Tuesday, August 19, 2014

This world is made up of mortal humans who get to experience this world in flesh and blood bodies and a sometimes overwhelming array of emotions but I believe we are essentially spiritual beings at our core. We are spiritual beings experiencing a time sensitive limited lifetime in a 
3-dimensional plain and we return to our natural spiritual state. We are not simply mortal humans meant only to live and die and disappear from the roles of times. We are so much more than we know. 

I see people very willing to accept the fact that ghosts and evil spirits and good spirits exist around us at all times, yet they will not take the next logical step and ask why would you not ask about the nature of these spirits, where are they? what plain of existence do they occupy? Are there multiple plains of existence? Can they travel through them? Why are there good spirits and evil spirits? Why do we say some spirits are those of dead loved ones and yet we also acknowledge the dark spirits that were never human, where did they come from? Why do so many of these dark spirits want to lead easily influenced people to kill others and commit murderous acts, to destroy loving families, to put fear into the hearts and minds of people? What possible benefit could come to them from destroying individuals and families? Why has the Catholic church taken extraordinary steps to build a force of exorcists in the past few years? 

Willing to accept the existence of spirits and willing to see that some of these spirits are demonstratively dark in their nature would naturally drive the critical thinker to try and understand this phenomenon. Trying to see and understand the bigger spiritual picture would naturally drive one to find a source of information on the subject, a source that approached the question from a spiritual perspective that actually does explain so much about the spiritual realm but unfortunately so many people have hardened themselves against even searching for answers because asking questions may lead one to finding answers that they simply will not accept because it points to something more, something bigger than themselves and more complex than they can or want to try and understand. Living life with blinders on is great comfort for some people but it is just never accepting the strangeness of reality.

In the point above lies one of the great dividing lines between humans. One side is complacent and have convinced themselves to be happy with the short life they have in hand and that facing the requirements of a basic life is enough but pursuit of the deeper and more mysterious aspects of our existence will only add more levels of awareness and more is not better because life has become so overwhelming in its confusion and meeting the daily requirements to just live a simple life. Why add more to your plate when you can barely manage to cope with what is before you?, besides it will make your head hurt to think too much. 

Then there is the other side that continues to search because they simply know in their hearts that this existence cannot be the only fare offered at the banquet table because we have seen and experienced things that cannot be explained by any current scientific knowledge. We have an unquenchable desire to seek the answers that must be there, but where?

What if everything were true and your spirit is capable of an immortal existence and this existence was in a different realm or dimension, rather like a fish living it entire existence in the ocean never knowing there was a completely different world just above their heads. This is truly a extraordinary set of questions to seek answers for but what if it were all true? That in order to see this other world one had only to believe it was truly there. Acknowledge the mysterious world and more mysterious universe and ask your questions and if you listen quietly you may hear some surprising answers. Hearing the answers will lift you above the fog of this life and piece by piece the bigger picture begins to clarify and understanding removes the confusion and the fear. All things are simple in their essence and all things in their essence are simple.      

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