Thursday, September 6, 2012

The American Curse Unfolds

Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Understanding comes from God and is freely given through His Word. He wants you to understand and provided you with the answer book.

There would be no purpose to a long list of America's violation of these "eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained" as stated in the 1789 Inaugural Address of George Washington at Ground Zero New York. A minimum 60 million babies have been taken from their mothers' wombs. Homosexuality is being actively legitimized by those in control. Promiscuity is the widely accepted norm. Anyone who reads a newspaper or listens to the news knows that we are no longer a people living in accordance with GOD's law. It is increasingly difficult because American law actually forbids following GOD's law in many areas of American society. America no longer claims a national identity as a God believing nation and continually moves toward an all-inclusive Humanism religion of we are all divine and therefore we are all God, a very satanic claim.

More than 2,700 years ago God gave ancient Israel a specific warning accompanied by nine symbolic signs of things to come if it didn’t return to Him. Those same harbingers of destruction are today reappearing—in uncanny detail—in America. Has God issued the same prophetic message for our nation of what is yet to come?

Is it possible that there exists an ancient mystery in which is hidden the secret of America’s future? Is it possible that this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11, to the War on Terror, to the crash of Wall Street and the global economy, to the Great Recession and more—even the words and actions of American leaders, including the president of the United States? And is it possible that this mystery contains a prophetic word—a message to America from God, a warning of national judgment?

It might sound like the plot of a science fiction novel or an Indiana Jones movie, but it’s real. In fact, it’s so real that it has affected and is affecting the course of our nation to this day.

Before God judges a nation, He sends warning. He repeatedly sent warnings to ancient Israel through the prophets. In 732 B.C., after years of calling Israel back—to no avail—God removed Israel’s hedge of protection and allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation.

Instead of heeding the call and responding with repentance, the nation responded with defiance. In Isaiah 9:9-10, the prophet recorded how the Israelites proclaimed a vow, saying “in pride and arrogance of heart: ‘The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.’”

What they were saying, in other words, was this: “We will not be humbled and we will not repent or return to God. We will continue in our course of rebellion. We will defy the hand of God and rebuild stronger than before.”

Israel’s defiance in the face of God’s repeated warnings sealed its fate. There then appeared in Israel nine harbingers of judgment—nine prophetic signs, alarms and foreshadows of what was to come.
Today America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God has likewise allowed America’s hedge of protection to fail and an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike that began on Sept. 11, 2001. It was, as with Israel, a nation’s wake-up call.

Exactly 7 years in September of 2008 a second warning was sent through the economic collapse and still American leaders repeated the same defiance publicly and they have once again unknowingly sealed the fate of America with ancient curse of judgment.  Again, Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee”

Yet America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance but with defiance. Long before the rebuilding began at ground zero, while the dust of the attack still hovered above the ground of devastation, a well-known American senator issued this call: “I believe one of the first things we should commit to ... is to rebuild the towers of the World Trade Center and show the world we are not afraid—we are defiant!” Other key leaders—from the mayor and governor of New York to the president of the United States—offered similarly defiant proclamations, echoing the same sentiment boldly pronounced thousands of years earlier by ancient Israel’s leaders.

And now the same nine harbingers of judgment that appeared in the last of ancient Israel have reappeared on American soil. Four harbingers have manifested in visible detail at ground zero, two have manifested in Washington, D.C., and several involving the highest leaders in the land. Each harbinger contains a prophetic message.

It is now inevitable that the next warning is around the corner. The next calamity will be worse and you may say “How can it be worse than the 2008 economic collapse?” One thing you need to know about these warnings is that they come faster and faster and become bigger and bigger blows to the nation. My humble opinion is that the time is ripe for the strength of the nation to be removed. What is that strength? The world is dependent on the strength of the American dollar and has pegged all world currencies and commodities to the dollar because of this strength but the world leaders have been actively discussing removing the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency and why not. Considering we are the biggest debtor nation on earth with no real means of ever paying it back I would be very leery of pegging all my hopes to failing economic system too. So don’t be surprised if you wake up one day and find that overnight your dollars have become worthless. If the American dollar is not worth the paper it is printed on what form will buying and selling take? Will it be a disorderly transition? How long will it take the government to respond, days, weeks, months or years? Will there be panic? Will you be prepared? Will you understand why? Will you return to God or will you be one of many going the opposite direction? The way to redemption is narrow but free and it is God reaching out to you. The way to separation (Hell) is wide and crowded with people who have made a choice and don’t want the free gift of salvation. Do you understand the gift or why the gift is given? Do you understand what Heaven truly is? Do you understand what Hell truly is? Do you know that learning the answer to both questions is only your next heartbeat away?    

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