Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Equation of Life

I have been gone for a while putting together the grand puzzle before, the one I have been working on for 40 years, the one that ties everything together and begins to establish a clearer picture of what is truly going on in our world. Today my process is called critical thinking but when I was younger this process was called by another name, the ability to analyze, to break down a picture or concept into its separate parts and how they work together and eventually combine to produce the model being investigated. This was time consuming at first but very interesting once the results began to continually point to the one thing that makes the model work but it became much easier, in time, to place the puzzle pieces into the correct positions that ultimately begin to paint a master mosaic, a big picture. After years of investigating and looking endlessly for that missing component I am now convinced that the one thing missing in our modern thought processes, throughout the world of ideas and the world of real events is something we grew up with, something found everyday, something known for millennia, something that been put aside as too outrageous to consider, it is time to consider this and place it into the process of critical thinking where it shows its true power and the unimaginably horrible story line it helps to paint. It always been considered too scandalous and shocking to be given serious thought, its now time for serious thought.

After years of trying to find this missing element that ties worldwide political maneuvers, worldwide financial maneuvers, mass media maneuvers, world of science maneuvers, worldwide religious maneuvers and the world of just strange things come together into a comprehensible picture. I have found that the only element that continually brings this picture into focus with a beginning, an ending, a plan and a outcome is simple, so simple I had to continually go back and start from the beginning to be sure of my findings. The missing element is truly quite amazing in its simplicity as are most answers to complicated questions. At first I laughed at this conclusion because it was just so clean, elementary and commonly dismissed but it turned out to be that missing component after all. It is the missing piece on this massive and complicated chess board. When added to the equation you will find it will tie all things together rather seamlessly and bring the puzzle pieces together under the glow of a new light of understanding, the puzzle takes shape and the picture produced is something that modern man will undoubtedly dismiss with great derision, just the result one would expect if it is true and it is true. 

Think nefarious, think outrageous, think horrible, think abominable, think true over the top evil and you will find the new equation produces a consistent result. Connecting all these things under this new dark equation paints the picture of a dark plan to create a final path to a final confrontation and a falsely perceived outcome. It is truly the stuff of comic books, blockbuster fantasy/sci-fi movies but all the pieces of the puzzle become illuminated and clearly defined cause/effect/result components begin to coalesce into the true picture of events taking place at this time in our history. It is simply the addition of this knowledge of a falsely perceived final outcome that has dictated the ultimate destination these plans were designed to take us. A dark and very evil future that produces a world in which God plays no part and mankind begins to think that the beginning and end of all knowledge can be found in the mind of man alone. The true result of modern mankind's God free endeavors is a mysterious, complicated, obfuscated and unrecognized plan that promotes the man first thinking and has thus allowed himself to become a unaware pawn that will eventually and ultimately destroy any connection or belief in God. Now chose any current world issue and apply the missing piece of the equation to the perceived goal of men, which is usually stated as the betterment of mankind's place in the universe and insert the now understood true goal and outcome desired by a truly devious and malevolent force at odds with the Creator of the Universe, soon you will see that all roads lead to a desired destruction of man. Dark forces, the Devil, Lucifer or what ever label you wish to bestow on this elemental yet very powerful force is the missing part of the equation in the modern world and this force desires the destruction of man by man and the destruction of each individual soul by any means necessary and to remove any connection to God from the face of the earth. When Lucifer's adversary is removed from the battle field a victory for darkness is all but assured and for a small space of time this will be true but God never gives up on His Creation and soon all the plans of the dark forces and the evil men who have joined this battle against God will find that the promise of an eternal soul no longer applies to them. How very sad that day will be when each person will realize that the gifts of God were extended to them freely but falling victim to an ego that says we are educated, enlightened, civilized, sophisticated, reasonable and open-minded and openly dismiss God as a fairy tale they have turned their backs on God. They follow a self promoted, self aware me first path willingly and soon find that they have been fools and will soon suffer destruction at their own hands. Very sad story indeed.      

All men share God's gift of the spark of eternal life by understanding we are a soul that transcends time and space and this knowledge is truly beyond our conceived reality. All men have the ability to seek and find God and to communicate daily in a two way conversation but few do.  All men share equally the gifts God has given to us but few perceive it for what it truly is, life beyond measure. The answers God provides are always simple and straightforward, his gifts are laid before us with no strings attached, simply accepting the gifts and believing in God is the simple step that begins to transform your life into a life filled with light, understanding, comprehension of the world around you, understanding your place and purpose in this universe is the beginning of true knowledge and quite loving soul which was always yours to mold.  Accepting the fact that all things in this reality can be analyzed and investigated down to their basic components is the realization that all things really do come down to matter of good versus evil and darkness trying to overcome light, it really is that simple.


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