Friday, September 5, 2014

The American Financial Collapse Begins Now and Ends September 2015

I am going to be blunt and straight forward about what is going to happen over the next 12 months in the U.S. economy and the somewhat short term outlook for the future of America. 

America was one of only two country's in world history ever dedicated to God at their inception. Yes, the formation of America was based upon the same principles adhered to by ancient Israel and Yes, ancient Israel paid dearly for turning their collective backs on God in 586 B.C. when their country was disassembled, their wealth taken from them and the people were removed from the land. This is a blueprint of what happens to a country that was brought into existence based solely on the Word of God and what is expected of that country when the vows are made, words mean things. When George Washington said in his inaugural speech in 1789 that if America should ever turn its back on the principles on which this country is based it will suffer the removal of the protection of the Hand of God and suffer the consequences. Since the end of World War II we began a secular movement in this country to do exactly that which had been warned of, we began to turn away from God. The most notable occurrence was instituted into Federal Law in 1973 and that was the legalization of killing unborn children otherwise known as Abortion Rights. The United States effectively stated that which God has Condemned the United States has Condoned. A very big first strike against the Laws of God, the shedding of innocent blood is truly a horrific crime and one that demands retribution from God, their blood cries out for vengeance.

Deuteronomy 32:35 "'Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them."

The next shoe to drop in this arena will be the total acceptance by the United States of Gay Rights and Gay Marriage throughout the land, in other words a Federal Law bypassing any local or State Laws in this regard. Again, that which God has Condemned the United States will Condone. I believe that once this law is adopted by the United States it will in effect help seal the retribution soon to follow.

For those who understand the laws of the Bible and the way in which God warns His people, and please be clear in understanding that America is still a people of God (for the time being) then it becomes very clear indeed that judgement will be forthcoming. America has been warned since 1973 that we are on the wrong track but apparently very few people had the ability to understand these warning because they were so ensconced in a true understanding of the Laws of God and how they work.

Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."  

Knowledge will be increased and I believe this statement includes the understanding required to truly know God's Word and thereby understand His Laws and Principles. 
Well, now we see and understand that that which has gone before will come again, God never changes his practices and we can expect the Laws of Shemitah (God's Law of cause and effect) still apply and will still be implemented.

The warnings God gives his people is actually a long process by human time thus giving every chance to the country to understand the warnings and turn back to God and His Laws. Because we have not, until now, fully understood these principles helps to illustrate how far we have moved away from God. The warnings will continue over the next 12 months in the form of economic issues coming to the forefront such as, unemployment numbers increasing, the dollar value falling further, world's search for a new world currency (BRIC), inflation's rise, industrial production dropping, GDP being eaten up by mandatory expenditures,
health care cost rising dramatically, food costs rising dramatically and on and on. These warnings will continue until the 29 Elul on the Hebrew calendar (13 September 2015) and the end of that day (sunset) the book of warnings will be closed and Shemitah (which is an Action) will take control and begin the removal of all things God has given the United States. These warnings have been occurring on a Shemitah timeline over and over for the past 70 years with pinpoint regularity down to the week, day, hour and minute truly the fingerprint of God alone. 

I am absolutely sure in my belief of the coming events America will face and it is not a very pleasant picture and one that should scare you to your very eternal soul. Everything will be taken away and the country laid very low, to the point where America will be only a memory and the world will be shaken and ready for a new world leader.
Our time is short and our fall is sure for I see no
repentance in the hearts of the leaders we have put above us and thereby represent us before God. Reality is a hard thing to face but we all agree that this country is on the wrong track and unfortunately that track leads to a cliff from which there is no good outcome for the American people. Please remember that there is no middle ground, you trust God and His Word or you trust the world around you, black and white, good and evil, light of day or darkness of night, you are in one of them whether you want to accept it or not.    


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