this wondrous and loving gift for there is no other means to stand before God without His own blood covering your sins and sinful nature. How big a gift is that????

All people are coming to a crossroads where they get to chose where they will spend eternity.

I love God and praise Him everyday for all He has bestowed upon me but at the top of any list of the great and magnificent things He has done for me as an individual is the greatest gift of all, He loved me and you so much that He could only bring us into His presence to be with Him face to face as Abraham did by becoming the only innocent blood sacrifice that would accomplish His ends. His blood wasn't tainted by the inherited sinful blood of man and that His blood sacrifice and suffering was done to save each and every man, woman and child on this Earth, even they don't know it. The Gospel has gone out to the world and when the world hears the Gospel and either accepts it and denies it will mark the completion and the end date, 
so said Jesus;  Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." 

Pretty dramatic statement. Do you think the world has had a chance to hear the Gospel with all the means modern technology has available to us?, I believe that day is right around the corner. 

"then shall the end come."  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

September 2015 A Pivotal Time

Every day I am being inundated with the notion that September 2015 is going to be a very important and pivotal time period for all mankind but it will be especially important for Christians who know and observe the 7 Feasts of God.

The 7th shmittah year of the 7th shmittah cycle (almost 2 thousand years) will end 13 September 2015, according to the dating methods I have been using, and this alone will portend the dramatic failure of our economic system here in America or it could be the start of a compounding failure in the world economic system. I could even be a year off but with the Blood Moons falling on the God's Holy Feast Days I doubt that this conclusion is wrong.

The shmittah is just the beginning. Between now (May 12, 2015) and September I expect to see many more large earthquakes around the world, maybe more tsunami's, large drought stricken areas in the US and abroad which will lead to massive fires and this in turn will lead to much higher food costs and thus beginning a worldwide famine where food stuffs will have to be rationed. The wars will escalate, the unrest here at home will increase and cities across the land will find themselves fighting to keep order. 

Over the next few years I do expect an increase in meteor activity and an increase in the size of the meteors falling to the earth and actually exploding upon arrival, volcanic activity will increase dramatically over the next couple of years where we have a least 20 volcano's spitting fire, smoke and lava on a consistent basis. I know the Catholic astronomers at their Binocular telescope in Arizona (atop a cursed mountain top, as per Apache Indian Lore) which they have called Lucifer (what kind of name is that to give an instrument used by the biggest so called God fearing church in the world, makes you wonder) have said that they are tracking something headed this way, what is headed this way? 

New discoveries in the fields of paleoarchaeology, paleoanthropology and perhaps even microbiology will indeed assault the Christians and our basic beliefs but don't allow your mind to be addled with secular points of persuasion because they may look good on the surface but under pinning it all will be a lie. This may be one of the factors contributing to the great apostasy to come shortly. 

Born Again Bible believing Christians will become the central figures in a campaign to find the fault plaguing the world and it will be determined that Christians are so hard headed and stiff necked about God's Word that it will be told that these Christians are the ones keeping the world from peace and therefore they must be isolated, despised, undermined and their beliefs must be disposed of it the world is to advance to it man made Utopia on earth.

Hillary Clinton has already come out publicly and declared that Christians who think abortion is a sin and against the laws of God are wrong minded and need to adjust their thinking to accommodate abortion for all women and she will of course say that the taxpayer dollars will pay for it. She says she is a Christian but how is that possible, it is not, she is a liar, no one who obeys God's Commandment would ever say God is wrong about killing innocents and that she knows better and she says it's OK. To condone that which God has condemned is to condemn oneself.

Everything that we see today that shocks us, like Hillary's comments on abortion, the racism of the left and the attacks on Christians and our beliefs will only continue to expand and increase with great rapidity over the coming year. 

The Rapture could be this September but I never assume anything in God's plan but be assured that the "come up here" will be soon. For the sake of your soul look up and ask God, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What is my purpose in this life?" and you may be surprised when the quite little voice whispers that you are a creation of God and you are here to grow in knowledge and learn the ways of God, and finally that the purpose of your life is to save that life the only way you can, thru Christ Jesus.

Time is running out and you have to make a stand if you believe God and Believe in His Son Jesus you'll want others to become aware and save themselves. God's love will sustain you and give you the power to bring the Word to those who just don't know.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Great Shaking on the horizon

I wanted to pass on a recent understanding I received about Revelation 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

The "come out of her" simply means to leave the system of false teaching in the dominate Christian churches. The current system teaches that Sunday is the new acceptable Sabbath and that the Feasts of the Lord are of no use to Christians although they tell the story of redemption thru Christ in seven established Feasts, these Feasts are called the Feasts of GOD not of Hebrews, Jews, Gentiles or anyone else, they were established by GOD to teach man of GOD's plan of Salvation. There are many churches today wrestling whether or not to accept abortion, gay marriage and multitude of other issues which the Scripture clearly state are wrong. Unfortunately, silly churches and individuals calling themselves Born Again Christians are quite willing to stand up for their shallow feelings and condone that which GOD has condemned. 

