Thursday, August 14, 2014

Occam's Dissection

Last time I talked about a book of history that through archaeological evidence and written records from around the ancient world in the form cuneiform tablets, pictographs, verbal histories as told by the elders is continually being proven closer to the truth than all the conjectures and hypothesis being offered by modern science and people thinking outside the box of modernity. Side by side comparisons of these stories and histories illuminated us in the light of a common ancestral background from which these stories and histories originally arose. Now take the wonderful stories and conjecture verbiage of shows, such as "Ancient Aliens" and simply compare the oft used terms "ancient aliens" or "extraterrestrial beings" with the more recognizable terms we have heard for thousands of years such as, "the fallen ones", "giants", "mighty men" and the gods and demigods of ancient civilizations sometimes described a benevolent or malevolent race of beings capable mastering sciences beyond the knowledge of the local peoples. 
I say they are all describing the same intra-dimensional beings world wide and strangely enough they all seem to have their recorded beginnings around the same time frame, 4000-3300 B.C. although not always accepted because of the way ancient peoples counted time but if you delve into their counting methods you will find that they counted blocks of time reaching a similar result still referring to the same period. Now go back to the original book of history in our possession and review the story of the first world government and its first king. This king was described as having attributes beyond all other men and that he was the product of a union between human and something above human, or more precisely something of an extraterrestrial nature thereby producing a king with demigod abilities, a mighty man and giant in his days. During his reign the peoples of the world made great advancements in building techniques, medicine, agriculture, instruments of war and this advancement has been shown continually in secular history as having begun around the same time world-wide. 
The one common advancement I have found most intriguing is the ability to build massive temples out of massive stone, something we today cannot duplicate because it this forgotten knowledge. The massive works in the interlocking stone work of Puma Punka in South America, precisely fitted stone work of Sacsayhuaman in South America, Trilionth of Baalbek in Lebanon (unbelievably large), or the recently discovered giant city of Ur in southern Iraq with massive stone works, this is the city in which Abraham was born and raised and the time period of the discovery is Abraham's time period. The point is that all these great and massive stone works appeared around the world at the same time, a product of the first world leaders projects instilling in the local people of projection of his power and ability above normal humans and leaving the peoples of the world in awe. History has also shown that this ancient civilization worked copper and gold  mines throughout the world, again on a massive scale and shipped the ore back to cradle of civilization (reference the copper mines of Minnesota and gold mines of South Africa).
Again, I go back to the original story of man in our ancient book of history and find that there were a group of beings who rebelled and their efforts were thrown down but they soon show up on the stage of history as the so called benefactors of this world. This small group of extraterrestrials had powers, knowledge and abilities beyond man which when presented to ancient man would have immediately placed these new beings on a pedestal, something to be worshiped and obeyed. Now some form of extraterrestrial ego afflicts these new comers and sharing their knowledge and displaying their powers cements their high place among the ancient peoples. Move forward again and find these beings taking human wives and producing offspring with some of the same abilities and they taught them their same knowledge, we now have demigods inheriting the control of the ancient world. The human species were being corrupted for years and generations to the point to that the true human genome is no longer common in the species but rather display a hybrid genome and few totally human people still exist, time to clean the plate and save what remains of the original species. 
The stories you hear now are simply replacement histories, through clever conjecture and hypothesis that is more palatable to scientific circles who never want to open much less read and understand the real history of the world and man. It is somehow beneath them to read and try to understand what ancient tribes of the ancient world had to say.
I have found that when I trust in first impressions the right of a matter can be easily found out. We have always had the truth before us but over time we have allowed ourselves to be misdirected and mislead by mind of man alone.
Occam's razor states that among competing hypothesis the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct but in the absence of certainty the fewer assumptions that are made the better. 
The truth is always simple when found out.   

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