Friday, September 26, 2014

ISIS Terror and the Ebola Misadventure

It certainly looks as if the world is moving in the direction of Global Catastrophe from ISIS and general terror alerts soon to be a daily occurrence to Ebola and its proponents who have decided to spread it around the world in the name of Humanity. I don't understand how people in this country can idly sit back and watch as contagions are met with apparently little understanding of the word contagion which basically means to pollute. Contagions are to be contained, isolated, and treated insitu, meaning confined not shipped all around the world to medical facilities that may have better capabilities of confinement and treatment. I know this makes sense to most people but in reality it simply creating a man made path to global endemic should something go badly, and we all know there are no bad things that happen, like natural disaster. Just suppose a tornado, earthquake, hurricane, or flood hit one of these facilities and destroyed the facility along with everyone inside, now wouldn't that help spread a contagious disease around the local area and leaving the CDC with no idea where the body parts are located so they would have to lock-down an entire city to keep it from spreading just as they should be doing now. 

The sad thing is that I helped build secure mobile modular laboratories and secure communications outposts that were meant to be shipped in sections and then like a big but simple puzzle be put together and tested and certified as protected environs for medical use in other words clean mobile laboratories with the absolute latest technologies available for use in combating a viral outbreak and maintaining containment to the localized area of concern. Had intelligent people who truly understand the nature of contagions been in total charge of the situation from the beginning I am sure they would have been able to better contain the Ebola crisis we are currently seeing coming apart at the seems. Hindsight is 20/20 here on paper but the issue of Mobile Modular Laboratories and their proper usage has been around for twenty plus years. So who is in charge, stupid administrative types or just plain evil people who see the approaching misadventure but continue forward with a truly nonsensical plan, not many real choices here.

I still haven't quite understood the vaccine part of the equation but I think I have an idea. If you wanted to move forward with your very evil little plan wouldn't it make sense to create the cure, show the world that it works, confirming that the situation is well in hand long enough to start transporting these infected personnel to laboratories in diverse places in the Western Civilized World. Then we find out that the miracle cure is no longer available and it will be over a year before more can be made so in the mean time they will use the blood of those who have been declared Ebola free and are now free to continue life in society. Do they know that the Ebola cells are completely destroyed or are they dormant, I have heard the questions but I have not seen the answers. 

It is hard for Americans to imagine the lethal consequences of this brand of combating a lethal contagion because the scope is so large and everlasting. If the current Ebola out-break continues at it current pace and it is continuing at this pace right now, then the entire world will face this terrible face to face within a year and and a half. If I were evil and had an evil plan to destroy or simply manipulate the Earth's population down to the 500 million souls I would keep attention on other things that I would tell everyone are much more concerning and important, like Global Climate Change, ISIS, Russia and Ukraine but I would keep the Ebola Crisis on the back burner long enough to reach that point of no return. I honestly don't know how these evil individuals intend to save themselves from this contagion but I see their antics continually and not much they say or do makes sense to free thinkers.  

There is evil lose in the world and the pieces are all in place for what the Bible describes as the End of Days New World Order which is in essence a one world totalitarian government with nonredeemable humans in charge and facilitating all brands of evil around the globe. Get used to seeing things that don't make sense, like officials trying to determine if his very recent conversion to Islam had any bearing on the actions of the man in Oklahoma who just beheaded a co-worker in a Food Distribution Plant, More workplace violence and absolutely no connection to Islam that will be MSNBC, NBC and CNN's take I am sure. The ride gets scarier day by day yet rarely do you see the call for the country to humble ourselves before God and seek His ways. 

Jesus/Yeshua saved everyone with His life and death and His resurrection He saved us all from the quicksand of this world and with His resurrection built a promised sure path to God and Heaven and He standing at the edge of the quicksand pit with His hands extended and ready to pull you free, you just don't see Him yet because of unbelief but you will see Him sooner than you may think and the Jesus you see that day will not be the simple quite Rabbi who walked the dry earth of Israel 2000 years ago but you see him as a vengeful warrior full of God's wrath, not a pleasant thing to see if you are not looking for Him. Wrath means strong vengeful anger, a retributory punishment for an offense or crime, but how sad for those who will face this punishment and not even know why. God said "My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge of Me" (paraphrasing) 


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