A Christian with the Holy Spirit guiding them will eventually see the folly of their church and begin an honest investigation of what Jesus and the Apostles taught their Disciples. It just amazes me how many do not seek GOD's face but count on another to guide them by the hand to the Glory of GOD's Salvation. It doesn't work that way! Seek yourself the Truth of GOD's Word. If you only have a small amount of faith and belief in Jesus the Holy Spirit is there to take you by the hand and guide you into the Knowledge of GOD, by the way the knowledge that GOD speaks of is pretty important and has GOD said in Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." I don't want GOD to forget me because I forgot HIM and the Commandments.

Don't you want to know what knowledge that is? What laws were forgotten? Misunderstanding one law can condemn you, how sad not to at least search out the Truth from GOD's own Word. This is not rocket science people it just takes a truthful and heartfelt desire to understand GOD's plan which is ultimately for you as a gift, to help guide you into a wonderful and fruitful life as a disciple of Christ, understanding that which Jesus taught and acting upon that which Jesus taught and understanding why. Simple illustration, if you buy a fancy bread maker and bring it home expecting great bread but neglect to read the instructions you will not get great bread anytime soon but what you will have is conversation piece. I see people all the time who have done this same thing with a Bible, if you don't read the instructions yourself you will never understand how it all works. 

GOD's plan of redemption is a custom made plan for any individual believer. 

There is a great shaking coming soon and that shaking involves the believers who found themselves to be non fruit bearing trees in non fruit bearing churches. These people will break away from those churches and seek a Church that follows GOD's law and right now I see only one Church that obeys the Commandments of GOD. Seek it out and it will be revealed to you.

Come Soon Lord        

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

September 2015-2016

How many Christians know what September 2015 will bring or for that matter September 2016. If you seek the Lord then you will get off your butts and seek the Truth that GOD has given you within the Scriptures. You need not be in shock if you are knowledgeable of GOD's WORD. Knowledge is increasing by leaps and bounds, be apart of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the end days.

I'll write more on this issue, its my job as a believer.

What does YHWH mean?????

YHWH - The Hand & The Nail

I felt compelled to get this information out there as it is very profound and once again shows the depth of the Hebrew written language, a written language given to Moses on Mount Sinai. GOD's plan of Salvation through Christ was established from the beginning and therefore something one can learn when we search the Scriptures to the point of going back to the original written language GOD used to convey His complete plan to those who sought out the Truth.

The TetragrammatonYahwehThe four Hebrew letters of 'Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey' that comprise one of the names for God Almighty are often referred to by biblical scholars as the 'Tetragrammaton', which is merely a Greek term for something with four letters. The Tetragrammaton should not be confused with any of the other names for God in the Bible, such as Shaddai or Eloheem, but is specifically reserved to describe the name 'Yahweh'. 

As we've learned in previous lesson, Hebrew was read from right to left, so the name 'Yahweh' shown in the adjacent illustration is presented in that way, beginning with the 'Yud' on the far right, following by a 'Hey', and then a 'Vav', and then another 'Hey'. While the third letter of 'Vav' can be either a consonant or a vowel, it serves as a consonant with a 'W' sound in this instance, and the appropriate vowel points must be inferred. This is quite typical for Hebrew. All we really need to know in this instance is that the four letters that would equate to 'Y-H-W-H' in English would actually have two inferred vowels, and would sound like 'Yahweh'. Here I would like to impart upon you the results of my in-depth investigation into the true name of GOD. In Psalm 83 King David tells us straight forwardly that GOD true name is Jehovah as interpreted but in Hebrew that name is Yahuwah.  

3 components make up the name just as 3 make up the 3 aspects of God.

The Pictographs
YudThe first letter of the Tetragrammaton is the 'Yud', which appropriately has a 'Y' sound in English. The 'Yud' in pictographic form depicts and arm and a hand, and has the various meanings of 'Work' or 'Throw' or 'Worship'. However, the picture itself can also be employed in these instances, therefore the meaning can simply be 'Arm' or 'Hand' or both 'Arm and Hand'.

The next letter would be the 'Hey', which once again has the English sound 'H', just as we would imagine. The 'Hey' in this picture is that of a man standing up, with his arms held up in the air as if to say "Hey, look!" It represents the act of getting one's attention for a specific purpose. So the various meanings of the letter are about what you might expect, suggesting 'Look' or 'Reveal', but it can also mean 'Breathe'.

The third letter is the 'Vav', which can have the English sound 'V', as by now you would expect, but the ancient form of the Vav carried a 'W' sound, and was called the 'Waw'. But the Vav also can sound like an 'O' or a 'U', making it a very versatile letter. It's both a consonant and a vowel, depending on how it it used. You can see from the picture that it represents a tent peg or nail, and it has the meaning of 'Add' or 'Secure' or 'Hook'. But as with the other pictographs, it can also simply mean 'Peg' or 'Nail'.

