Friday, May 29, 2015

American's Loves Pornography because we ignorantly encourage our children to take part

I wrote a piece about 4-5 years ago about the toxic preponderance of the expanding pornography industry here in America and the ease with which anyone can gain access to such terrible material.  When I wrote that piece I had only in mind adult men sitting in their parents basements and pursuing a sick desire to gaze upon physical sin.  This lone adult male behavior alone was abhorrent enough but I recently decided to investigate again the growth of this despicable industry, although I found the experience of this new investigation revolting it also had some very negative affects on me both physically and mentally.  I found myself actually in physical pain when I found that an explosive growth in true child pornography had occurred in recent years and that a majority of this pornography was provided by the children themselves.  My tears fell with the realization that today's adolescents do not even understand the perversity of their willingness to upload naked selfie pictures into the world wide web (spider's web).  The idea that these children apparently have no concept of right or wrong in regards to what is pornographic and what is not is mind boggling to me. This apathy is something that is taught by the constant onslaught of hearing there is no sin, there is no right and wrong, there are no absolutes, there is but one law and that is now Aleister Crowley's satanic mantra of "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law". 

Words cannot express how sad it is for me to see that our country's youth now consider this dark satanically evolved and virulent mind bending derivative as a basis for a new and acceptable progressive modern morality without understanding the consequences and corollary effects this brings into a lawful society.  The acceptance of pornography in our American society has produced an evil and very dark industry that prays on the souls of all those who find themselves within the grasp of such a foul commerce. I have found it utterly amazing that I find very little written on this subject much less anything solid moving forward through our courts to put a stop to it all.  Pornography falls under "free speech" here in the United States and is therefore deemed sacrosanct and seen by the courts as a man-made "divine" and "hallowed" tenant of the 1st Amendment. That is why it will never be stopped promptly and it will be allowed to spread and prosper by which time the damage to society will have been discovered and promoted by politicians as a new revelatory science that has discovered and is finally seeing the deleterious effects of allowing our children to participate in this wicked promotion of plain evil masquerading as "Free Speech". 

I suppose the biggest shock I received from my little investigation was the information I received from prepubescent adolescents when I asked what they thought of all the pornography their are surrounded with daily, they looked at me quizzically and the then the light went off, and they said it was everywhere every day. Now I didn't quite understand what they had related until one of the kids held up a phone and said it's all in here all the time. A phone is a phone to me and the few times I used it to access the internet's world wide web I found it much harder than just using my computer at home so I stopped using my phone in this fashion, the kids did not stop using their phones in this fashion. The light came on!  The children have become desensitized to what is truly evil and what is truly good.  They do not recognize the dark and evil path their parents have allowed them to travel and that is because their parents no longer recognize what is evil and what is good.  If one can no longer distinguish between what is evil and what is good as a secular citizen than surely one has no capability of pointing out   a potential trap to help one child bypass the pitfalls that surround us.  It is no wonder that I continue to hear that nothing makes sense any longer and what does it all mean?  Really? I have to explain how this works?  I live in a country that is lost in translation and apparently no longer able to hold the capacity for reasoned thought and conclusive objective understanding.  Dennis Prager put it best, "Those who do not see or understand evil fight those who do."  The world and the United States continues the fight to remove God from our world and our American lives.  Yes, the road map to a completely secular world without God is a road map Americans seem to be happily using daily as we travel this road and we are trusting in some faceless someone to lead us to the glorious Utopia of progressive leftist dreams a dream where "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law".
I just want to expand upon one other point here and that is of sin, a terrible sin the entire country will be held liable for before a heavenly court.  What is that sin? The sin of stealing or theft.  Yes, the 8th Commandment.  What and how is this Commandment primary to my assessment? I believe the eighth commandment is the only commandment that is truly open ended and covers all the commandments when one understands the true nature of theft or stealing.  Most believe that this commandment is about the theft of physical property but it is not it is about everything that can be stolen, confiscated, destroyed, misused etc.. 
What can be stolen?  Let me make a small list to get you on the right train of thought here;

Murder is stealing ones life

Adultery is stealing a person's spouse

Coveting is the desire to steal what rightfully belongs to another

Giving false testimony is stealing justice

Stealing a person's reputation through false testimony, libel, slander or gossip is a horrible sin because rarely is it fully restored

Stealing a person's precious dignity by humiliation is abhorrent

Stealing a person's trust through deception, so it is just telling a simple lie

Stealing a person's intellectual property, like downloading music without purchase or stealing another's words such plagiarism. This particular theft is currently rampant and seen as OK.

Stealing a child's youth and innocence is probably the absolute worst case of theft and one that actually physically hurts my heart and I mean it truly physically hurts.

Why don't I hear Christians shouting everyday about this extremely abhorrent practice? Why do most Americans claim to be good people when this is evil is fully supported by the government and courts we put in place above us to guide us and protect us. To condone what God has condemned, even through ignorance, is no excuse even before a secular court much less before the throne of God. To keep silent is to condone and therefore a sin of horrific theft on every American citizen be they aware or not. 

God has said through His Prophet Hosea 4:6-7:

6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." 
7 "The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against Me; I will change their glory into shame.…"

What knowledge is lacking? It is the simple and basic understanding of the Ten Commandments and what does it mean to steal.  Elemental comprehension and awareness of God's simple truth of theft and what it truly means is something you would think anyone who has any knowledge of the Ten Commandments would understand.  How sad that we have come so far in our journey away from God and His moral code and it has resulted in this blindness to the destruction of our own children. 

Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! Seek the Light, Find the Light and Strive to remain in the Light! Only through knowledge of God's Word is this attainable.

Free speech is the pillar that supports and defends this attack on our children. If Free Speech is the tool used in America to continue the destruction of innocent children then Free Speech needs to be overhauled! Destructive behavior is supported by destructive policy.

If you saw someone beating a child on the side of the road wouldn't you try to put a stop to it immediately or would you just think someone else will come along and put a stop to it or even worse you decide to defer to the law and the courts and say it is that evil man's right, by way of free speech, to hurt that child and continue to hurt that child unto death so you drive on by. If that child dies because of the beating they received who would be held responsible? The one doing the beating of coarse but those who facilitated and supported the evil behavior on the basis of free speech are also primary in their guilt.
As a country we are guilty, as individual voters we are responsible because we voted for and supported candidates that have fully supported this evil for years and even with the dark consequences laid out before them they refuse to see evil for what it truly is.  

Those who see evil and fight evil are opposed by fools who do not see evil and will fight to protect those who do evil. Is this completely upside down or what? 

Evil just doesn't recognize itself in the mirror but God does.     

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