Tuesday, July 6, 2021

TIME IS GETTING VERY SHORT, Perhaps this is the year?

 We have a very short time before the Lord returns for His Bride. The year 2021-2022 is the beginning of the 7 year tribulation but on the Hebrew calendar (which we must use because it is still GOD's time clock) that first day of 5782 is our 7th of September.

Rosh HaShanah – ‘Head of the year’ / Tishrei 1 is the first day of the Jewish new year in their civil calendar. It is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve.

Yom Teruah – ‘Day of Awakening Blast’ / Jewish belief is that the resurrection of the dead will occur on the feast of Trumpets.

The Last Trumpet – On this day, there are 100 trumpet blasts. The final, long, and most significant trumpet blast is called ‘the last trump’.

Yom Zikaron – ‘Day of Remembrance’ / A day on which the chosen people remember God, and God remembers them.

Yom Hadin – ‘Day of Judgment’ / God opens the books on that day and judges the righteous and the wicked according to what they had done.

Yom Hamelech – the Day of the Coronation of the King.

The time of Jacob’s trouble – There shall be great tribulation in Israel such as never was since there was a nation.

Yom Hakeseh – The Hidden Day / It was ‘hidden’ because they didn’t know the exact day it would begin due to the fact that it is the only feast that starts on a new moon. Thus it was a two day feast because they didn’t want to celebrate it on the wrong day. Concerning Rosh HaShanah, the Jews would typically say “Of that day and hour no one knows.

The Opening of the Gates of Heaven / The Gate of Heaven is opened on Rosh HaShanah so the righteous nation may enter.

The Wedding of Messiah / The blowing of the heavenly trumpet is a call for the entire, true, bride of God to assemble together.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Crown is being made right now in Jerusalem!!!

A Golden Crown for the one who comes.

I don't know how many believers know that the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem have commissioned that a crown of gold is made for the soon arrival of a Messiah. Now it is important to know that the Jews believe that two Messiahs shall arrive soon, Messiah ben Joseph, the one to lead their armies against their enemies but he shall be killed during the battle but not to fear for another Messiah, the Messiah ben David who shall restore all things, beginning with the restoration to life of Messiah ben Joseph. The golden crown will be given to Messiah ben David and he shall be king over all the earth. 

Does this sound familiar? Revelation chapter 6 verse 2 says " And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was GIVEN unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." Note that a crown was given unto him. I contend that the crown was not given to him from Heaven but rather was bestowed on him from the grateful Jews who do not fully understand that this man is there to wipe them out after convincing them that he is their Messiah with wonders and miracles. Revelation 13:3 says, " And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded unto death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." When the Messiah ben David heals and restores back to life the Messiah ben Joseph perhaps this is the time he is given the crown of a ruler. 

The problem the Jews currently have is that they believe GOD is one and He has no son, they do not comprehend the triune nature of GOD. God is as Jesus (Yeshua) stated one but GOD and that He, Jesus, came to us from out of the Father. I explain to those who asked that GOD can do anything and becoming a fleshly man is certainly not beyond the power of GOD Almighty. Think of water, when frozen it is solid, when it is hot it becomes a vapor when it is not hot or cold it is in a state of liquid. GOD the Father is Spirit thus vapor, God the Son is solid and presented Himself in human form, God the Holy Spirit is as water flowing from the livings waters of the throne of God to all creation. The Jews will soon realize that the one who holds the crown they gave him is not who they thought he was but rather the enemy in sheep's clothing, the who presents himself as an angel of light.  All the believers will be taken up before this occurs so the Jews and the those who dwell on the earth will see the revealing of GOD's Word on their own. Their opportunity for the revelation of GOD's Truth is now and Salvation is freely given to them now but if they are not going to turn to GOD right now and receive HIS gift of Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness through a simple belief that Yeshua is exactly who HE claimed to be then GOD will allow them to suffer under the one they all freely choose for themselves. That time will be terrible but those left to suffer have openly turned their backs on GOD's free gift.