HeyOkay, finally we have the last letter of God's name, another 'Hey', which once again depicts someone trying to get our attention. As with the other 'Hey' above, this again means to 'Look' or to 'Reveal', or alternatively can mean 'Breathe'. At first it may seem wierd that we would have two Heys in such a short name, and in the modern Hebrew letters one wouldn't suspect the reason for this.  But in a moment it will make plenty of sense.

LETTER  PICTURE                MEANINGS      
YudA Man's Arm and Hand   Work, Throw, Worship, Hand, Arm
HeyMan with Arms RaisedLook, Reveal, Breathe
VavA Tent Peg or NailAdd, Secure, Hook, Peg, Nail
HeyMan with Arms RaisedLook, Reveal, Breathe

The Sabbath was Established at the Creation before Jews and Christians and even Catholics, must be important!!!!!!!

The Sabbath a Perpetual Covenant

Why is this so hard for modern Christians to understand? GOD established the Sabbath Day of Rest at the Creation before there were Jews, Christians or Muslims and established it as a stand alone Perpetual Covenant for all.  It was a gift from GOD to sanctify His people (to make them stand out) and those are they who believed in Him and did His Commandments.  

Do we not define a covenant as a mutual agreement between two parties? Is that not the description by which we recognize a covenant in the Bible?

Now let us consider Exodus 31:12-18, "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, [the children of Israel here have the meaning of the blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the twelve tribes, literally], "saying, Verily My Sabbaths ye shall keep: FOR IT IS A SIGN BETWEEN ME AND YOU THROUGHOUT YOUR GENERATIONS...." Between God and whom? The twelve tribes, or descendants of Jacob-Israel, God's chosen earthly race. Now WHY? "That ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you." Sanctify -- set apart. The Sabbath, then is their national sign, setting them apart from other nations and peoples, identifying them as God's chosen race. Now does Sabbath-keeping set one apart? You and I know that it does. The rest of the world sets us apart mighty quick when we begin to keep it. "Ye shall keep the Sabbath, therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that defileth it shall surely be put to death." Now death ordinarily means "cut off," generally from God. Note, however, that the following words seem to define the meaning here. "For whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off FROM AMONG HIS PEOPLE." Cut off from God? No, it says cut off from his people -- Israel. Cut off from being considered one of God's chosen earthly race of people. So, then, consider an Israelite. And, as you know, there is ample scriptural evidence that an outsider can be GRAFTED IN, and considered an ADOPTED child of Israel. And this passage I am discussing tells what cuts one off, and what the national sign is. Why does violation of the Sabbath cut one off from Israel? "To observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, FOR A PERPETUAL COVENANT." Get that word COVENANT. The Sabbath, then, is a covenant, all by itself. And THIS covenant is given as a PERPETUAL covenant. A WHOLLY SEPARATE AND DISTINCT COVENANT IN ITSELF. Entirely apart from the Ten Commandments. That is, God here takes ONE of those Ten Commandments, and makes a separate and distinct and perpetual covenant out of it. God, the party of the first part, agrees to be their God that doth set them apart as His chosen people, provided the children of Israel, party of the second part, keep His Sabbath command. Failure on the part of the party of the second part to perform their side of the covenant agreement annuls God's promise to keep His part of the agreement of setting them apart as His chosen people. Thus, failure to keep the Sabbath breaks the covenant and cuts one off from being of Israel. The passage continues, "It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel FOREVER."

The Sabbath, here is presented as the SIGN which God gave to Israel between Him and them. It formed a new and separate covenant. THIS covenant is a perpetual covenant, to be a sign FOREVER.

I am fully aware of the fact that this passage has been used time and again by both the Church of God and the Adventists. But has it been used as a SEPARATE COVENANT by itself? Has it been considered in the light here analyzed?

Let us analyze it further. It is a SIGN between them -- pointing to Him as their God, and to them as His chosen people. So such a sign should point to Him AS GOD, and to them AS HIS PEOPLE. Does this Sabbath sign do that? Yes, in a way nothing else could. The proof that He is God is the fact of Creation. By pointing to Creation -- by being a memorial of Creation, it points to Him as the true God. Now how does it point to them as His people? If you will notice whenever God has chosen anyone for special office, He has put them to the test of OBEDIENCE. The test is always one of obedience, and if one can pass that test, they qualify for the office of being an Israelite, one of God's chosen.

Now consider Isaiah 56:3-7, and see, that by keeping the Sabbath, the national sign of Israel, an outsider may become grafted in. I know Paul in the new Testament has quite a little to say about Gentiles becoming adopted Israelites, but Paul gives other qualifications. Suppose now, the whole law, the Ten Commandments and all, were abolished, as the vast majority of churches contend. Will any contend that this separate Sabbath covenant, this everlasting, perpetual covenant, was PART OF THE LAW OF MOSES? I think they cannot. It is distinctly separate, here. A separate covenant by itself. The national sign of Israel. This covenant, surely, was not abolished at the Cross. This covenant, surely, is still binding today.

