Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Great Shaking on the horizon

I wanted to pass on a recent understanding I received about Revelation 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

The "come out of her" simply means to leave the system of false teaching in the dominate Christian churches. The current system teaches that Sunday is the new acceptable Sabbath and that the Feasts of the Lord are of no use to Christians although they tell the story of redemption thru Christ in seven established Feasts, these Feasts are called the Feasts of GOD not of Hebrews, Jews, Gentiles or anyone else, they were established by GOD to teach man of GOD's plan of Salvation. There are many churches today wrestling whether or not to accept abortion, gay marriage and multitude of other issues which the Scripture clearly state are wrong. Unfortunately, silly churches and individuals calling themselves Born Again Christians are quite willing to stand up for their shallow feelings and condone that which GOD has condemned. 

A Christian with the Holy Spirit guiding them will eventually see the folly of their church and begin an honest investigation of what Jesus and the Apostles taught their Disciples. It just amazes me how many do not seek GOD's face but count on another to guide them by the hand to the Glory of GOD's Salvation. It doesn't work that way! Seek yourself the Truth of GOD's Word. If you only have a small amount of faith and belief in Jesus the Holy Spirit is there to take you by the hand and guide you into the Knowledge of GOD, by the way the knowledge that GOD speaks of is pretty important and has GOD said in Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." I don't want GOD to forget me because I forgot HIM and the Commandments.

Don't you want to know what knowledge that is? What laws were forgotten? Misunderstanding one law can condemn you, how sad not to at least search out the Truth from GOD's own Word. This is not rocket science people it just takes a truthful and heartfelt desire to understand GOD's plan which is ultimately for you as a gift, to help guide you into a wonderful and fruitful life as a disciple of Christ, understanding that which Jesus taught and acting upon that which Jesus taught and understanding why. Simple illustration, if you buy a fancy bread maker and bring it home expecting great bread but neglect to read the instructions you will not get great bread anytime soon but what you will have is conversation piece. I see people all the time who have done this same thing with a Bible, if you don't read the instructions yourself you will never understand how it all works. 

GOD's plan of redemption is a custom made plan for any individual believer. 

There is a great shaking coming soon and that shaking involves the believers who found themselves to be non fruit bearing trees in non fruit bearing churches. These people will break away from those churches and seek a Church that follows GOD's law and right now I see only one Church that obeys the Commandments of GOD. Seek it out and it will be revealed to you.

Come Soon Lord        

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