Sunday, August 17, 2014

Our Common History

Past civilizations have produced a wealth of intriguing stories and myths with elaborate backgrounds and details that can could only be imagined by the human mind on a wonderful trek of story telling, I should know I tell stories and these stories can feed off the themselves and can lead one into great imaginary fields with descriptive detail and elaborate interwoven tales within tails and connective tendrils combining to make a full and illustrative story worthy of repeating for their entertaining and audience capturing value.

Some of these stories start with a small kernel of truth past on in true story teller fashion which at some point begin to be elaborated upon to make a better story while sitting around a campfire but the point remains that some kernel of truth is at its core. After reviewing these myths and campfire stories from around the world we find they can be distilled down to a common kernel and point, its amazing just how many of these stories all begin with the first man and woman, the paradise in which they lived, the first language given to the first people, the first time they angered the gods or God, the first disciplinary actions of the gods or God, and finally the stories are basically the same when describing the first universal flood and the causes for why it came about, an act of the gods or God to clean the earth after it had been polluted and fouled by undisciplined children of the gods or God, for disobedience and condoning what the gods or God had condemned. 

How is it possible that peoples from around the world at a time when there was no interaction between civilizations, we are told, could hold the same stories if there wasn't any shared history, it really is not much of any probability for such a thing. In a mathematical equation considering all the variables that must be included the possibilities for such a common historical event to occur in all ancient civilizations at roughly the same time without communication is beyond reasoned thought.

All ancient civilization describe one "sky god", "descended from the stars", "giver of knowledge" etc.....This one and first descending figure is usually described as larger than humans, elaborate dress and accouterments, ability to fly around the globe, in procession of knowledge beyond mans understanding, ability to transform from one visible form into another form, a great architect and builder and on and on. There was one ancient king who was such a transformative figure in history and he lived in the same time period when these stories and myths began to be repeated around campfires. His name in the Bible is Nimrod, the product of interaction between humans and the fallen ones,  the first king of the world when all spoke a common language and lived under his rule.

This same first king was a great architect and builder and had the people begin building a tower that would reach into the heavens above. No one knows what this tower would have been capable of when finished but I propose it was simply the visible representation of mans arrogance being fueled by an outside agitator, another "Surely you will not die if you eat the apple" moment. This tower, spliced with the acceptance of a hybrid race created by the commingling of the fallen with human women and the further creation of children that no longer carry purely human DNA,  was the beginning of the end of what God had originally created and so to slow down this process the common language was confounded 70 separate languages took its place. No common language, no common instruction, no common agreement, no understanding, no longer a common goal. Leaving only common confusion a new focus for the people and that I contend was simple survival with those who could communication with one another in one of the 70 languages. They peoples depart and find their own niche in the world and establish the first set of individual kingdoms throughout the world and with them went the memories and knowledge of what they had learned when they were all of a common cause, purpose and language. Adaptation to their new surroundings and the passage of time helped twist some of their myths and campfire stories to reflect this new paradigm but yet there remained that kernel of original truth and that is why we have ancient civilizations sharing a common beginning.
This history of the world has been recorded by a small group of tribes who were not powerful, wealthy or who even desired world conquest but rather an extended family of shepherds who tried to follow the guidance of their one true God who had proven to them His existence personally and with power beyond any image of any other idol or current gods being worshiped by all others. These others held onto the small gods of their past and never learning the lesson provided to them by the great day their common language was defused into multiple languages and their society was dispersed throughout the world.

The ability of all people to read this story in the original Aramaic and Greek is just another sign that in the end days knowledge of the Word will be greatly increased and disseminated throughout the whole world. The story is simple and to the point and covers every angle that is now being pushed upon us by those who refuse to even entertain the possibility that the Bible is the truth but they still must find a way to conjecture a way to points that could be possibilities but not real probabilities by reaching and twisting and convolution of pure critical thought with the science fiction of "What If??????"

What if the moon was really hollow and contained million year old advanced civilization of white mice building exploratory galaxy spaceships? This is the kind of thinking we get from all these TV shows purporting to explore the origins of man, pretty ludicrous in my opinion. Just turn and around look to what has always been with us and with true critical though review what has been to see what will be.   

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