Of course that involves the question of who, today is Israel? Just the Jews? The Jews who are the remnant of the house of Judah, plus the Ten Lost Tribes, who were a separate nation called the House of Israel. Shall we say that Israel today is the saved people who keep the Sabbath, the national sign? Paul appears to specify salvation and acceptance of Jesus Christ and His teachings as the requisite to becoming one of Israel. According to this: Jewish Sabbath-keepers who do not accept Jesus are cut off. Further, according to Exodus 31:12-18, "converted" people who are not Jews, and who keep Sunday and not Sabbath, are not of Israel, because they have been cut off from Israel by rejecting Israel's national sign. According to this, then, the body of Israel, today, becomes those who accept Jesus, observe His teachings and keep the Sabbath. When we consider Israel in this light, ONLY Israel can be saved.

Which Day is The Sabbath
of the New Testament?

Which day did Christ and the Apostles observe? Which day did Paul teach Gentile converts to observe? HOW did the day become changed from the seventh to the first day of the week?

We have been reared in a Sunday-observing world. Naturally, we have taken Sunday-observance for granted. Naturally, the idea of a different day as the true Sabbath-day strikes us as fanatical and absurd.

Yet today some are telling us SATURDAY is the right day. They insist the SEVENTH day is the only day the Bible anywhere commands us to keep. They even claim we are sinning -- that we have the "Mark of the Beast" and shall suffer the seven last plagues -- if we observe Sunday instead of keeping the seventh day.

Many False Prophets

Jesus warned that many false prophets would appear, deceiving many. So what is the TRUTH? How can we KNOW?

Let all remember each of us shall stand before the judgment-seat of Christ! We shall be JUDGED, not by our sincerity in what we have always believed thru careless assumption, nor by our sincerity in following some NEW teaching without proof! We shall be judged by the BIBLE, God's Word!

How to PROVE the Truth

"All Scripture," we read in II Timothy 3:16, "is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction." Again, the command to us is, "PROVE ALL THINGS."

We must be willing to be corrected, if wrong. We must be careful not to be blown about "with every wind of doctrine." We must free our minds of all prejudice.

We must be able and willing to study BOTH sides honestly, laying our ideas and desires on the shelf, prayerfully asking God for guidance.

If we already are right, honest investigation will but confirm it.

If we are WRONG, we should want to know it. And we shall quickly, willingly, as a little child accept the TRUTH as God reveals it, whatever that truth may be, if our hearts are right with Him! Perhaps this very study may be the TEST!

On the following pages is a brief, terse, outline of ONE PHASE of this many-sided question. Explanation of other phases, answering other questions that may come up, will be supplied on request.

These three facts are self-evident:

(1)Sunday is the first day of the week. See any calendar, dictionary, or encyclopedia. Is it, then, by BIBLE authority, "the Christian Sabbath," or truly the "Lord's Day," as it is popularly called today?

(2)Jesus kept the SABBATH, Luke 4:16. It was His custom. The Sabbath He kept was the same day of the week the Jews observed, for the minister and congregation were all in the synagogue, verse 20, and the Pharisees continually rebuked Jesus for healing on the Sabbath day.

(3)The Sabbath Jesus kept was the seventh day of the week. Three days after His crucifixion, this Sabbath still was the day before the first day of the week, Matthew 28:1. Therefore it was not just any day in seven, it was the seventh day of the week. See also Luke 23:56 and 24:1.

BUT . . . was the day CHANGED, by Christ or the apostles, after this, to the first day of the week so that Sunday is now the New Testament Christian Sabbath? Does the NEW TESTAMENT someplace show us that SUNDAY is the true Lord's Day and command Christians to observe it? LET US SEE!

Is "Sunday" Mentioned in the New Testament?

This change could not be made, -- a different day, the FIRST day of the week, could not be established by New Testament BIBLE authority, except in some text or texts employing the phrase "first day of the week," or the word "Sunday."

The word "Sunday" does not appear any place in the Bible.

But the phrase "first day of the week" is found in the New Testament. It occurs in exactly EIGHT places. So it will not take long to examine these eight texts employing this phrase.

If the day was changed by BIBLE authority, -- if Christians are to find any BIBLE AUTHORITY whatsoever for observing Sunday as the "Lord's Day" today, then we must find that authority in one of these eight texts!

Let us acknowledge at the outset, since the seventh day of the week is clearly established as the Bible Sabbath up until the time of the Cross, that there can be no BIBLE AUTHORITY for Sunday observance unless we find it clearly and plainly stated in one of these eight New Testament passages.

So let us examine them carefully, honestly, prayerfully.