If you don't think the end times are upon us then you need to re-evaluate your understanding of the things that happening right now on this earth for a crown is being made, for presentation in the coming weeks. The belief that one Messiah will raise another from the dead certainly appears to be a direct reflection of Revelation 13:3. Something to think about but the time is short so get your heart, mind, soul and body ready for the soon arrival of the King of Kings, Praise GOD in all things. I love I hope and pray this touches someone's heart and kindles a flame of passion finding the Truth of the Word of GOD.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Name of GOD

I have searched for 45 years for the truth of the Bible and GOD's Word and that search has taken many forms and I have followed many paths, some fulfilling and others leading to virtual confusion on my part. The father of confusion is Satan which means when you search on your own and under your own wisdom the devil will step in quickly and provide what appears to be valuable information through common knowledge clues or obscure clues disguised as little golden nuggets of the truth, they are false. Soon you are following a path that is nothing more than an elaborate circle, like a small boat with just one oar you row and row and row but a wise mind continually listens for that small quite voice and hears that it is time to look up and see the whirlpool of darkness you circumnavigate is nothingness and darkness follows closely behind. That is when you finally realize that there are essentials one must first seek but to correctly find these essential points one must be of a humble and contrite heart before our heavenly Father, clarity of purpose and clear vision comes soon. Seek the truth of GOD with all your heart, mind and soul and revelation begins to occur in small increments at first and greater knowledge then follows.

One thing that bothered me for so many years was the fact that the Bible I was reading continually stressed GOD's name, yet all I ever found was a description, or if you will an explanation of the meaning of HIS name.

Exodus 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."  In Hebrew "ehyeh 'ăšer 'ehyeh". For many years I accepted this answer but I always had a sense that there was much more. Forward many years and that question began to burn in my heart and I knew there was more.

Another point I am sure most know is that YHWH is an abbreviation of GOD's name and this is what you will find in a Hebrew Bible in most instances but you will also find Hashem (The Name) Adonai and LORD, not the name of GOD. 

The Rabbi's of old, otherwise known as the Pharisees and Sadducees had decided that knowing the name of GOD was just too much power to be thrown around lightly so they basically hid the Name and only they new the real Name and the High Priest would only say it aloud once during the Day of Atonement in the Holy of Holies. It is a long story but a misguided attempt to build a wall of protection around Torah for the supposed benefit of the children of Israel but it was also intended to keep power in the hands of the elite. The name has been hidden for almost 2000 years. God said, through the prophets, that HIS name would be known throughout the world and even the gentiles would know the truth in the end days.

Well, to get to crux of the subject, I found a Karaite Jew by the name of Nehemia Gordon, a great biblical scholar from Israel, who has opened the book of Rabbinical secrets to show us all that the name of GOD has always been there, it is there without vowel points which define how a letter is pronounced. This is the part I love, Nehemia's persistence in seeking the truth has been rewarded with over a thousand documents throughout history that clearly show that the leading Orthodox Rabbinic leaders (Pharisees) have always known the truth of HIS Name but have suppressed this knowledge. There are many who will vehemently deny GOD's true name but as with all of GOD's truth Satan tries desperately to confuse and deny. Remember that GOD said in the end days all who want to know and search will know HIS true name.

The name of GOD is mentioned in the Bible 6828 times. I am satisfied that Nehemia is correct and that the Name of GOD written in English is Yehovah. Please research for yourself at Nehemia's site. 


