Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mandela Effect?

I see these differences but I fear not because the Spirit of GOD is within me and my salvation is assured by faith. I know that fear is driving so much of this and I pray that all of will see that we are indeed facing a falling away and a great shaking of the faith. Be firm in your faithful heart and continue to trust GOD.

The Word of GOD shall never pass away for the Word of GOD is Jesus Christ and His Word is written on my heart and my trust lies in the Word. The KJV Matthew 10:21 says something terrible will come to pass in the end of days but what is it?, and where does it start?

When both sides of an argument claim the other is mentally deficient in their knowledge of the Word this will only spark confusion and confusion is of its father the Devil. Trust in GOD and know He is the Lord and His message has not changed if it is written in your heart, mind and soul.

Trust GOD and all your fears will leave you and you shall see things with new eyes, His eyes, and hear things with new ears, His ears. Pray for those who only have a cursory knowledge of the true Word of GOD and can be easily mislead to believe a lie as the truth and the truth as a lie. There is a great deception beginning upon the earth and those who dwell upon the earth are subject to it all, so anchor yourselves upon the rock of Salvation and stir up your heart full of love for your fellow men and women. Present the Truth in Love and help calm the fears of those who are seeking GOD and His Truth. We know the Truth and the Truth does set you free from fear.

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