The Day AFTER Sabbath

(1)Matthew 28:1, "In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre." This is the first place in the Bible where "the first day of the week" is mentioned. Matthew wrote these words, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, six years after the New Testament Church came into being. The text says that late on the Sabbath day it was drawing TOWARD the first day of the week. So this Scripture, we must admit, tells us plainly that three days and three nights after all that was done away; had been securely "nailed to the Cross," the Sabbath was still the day BEFORE the first day of the week -- still the seventh day of the week.

One point is here plainly proved. Many tell us that the Sabbath command was merely for "one day in seven" -- that it did not have to be THE seventh day of the week, but merely the seventh part of time. They argue that Sunday, being one day out of seven, fulfills the command. But here is a passage in the NEW Testament, inspired by the Holy Spirit six years after the beginning of the NEW Testament Church, stating in plain language that, three days after all abolished things had been done away, the Sabbath still existed and that it was the seventh day of THE WEEK -- the day before the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK. That much is proved, and must remain settled for all who honestly seek and accept BIBLE authority. But, was the day changed later?

(2)Mark 16:2, "And very early in the morning THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun." This is merely Mark's version of the sunrise visit to the tomb. It was written ten years after the crucifixion. This first day of the week, also, was "AFTER the Sabbath was PAST," according to verse 1. So this text proves the same thing as the one above -- that the first day of the week was not at that time (three days after the crucifixion) the Sabbath, but the day AFTER the Sabbath. The Sabbath, then, still was the SEVENTH day of the week.

A Common Work Day

(3)Mark 16:9, "Now when Jesus was risen, early the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven devils." This text speaks of Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene later the same day, -- the day AFTER the Sabbath.

Nothing here calls the first day of the week the Christian Sabbath, we must admit. Nothing here calls it "The Lord's Day." Nothing here hallows Sunday or says God made it holy. Nothing here commands us to observe it. Nothing here sets it apart as a memorial of the Resurrection, or for any purpose. No command or example of REST on this day -- no authority for observing Sunday here.

(4)Luke 24:1, "Now UPON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing their spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them."

This text tells the same event recorded by Matthew and Mark, and it shows that on THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK these women came to do the work of a common week-day, AFTER having rested the Sabbath day "according to the Commandment."

For we read, in the verse just before this, "And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment." Shall we say these women did not yet know the commandment was abolished? No, we cannot, for this statement was not made by the women, but inspired by the HOLY GHOST, who did know whether it was abolished. And it was written 28 years after the establishing of the New Testament Church! The Holy Ghost THEN inspired the direct statement that the rest of these women on the Sabbath day was according to the commandment, which statement would not be possible had the commandment been abolished.

This text, then, establishes Sunday as a common work day, three days after the crucifixion, and it further establishes that at that time the command to rest on the Sabbath had not been abolished.

(5)John 20:1, "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre."

This, written 63 years after the crucifixion, is merely John's version, describing the same visit to the tomb. It confirms the facts above.

Was This a Religious Meeting, to Celebrate the Resurrection?

(6)John 20:19, "Then the same day at evening, being THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you."

Let us examine this carefully, for some claim this was a religious service called for the purpose of celebrating the Resurrection. But notice this is the same first day of the week that FOLLOWED the Sabbath. It was Jesus' first opportunity to appear to His disciples. For three and a half years He had been constantly with them, on ALL days of the week. His meeting with them, of itself, could not establish any day as a Sabbath.

Were they assembled to celebrate the Resurrection, thus establishing Sunday as the Christian Sabbath in honor of the Resurrection? The text says they were assembled "for fear of the Jews." The Jews had just taken and crucified their Master. They were afraid. The doors were shut because of their fear -- probably bolted. Why were they assembled? "FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS" according to this text, and also because they all lived together in this upper room, Acts 1:13. They could not have assembled to celebrate the Resurrection for THEY DID NOT BELIEVE JESUS WAS RISEN (Mark 16:14; Luke 27:37, 39, 41). Nothing in this text calls this day "Sabbath," or "Lord's Day," or any sacred title. Nothing here sets it apart, makes it holy. No authority here for changing a command of God!

Lord's Supper Day -- or Work Day -- WHICH?

(7)Acts 20:7, "And upon THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together."

Here, at last, we find a religious meeting on the first day of the week. But it was not a SUNDAY meeting!

Notice, Paul continued his speech until midnight! "And there were many LIGHTS in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together." It was AFTER SUNSET, prier to midnight, the first day of the week. Now at that time the first day of the week did not begin at midnight, as man begin it today. It began, and the seventh day ended, AT SUNSET! All Bible days begin and end at SUNSET. Throughout the Roman world at that time, and for a few hundred years afterward, days began and ended at sunset. The practice of beginning the new day at midnight was started much later. Therefore this meeting, and Paul's preaching, took place during the hours we now call SATURDAY NIGHT -- it was not a Sunday meeting at all!

WHY Paul Remained Behind

Let us, now, pick up the thread of the narrative related in this passage. Begin in verse 6:

"We sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them at Troas in five days; where we abode seven days. And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, READY TO DEPART ON THE MORROW."

