Wednesday, September 17, 2014

See the Evil in the Land

Sometimes I think I am talking to brick walls but that's OK because I am still trying to reach someone out there and that is all I can do from my little corner of this world. I have some health issues cropping up lately so I am not really sure how much longer I'll be able to write but I will continue as long as possible. Perhaps someone far away will read something I have written and it will spark an interest to find out more and eventually lead them to see things as they truly are and not just what TV talking heads tell you what you should think is going on in our world.

God calls all of us to Himself through a small quite voice installed in your wiring at that moment of conception, that moment when you receive the gift of awareness that completes your human makeup, that moment when you have the ability to look at yourself and ask "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "Does my life have a purpose?" and the all powerful "Where does this thought process come from?".

I am not going to preach and throw out dogmatic points, you either hear that small quite voice or you have shut it off and are quite happy to plug away at life moment to moment with no further thought of what may come after. If you still hear that small quite voice prompting you to ask questions of yourself and actually actively search for answers than all is as well as can be expected at the moment but if you no longer have a clue what I am talking about and have no desire to search for answers than your existence is lock into what it will be and I believe you'll be one of many who eventually say "Oops".

By now it should be obvious to you that great evil has entered the world and is spreading at an alarming rate. God said that when you see Israel reformed (1948 Israel was recognized by the UN) a generation shall not pass until all these things (read Matthew 24 and 25) He has told us will come to pass. Well, Israel (the people of God) and Jerusalem are reunited in the land that God gave them in perpetuity as God said it would be 2000 years ago and 70 years is pretty much a Biblical generation so 70 years added to 1948 comes out as 2018 which should be a time when all people will see, if they are willing, that the final 7 years of Tribulation is upon them and things will definitely get much worse. Until then we will see things winding up like a steel spring with wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, terrible diseases, droughts, huge storms, fires, earthquakes, famines,etc. and it should begin to open eyes and hearts to the reality that God was right and is right.

For those of us who do hear and listen to that small quite voice it is a time that we have been warned about and it is a time we have been told to look for the signs before the return of the Jesus/Yeshua our Messiah. It saddens me that so many are deaf and so many will only see when it is too late but that is what will happen.

God calls your name everyday and is constantly knocking at the door, stop and ask Him to open your ears so that you can hear His voice calling but ask with truth, honesty and sincerity in your heart, a repentant heart is never not heard.


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