Tuesday, February 25, 2014

America's New Role in the World

" If God do not destroy America He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah", a quote that is most appropriate today.

"The only thing history teaches us is that we learn nothing from history", another great truth.

America is now the standard and pinnacle of Satan's greatest accomplishments in world history. I had always thought that the Vatican and Catholic religion (not a Christian Church) were far above any other evil work of Satan but today it is very evident that the once Christian Stronghold of American is now on an even footing with that vile organization.

The Vatican church of Satan has for 1600 years deceived and fooled 1/3 of the worlds population into believing that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, in their Latin the word vicarius is from vice, meaning "instead of", so basically they told the people of the world that their Pope is the replacement for Yeshua Jesus Christ, our Salvation and through them is salvation only. Read a short history on the Popes and you will find that they are abominable, one Pope in one day killed more Christians than the entire Roman Empire did in it's history. You will also find that the Popes have been murderers, pedophiles, rapists, liars, pagans and even made their illegitimate children Cardinals at ages as young as 8 years old in order to consolidate their power over the Diocese and the Kings of Europe. You can begin to see why, as an historian, why I have held this view of the Satanic Catholic church even though I grew up an Roman Catholic with questions.

Well, now my study of history has presented me a terrible realization that America is now fulfilling the role of a once great nation under the protection of God but has now turned their backs on God in pursuit of that which appears right in their own eyes. What happens to a nation that turns their backs on God, read the Old Testament, not a pretty picture.

We are now an American nation that has installed leaders who supported removing prayer from all public institutions, an American nation that supports the removal of God from all public institutions, an American nation that supports and demands the abortion of children, an American nation that supports and demands homosexual rights and demands national recognition of homosexual unions in what was a holy matrimony, an American nation that supports theft, an American nation that supports racism, an American nation that supports lying as the new truth and an America that is the world capitol for pornography and drugs. 

Yeshua will never abandon those who believe in Him and call His name Holy but God will abandon the nations that have put into power leaders who abandon Him, this is called the curse of abandonment. America is now under the curse of abandonment and that absence of God's protection has opened the gates to Satan. I hear people say everyday how they think the world is going nuts, well, you ain't seen nothing yet. America will slowly be crushed but it's own financial weight and become ripe for a liberal totalitarianism under the guise of "This is what we must do to protect and save our country." The rot will be fairly slow at first but just as the rot on a peach takes hold it will double then triple rapidly until the fruit is no longer recognizable and no longer of any benefit to anyone. This will be America's role in the near future world events, just no longer of consequence. I always wondered why I could find no real Biblical information on America's role at the end of this era, well now I see clearly that there is no role for America in the future because America will no longer have the ability to influence world events other than just another country that used to be great when they believed in God.                  

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