Paul and his companions had been in this town of Troas seven days. His companions had left by ship after sunset. Paul remained behind for a farewell meeting. He preached until midnight, "ready to depart on the morrow." At break of day -- sunrise Sunday morning -- Paul departed, verse 11.

Now notice what his companions had done. "And we went before to ship, and sailed unto Assos, there intending to take in Paul: for so had he appointed, minding himself to go afoot. And when he met with us at Assos, we took him in," verses 13-14.

Look at this on the map. Paul's companions had to sail around a peninsula -- a distance of fifty or sixty miles, while Paul afoot, walked across, a distance of 19 and a half miles. He was able to walk this distance in shorter time than they could sail the much longer distance, which gave Paul the opportunity to remain behind after they left, for this last farewell sermon and visit.

Now do you see what actually happened? Paul's companions were engaged in the labor of rowing and sailing a boat while Paul was preaching that Saturday night and early Sunday morning -- on the first day of the week. They had set sail Saturday night, AFTER THE SABBATH HAD ENDED. Paul remained behind for one more last farewell sermon. Then, at break of day Sunday morning, Paul set out afoot, indulging in the labor of a 19 and a half mile walk from Troas to Assos! He waited till the Sabbath was past for this long walk -- a good hard day's work, if you ever tried it! He did it on the first day of the week a common work day!

What "Break Bread" Means

But does this text not say, as many claim today, that the disciples always held communion every first day of the week? NOT AT ALL!

In the first place, it says nothing about anything being done EVERY first day of the week. It relates the events of this one particular first day of the week, ONLY. It is not speaking of any CUSTOMS, but of the events occurring as Paul and his companions concluded their seven-day visit in passing by this town.

Jesus had introduced the Lord's Supper as part of the Passover, at the beginning of the annual "days of unleavened bread." No longer could they kill lambs or eat the roasted body of Passover Lambs, after Christ, OUR Passover, had been once slain for us. Yet the Passover was ordained FOREVER, Exodus 12:24. At His last Passover supper Jesus substituted the wine as the emblem of His blood, instead of the blood of the slain lamb. He substituted the unleavened bread for the roast body of the lamb as the symbol of His body, broken for us. The disciples continued to observe Passover annually, now in the form of the Lord's Supper using only the bread and wine, as a MEMORIAL, I Corinthians 11:24, of Christ's DEATH, I Corinthians 11:26, showing His death till He come again. They continued to observe the days of unleavened bread, Acts 20:6.

This year they had observed the days of unleavened bread and the Communion service at Philippi, after which they came to Troas in five days where they remained seven days.

Disciples often fasted on the Sabbath in those days. Consequently, after the Sabbath day had ended, at sunset, "upon the first day of the week, -- the disciples came together to BREAK BREAD."

People have ASSUMED this expression to mean the taking of Communion. But notice! Paul preached, and continued preaching until midnight. They had no opportunity to stop and "break bread" until then. When Paul "therefore was come up again" -- after restoring the one who had fallen down from the third balcony -- "and had broken bread, AND EATEN."

Note it! "Broken bread AND EATEN." This breaking bread was not Communion -- simply eating a meal. This expression was commonly used of old to designate a meal. It still is used in that sense in parts of even the United States.

Notice Luke 22:16, where Jesus was introducing the Lord's Supper, taking it with His disciples. He said, "I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God." Yet, the day after His resurrection, after walking with the two disciples to Emmaus, as "he sat at MEAT with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them," Luke 24:30. Here Jesus "brake bread" but it was not the Lord's Supper, which He said He would NOT take again. It was a meal -- "He sat AT MEAT."

Notice Acts 2:46. The disciples, "continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness." Here again "breaking bread" means EATING MEAT. Not on the first day of the week, but DAILY.

Again, when Paul was shipwrecked on the voyage to Rome, the sailors had been fasting out of fright. But "Paul besought them all to take MEAT, saying, "This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing. Wherefore I pray you to take some MEAT: for this is for your health -- And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat," Acts 27:33-35. Here Paul broke bread to give to unconverted sailors who were hungry.

The truth is, NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE is the expression "breaking of bread," or "to break bread," used to signify observance of the Lord's Supper. In all those texts it means, simply, eating a meal. So, when we read in Acts 20:7, 11, "the disciples came together to break," and how Paul had "broken bread and EATEN," we know by Scripture interpretation it referred only to eating food as a meal, not to a Communion service.


We come now to the 8th and last place where the term "first day of the week" occurs in the Bible.

(8)I Corinthians 16:2, "Upon the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK let everyone of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him."

Often we see this text printed on the little offering envelopes in the pews of popular churches, and we have been told that this text sets THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK as the time for taking up the church collection for the carrying on of God's work, paying the minister, etc.

Let us begin with the first verse and really catch the true intended meaning of this verse.

"Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order of the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."

