Saturday, August 9, 2014

Accept the Unbelievable

I have been relegated to watching the world go by as of late and the picture before me is one of confusion, fear, apathy, terrible leadership using terrible lies and a small group of world leaders leading the world into a ditch of war and hate, death and destruction surrounded by darkness. Just the kind of story line and  place you expect to find in a Marvel Comic Book. That is one of the explanatory pictures I paint for friends when trying to reveal to them the world in which we all live. Sometimes it is very hard to explain to people the why, who, when, where, and how our world became the morass it is today and it simpler to make the point that one must suspend their disbelief and simply follow the story line, a story line that could almost be said to have escaped from a Marvel Comic Book series into our reality.  I hear people say "this is unbelievable", "this makes no sense", "what in the world are they thinking", "this is getting scary", " are they nuts", these are things you say when you don't understand what is going on and these are feelings and emotions that take precedence just before a total rejection and withdrawal from the reality surrounding you. No one wants to face a world where everything is upside down and where answers cannot be found, only more questions. This is when we begin to withdraw into our world of a 10 foot circumference, a world where anything that happens outside that 10 foot circle no longer matters to us, we just want to be left alone to live our lives without all the major clutter and fear that we are inundated with everyday if we delve into the news of the hour. People have disconnected themselves willingly from the wider world around them in order to maintain and cope with the world near to them, to help make life the wondrous thing it use to be. This is a homegrown and self inflicted schizophrenia but still a verifiable clinical schizophrenia. Why? People just don't know where to go for answers and when they do find out where answers can be found they just don't want to believe it. I hear the phrase "We will let science guide us", or " It is fixed science", the only semi-fixed science is mathematics and even math has doors and keys to those doors which are found with some regularity so it isn't fixed at all. The problem with science is that no matter what scientists may say today they almost always say something completely different tomorrow or they just don't say anything at all. Rather like the recent claim the 2011 was the hottest year on record but a year later climate scientists simply put the 2011 summer back to it original place in the list of hottest years, many, many places below the number one spot but you never heard mention of it. Rather like the claim that Hobbit people once inhabited the earth eons ago but as it turns out the skull was found to be 15,000 years old and that it was a small person with down syndrome, you haven't heard that. The point is that no matter how much faith you put into science it is never verified until it can be repeated, through experimentation repeatedly in a controlled laboratory or scientific clean house setting, any other scientific claims are generally theory and theory is conjecture until verified. I hear people say that evolution is fixed science but that is nonsensical because it is still a theory and no hard evidence or verifiable proof has ever been brought to the table and what has been brought to the table has always been shot down easily. Science does have wonderful and insightful answers for us to consider in all arenas but it has no answers for things beyond the physical. So if you think our world is made up of nothing but the physical propertied things we can see, touch, taste , hear, smell then you have a very narrow vision of the world around you and you need to expand your horizon to include what lies beneath and beyond. There are more things in this universe than man will ever know and one of them is the existence of other dimension which science contends is possible and quite probable, I contend they are quite real and within them answers to questions we don't even know to ask.

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