Wednesday, September 5, 2012

America's Future is Written and Available

I don't know if everyone here knows that I have studied the Bible since I was a puppy, so it would be a good guess that I am a Christian. My studies have revealed more and more jaw dropping truths over the past few years, an indication that the curtain is slowly being pulled back to reveal so much more than we have ever known about how the Bible works. You have heard that bad things in history will repeat if history isn't studied and understood and the people are forewarned. The same thing applies to the Bible but on an imminently larger scale that involves all people, believers and non-believers alike. As a nation we have reached a new level of descent away from our countries founding principles, ideals and respect of God. We have had two important events over the past 12 years that were meant to awaken us and send us back to our original beliefs, we have ignored these warnings. In fact, as a nation we have moved further away from God and deeper into the arms of Humanism which is anti-God. God has always shown great patience when trying to turn a people around but that patience does not extend without end. American politicians are the representatives of the people and therefore the voice of the nation. When they repeated a scripture from Isaiah on national TV 3 different times in relation to answering the attacks of 2001 and the economic catastrophe exactly 7 years later they were repeating a curse.  Thinking it was a nice little passage from the Bible that seemed to have some relevance to current events they spoke without understanding and with total ignorance of what the words actually meant. They didn't understand the context and that it was the nation of Israel’s leader’s publicly stating that they turned their backs on God and stubbornly trusted in their own power, the power of Humanism.  Both Republican's and Democrat's repeated this curse without knowing what they were saying but they were challenging God, although inadvertently it was never the less an open and public statement and the voice of the nation. The road America the road we have travelled for 40 years or more and it is a destructive collision course. The only reprieve possible know is a nationwide revival and turning back to God as an entire nation which we all know will never happen in this day and new age of what the Aleister Crowley is quoted as saying was the new age mantra, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." The nation has chosen this path will have to live and die with it. I should tell you here that everything that has occurred is EXACTLY and I mean EXACTLY down to each action and each word as recorded in the Bible. If you want to know what happens next it is all in the book of Isaiah. I don't really don’t expect anyone care any longer, a harden heart can be impenetrable but not unknown to have happened. These days are exactly as they were in the past and these challenges to God will be answered exactly as they were in the past. The future is written down for all to read and understand because the veils of secrecy have been lifted, you need only look and you will find it. God said "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." The knowledge is an open book to all. What you do with this knowledge is up to you, my part is done.

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