This speaks of a collection -- but for WHOM -- for WHAT? Note it! Not for the preacher -- not for evangelism -- but "the collection FOR THE SAINTS." The poor saints at Jerusalem were suffering from drought and famine. They needed, not money, but FOOD. Notice Paul had given similar instruction to other churches. Now observe his instruction to the Romans:

"But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia (where the Corinthian Church was located) to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem . . . When, therefore, I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain," Romans 15:25-28.

Ah! Did you catch it? It was not money, but FRUIT that was being sealed for shipment to the poor saints at Jerusalem!

Now turn back to I Corinthians 16. Paul is speaking concerning a collection FOR THE SAINTS. Upon the first day of the week each one of them is instructed to do what? Look at it! Does it say drop a coin in the collection plate at a church service? Not at all!

It says "let everyone of you lay by him IN STORE." Note it! LAY BY! STORE UP! Store up BY HIMSELF -- at home! Not lay by at the church house -- lay by HIM -- at home.

Now WHY? "that there be no GATHERINGS when I come." Men GATHER fruit out of the orchard -- they GATHER vegetables out of the ground, to be STORED UP. But putting coins in a collection plate at church, or handing in your tithe-envelope could not be called a GATHERING, but an offering or collection.

Notice further: "And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem. And if it be meet that I go also, they (more than one) shall go with me," verses 3-4.

Apparently it was going of require several men to carry this collection, gathered and stored up, to Jerusalem. If it were tithe or offering for the minister or the spread of the Gospel, Paul could have carried the money alone.

So, once again, the last and final text in the Bible where we find "the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK" mentioned, it is a WORK DAY -- a day for gathering fruit and food out of the orchards and the fields and gardens, and storing it up. It was to be the FIRST labor of the week, hence the first day of the week, as soon as the Sabbath was past!

No Bible Authority

So, finally, we find upon honest examination that NOT ONE of the texts speaking about "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK" sets it apart as a rest day. Not one makes it holy, calls it the Sabbath or by any other sacred title. In EVERY case, the first day of the week was a common work day.

In NONE of them was there a religious meeting and preaching service being held on the hours we now call SUNDAY. In NONE of them can we find a single shred of BIBLE AUTHORITY for Sunday observance! There is no record in the Bible of celebrating the Resurrection on Sunday.

Sometimes Revelation 1:10 is used as Bible authority for calling Sunday "The LORD'S DAY." It says: "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice." But this does not say the "first day of the week," or "Sunday" is the "day" here called "the Lord's day." As a matter of fact, it is not speaking of ANY day of the week at all, but of "the Day of the Lord," -- the time of the coming PLAGUES, climaxing in the coming of Christ, and the millennium. This is the THEME of the Revelation. But, if one wants to argue, and insist upon this text applying to some definite day of the week, he shall have to look elsewhere to see WHICH day THE BIBLE calls "The LORD'S DAY." For this text does not designate ANY day of the week.

But Jesus said He was Lord of the SABBATH, and if He is LORD of that day, then it belongs to Him, and is His day, and therefore the Sabbath is the Lord's Day, Mark 2:28. Isaiah 58:13 calls the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week) "MY HOLY DAY." God is speaking. So the Sabbath is THE LORD'S DAY.

In the original commandment, in Exodus 20:10, we read: "The seventh day is the Sabbath OF THE LORD THY GOD." Not MY day, or your day. Sunday is MY day. So is Tuesday, and every other week-day, for my labor and my own needs. But the seventh day is NOT mine -- it is THE LORD'S! It belongs to HIM, and He made it HOLY, and commanded us to KEEP it that way. We have no right to use it for ourselves. It is HIS DAY!

The TRUE SABBATH of the NEW Testament!

Now briefly let us look thru the New Testament to find WHICH DAY Paul kept, and taught Gentile converts to keep.

Notice which day Paul and Barnabus used for preaching to Gentiles:

(1)Acts 13:14-15, 42-44, "But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue ON THE SABBATH DAY, and sat down. And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on."

Then Paul stood up, and spoke, preaching Christ to them.

"And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the GENTILES besought that these words might be preached to them THE NEXT SABBATH."

Now since Paul was preaching "the grace of God," (verse 43), here was his opportunity to straighten out these Gentiles, and explain that the Sabbath was done away. Why should he wait a whole week, in order to preach to THE GENTILES on THE NEXT SABBATH? If the day had now been changed to Sunday, why did not Paul tell them they would not have to wait a week, but the very next day, Sunday, was the proper day for this service? But notice what Paul did do . . . .

"And the NEXT SABBATH DAY came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God." Here Paul waited a whole week, passing up a Sunday, in order to preach to the GENTILES upon the Sabbath day.

Gentiles Met on SABBATH

(2) Acts 15:1-2, 5, 14-21. Study this whole passage carefully. Certain men had come down from Judaea to Antioch, teaching that the Gentile converts there must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses to be saved. Quite a dissention arose between them and Paul and Barnabus. So it was decided Paul and Barnabus would go to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders about the question.

