Tuesday, May 12, 2015

September 2015 A Pivotal Time

Every day I am being inundated with the notion that September 2015 is going to be a very important and pivotal time period for all mankind but it will be especially important for Christians who know and observe the 7 Feasts of God.

The 7th shmittah year of the 7th shmittah cycle (almost 2 thousand years) will end 13 September 2015, according to the dating methods I have been using, and this alone will portend the dramatic failure of our economic system here in America or it could be the start of a compounding failure in the world economic system. I could even be a year off but with the Blood Moons falling on the God's Holy Feast Days I doubt that this conclusion is wrong.

The shmittah is just the beginning. Between now (May 12, 2015) and September I expect to see many more large earthquakes around the world, maybe more tsunami's, large drought stricken areas in the US and abroad which will lead to massive fires and this in turn will lead to much higher food costs and thus beginning a worldwide famine where food stuffs will have to be rationed. The wars will escalate, the unrest here at home will increase and cities across the land will find themselves fighting to keep order. 

Over the next few years I do expect an increase in meteor activity and an increase in the size of the meteors falling to the earth and actually exploding upon arrival, volcanic activity will increase dramatically over the next couple of years where we have a least 20 volcano's spitting fire, smoke and lava on a consistent basis. I know the Catholic astronomers at their Binocular telescope in Arizona (atop a cursed mountain top, as per Apache Indian Lore) which they have called Lucifer (what kind of name is that to give an instrument used by the biggest so called God fearing church in the world, makes you wonder) have said that they are tracking something headed this way, what is headed this way? 

New discoveries in the fields of paleoarchaeology, paleoanthropology and perhaps even microbiology will indeed assault the Christians and our basic beliefs but don't allow your mind to be addled with secular points of persuasion because they may look good on the surface but under pinning it all will be a lie. This may be one of the factors contributing to the great apostasy to come shortly. 

Born Again Bible believing Christians will become the central figures in a campaign to find the fault plaguing the world and it will be determined that Christians are so hard headed and stiff necked about God's Word that it will be told that these Christians are the ones keeping the world from peace and therefore they must be isolated, despised, undermined and their beliefs must be disposed of it the world is to advance to it man made Utopia on earth.

Hillary Clinton has already come out publicly and declared that Christians who think abortion is a sin and against the laws of God are wrong minded and need to adjust their thinking to accommodate abortion for all women and she will of course say that the taxpayer dollars will pay for it. She says she is a Christian but how is that possible, it is not, she is a liar, no one who obeys God's Commandment would ever say God is wrong about killing innocents and that she knows better and she says it's OK. To condone that which God has condemned is to condemn oneself.

Everything that we see today that shocks us, like Hillary's comments on abortion, the racism of the left and the attacks on Christians and our beliefs will only continue to expand and increase with great rapidity over the coming year. 

The Rapture could be this September but I never assume anything in God's plan but be assured that the "come up here" will be soon. For the sake of your soul look up and ask God, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What is my purpose in this life?" and you may be surprised when the quite little voice whispers that you are a creation of God and you are here to grow in knowledge and learn the ways of God, and finally that the purpose of your life is to save that life the only way you can, thru Christ Jesus.

Time is running out and you have to make a stand if you believe God and Believe in His Son Jesus you'll want others to become aware and save themselves. God's love will sustain you and give you the power to bring the Word to those who just don't know.

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