Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blood Moons Tetrad

It is now march 2014 and the first of the Tetrad Blood Moons will soon makes its appearance in the sky above Jerusalem so it is time to write a short piece on what these moons and eclipses really mean when seen in conjunction with the Feast Days of Israel.

The occurance of a lunar eclipse is common.

The occurance of a total lunar eclipse is less common.

The occurance of a Tetrad or four consecutive Blood Moons (a total lunar eclipse) is rare.

The occurance of a Tetrad with a total solar eclipse within this series of consecutive Blood Moons is very rare.
The occurrence of a Tetrad with a total solar eclipse that falls on significant Jewish Feasts is very, very rare.

The occurrence of a Tetrad with a total solar eclipse historical significant to Israel and Jewish Feasts that includes a Shemitah year within its series is very, very, very rare.

But a Tetrad with a total solar eclipse, historically significant to Israel and Jewish Feasts with a Shemittah year that corresponds with the Feast of Trumpets (the Jewish New Year) within its series ASTRONOMICALLY RARE !!!!!

I have read and heard many people talk of terrible events happening during or after these occurrences in the past but they do not always portend terrible things for Israel and can and do mark the times as significant to Israel, some good things like the establishment of Israel as an independent state and the recovery of Jerusalem. But other past occurrence of these Blood Moons have indeed mark terrible days for the Jewish people.

The first Blood Moon occurs on Passover is April 15, 2014 on our western calendar.

The Shemittah year falls on September 25, 2014 on the Feast of Trumpets called Rosh Hashanah between the two Blood Moons of 2014.

The second Blood Moon falls on the Feast of Tabernacles on October 8, 2014.

The Total Solar Eclipse occurs on March 20, 2015 between the two sets of Blood Moons and Feast Days.

The third Blood Moon falls on Passover April 4, 2015.

 The second Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah falls on September 13, 2015 between the second set of Blood Moons.

The fourth Blood Moon falls on the Feast of Tabernacles September 29, 2015.

These dates are very significant for Jews and Christians because they are signs from God and tell us to look for something that will change the course of human history during or around this time period. Jews are preparing for defensive military action. Remember this, all those who come against Israel and try to remove from her the land God has given to her those same people and nations are considered enemies of God and will pay a very high price. The first war Israel will win but the second war they will not win and be driven from her borders opening the way for the End Times to begin. To get a bigger and clearer picture you should read your Bible and investigate the meanings behind the Feast Days and Shemittah Years and learn for yourself if you are ready to meet the end of age with a blessing or a curse.  

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