At the conference at Jerusalem, James gave the decision. "Wherefore my sentence is," he pronounced, (verses 19-21), -- that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollution of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood."

He did not say they should not keep the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were not in question -- but only the Law of Moses, which was an altogether DIFFERENT law. He merely mentioned four prohibitions, and otherwise they did not need to observe the law of Moses.

But why WRITE this sentence to them? Note it! "For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues EVERY SABBATH DAY," verse 21.

Do you see it? Judaizing teachers were reading the Law of Moses and teaching people in the synagogues EVERY SABBATH DAY. The apostles were WRITING this decision concerning the Law of Moses, BECAUSE GENTILE CONVERTS WERE GOING TO CHURCH ON THE SABBATH DAY, and would hear this false teaching. In order to counteract it, and protect the Gentiles from it, the written message was sent. It shows that the GENTILE CONVERTS HAD STARTED KEEPING THE SABBATH DAY, AND WENT TO CHURCH ON THAT DAY! And the Apostles' letter did not reprove them for this Sabbath-keeping, or even mention it.

This is very significant, since GENTILES HAD NEVER KEPT THE SABBATH. Therefore it is something these Gentiles had STARTED doing after they were converted under the teaching of Paul and Barnabus!

A Sabbath in Philippi

(3)Acts 16:12-15. Here we find Paul and Silas at Philippi. And "we were in that city abiding certain days. And ON THE SABBATH we went out of the city by the river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither. And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, . . . and when she was baptized . . . ."

Here again Paul and his companions waited until the Sabbath, and then went to a place of worship, and preached, and this woman, probably a Gentile, was converted. The passage indicated it was the CUSTOM to meet there on the Sabbath, and that it was CUSTOM for Paul and his companions to go to a place of prayer and worship when the Sabbath day came.

Paul Worked Week-days, and Kept the SABBATH

(4)Acts 18:1-11, "After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth; and found a certain Jew named Aquila . . . with his wife Priscilla . . . and came unto them. And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought; for by their occupation they were tentmakers, and he reasoned in the synagogue EVERY SABBATH, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks."

If we could but find one text in the New Testament giving as strong authority for Sunday observance as this one does for Sabbath-keeping, we should certainly have BIBLE AUTHORITY for it! Here Paul WORKED week-days, but went to church and taught GENTILES as well as Jews every SABBATH.

Now the Commandment says; "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work," just as much as it says "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." There is just as much a command to work six days as there is to rest the seventh. And so if the day had been changed, Paul would have had to work Sabbaths, in order to go to church and preach every Sunday. But here he WORKED week days and went to church and preached EVERY SABBATH -- not just on one particular occasion -- it says EVERY SABBATH.

He preached Christ, and the Gospel of the Kingdom. And when the Jews became offended and blasphemed, he turned away from the Jews altogether, and from then on preached TO GENTILES ONLY, (verse 6), and he continued there a year and six months (verse 11), -- working week days -- preaching to Gentiles ONLY -- EVERY SABBATH!

What MORE conclusive proof could we desire? What STRONGER Bible evidence than this, as to the true Sabbath of the New Testament? For a year and a half Paul continued working week-days -- six days -- including Sundays -- and preaching to GENTILES exclusively EVERY SABBATH! Certainly it was his custom and manner! Certainly He could not have done this had the Sabbath been done away, or changed.

Paul COMMANDS Gentiles to Keep the Sabbath

To these Gentile-born at Corinth, Paul COMMANDED: "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ," I Corinthians 11:1.

And Paul "as his manner was, went in unto them, and three SABBATH DAYS reasoned with them out of the Scriptures," Acts 17:2. It was his MANNER -- his CUSTOM, as we have seen by ample evidence showing a total of eighty-four different Sabbaths Paul is shown specifically to have kept.

Did he follow Jesus in this? Why, CERTAINLY! Jesus, "as his custom was. . . went into the synagogue ON THE SABBATH DAY," Luke 4:16.

It was Jesus' custom. Paul followed Him, and COMMANDED the Gentile converts to follow him, even as he followed Christ.

The question for us, today, is, "Are WE willing to follow in His steps?" Jesus came to set us an example, that we should FOLLOW HIS STEPS. If we, like Paul, are CRUCIFIED with Christ, and HE lives HIS life IN us, Christ IN us will still keep the Sabbath, for He is the SAME, yesterday, today, and forever!

There is much additional NEW Testament authority for Sabbath-keeping. Other booklets to be issued will cover many other phases of this many-sided question. Send your request. Questions and honest objections will be answered on request.

I found the majority of this writing on the InterWeb but don't recall where or who it is by but the truth is the truth and it needed to be reprinted here in the hope that just one person may come to understand the serious nature of this covenant and why it is so relevant today. Don't believe anyone who tells you GOD and Jesus did away with the 7th Day Sabbath, it is forever (perpetual) and for all mankind.

Come soon King of Kings and Lord of Lords.