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Everything is New

I have been away awhile due to illness but I'm back and ready to share what I have learned. 
I grew up an Irish Roman Catholic with an Irish Mother and Jewish German/Swedish Father who converted to Catholicism to marry, he never really had his heart in it. Well, sometime ago I went full on ancestry research with extensive DNA testing and the results were eye opening. My Father's family I knew pretty well including the fact that my Grandmother was Jewish with the maternal last name of Jacob. My Mother was Irish/Scottish and the Irish family was very old and had been in Ireland for 1000's of years and the Hamilton Catholic Scottish paternal side came over during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. Well, that wasn't all the truth. It turned out that not only was my Father Jewish by birth, which I did not know for years, but my Mother was very Jewish by lineage. Her DNA indicated an early and late maternal line to include Sephardic Jews from the Iberian Peninsular (Spain) with a strong presence of Basque, Moroccan,  Tunisian and finally the Mid-East origins in and around Jerusalem. I had this test preformed again at many deeper levels but this only confirmed the previous findings. 
My Irish family was shocked and my German family shrugged, I was confused.
At the time this information did not change my Christian beliefs but from that point on I had an emptiness in my soul that I could not figure out. Why would I feel this void inhabiting my heart when I was filled with the Holy Spirit of GOD leading my footsteps through this life. That Spirit led walk guided me to a consuming inquiry and search for the missing pieces and what I found was left me sitting with my mouth open, silent and simply stupefied. How could I have been a student of the Word of GOD for 49 years and never understood so much of what I had read. I was just like so many others that believed so much that wasn't the truth of what GOD has done and is continuing to do for HIS children, all children. Growing up Catholic was definitely a great hindrance to spiritual growth in GOD's Word and when I was around 10 I started asking questions that I received no answers for and when I was 14 I simply refused to have any part in a religion that lied, which I clearly pointed out when I had read the Bible for myself. The more I studied the more I was shocked and very disappointed in a Church that knew so little and shared even less, this revelation was very sad and caused a rifted in my family, my Father being the only understanding adult I could talk with but I found that he didn't really believe in anything, another sad moment.    
I spent the next 49 years searching for that which is true. In and out of Christianity, to Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism, Orthodox Greek Christianity, Gnosticism, Scientism, Satanism and others in-between, all leading to brick walls of pure emotionalism and base feelings. Although my investigation into Satanism did produce some startling results it was the one search that did lead me back to GOD and HIS WORD. I found that darkness, evil, demons and devils were quite real so if that was true than there had to be an opposing truth of light and goodness. After years of searching for GOD's Truth and His revealing to me so much truth I never learned from man's teachings that I finally understood what is so plainly written in the Scriptures, that truth can only be found in GOD and that happens on a one on one basis or if you will a prayerful, humble and repentant submission resulting in a  meeting with my Heavenly Creator and Savior. Eventually, this led to my investigation into my Jewish roots which was a Heavenly invitation to search out and discover a previously unknown book. That book turned out to be the Bible but read with new eyes and understood with new spirit filled discernment. I cannot begin to tell you the illumination I experienced once I found that my Christian Born Again background was quite insufficient to accommodate the spiritual growth that lay before me. My life before this was like finding the Temple of God and knowing that it was here I can find that which I seek and always seeing before me a small one story building with a library like interior but now I see the same one story building but upon entering I find it is so much bigger with wonderful stairways and elevators rising to many different floors. In other words, all this was always here but unknowable without daily bringing your humble and repentant heart before Our Heavenly High Priest, who stands in the Heavenly Temple performing the duties of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. If you don't know what duties the High Priest performed on Yom Kippur then you do not know what your Savoir is doing or why!  He does this daily until that future Day of Atonement when He steps out of the Temple to reveal Himself to the people. 
I was considered a mature Christian in the Faith but the maturity was of the first degree and now I know that degree of maturity was in reality no more than kindergarten. GOD has so much more to show you and it is all in the Bible but if you can do no more than read compounded letters and discern its basic meaning than you shall miss the meaning behind each and every letter. 
We can only see colors that are within the wavelengths from 400–700 nano-meters but the full spectrum goes from one trillionth of a meter to 100 million meters. 
We can only hear in a  range commonly given as 20Hz to 20,000Hz (Hz or Hertz is defined as one cycle per second) so we can hear at levels of 20 cycles per second up to 20,000 cycles per second but the sound world is much, much larger so large in fact it is commonly referred to in multiples such as kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz, and terahertz. 
This formulaic approach is also be true of the Bible. If your just looking at the surface wording with a myopic modern Christian understanding your only getting the basic introduction.  
Suddenly idioms that have a Western meaning will take on new meaning! The passage stating the “cock crowing three times” had nothing to do with a rooster crowing, but instead refers to the priest calling out for the commencement of the Temple services for the day!  Chickens are considered a very foul and dirty creature and they would never be allowed anywhere near the Temple but if you know nothing of Hebrew culture you wouldn't know this. How many more Bible truths have you grown up with that turn out not to be so. This is just a minuscule example believe me there are things within the Word that will make you fall out of your chair. Remember that GOD delights in Your search for HIM.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Churches! What are you doing Wrong???

I visit a new Christian church each Sunday to listen to what is being preached that day and listen to the praise music and meet and greet members. I am always asked if I am looking for a church home, which is quite expected and I always reply no I am awaiting a message about a church home. Seeing that I am a rather a new Christian but I have studied the Bible for 40 plus years I had not really contended with all the denominations currently active in my town. I knew there were differences about Sabbath Worship dates, water baptism, tongues, hands on healing etc. but I never suspected that some, modernized churches, were teaching from Politically Correct interpretation Bibles, or as I call them PCB's. I looked online at the differences and the opinions of professional bible reviewers, who knew, and I was actually quite shocked to hear them complaining about the language and especially about the treatment of homosexuals in classic bibles.

Some Christian churches in America are changing and continuing to change into shadows, an opaque vapor, a gray mist where nothing is discernable and I find it is due to these very liberal interpretations of our Bible, The Word of God. Some churches now spend 3/4's of their time singing praises and worshipping, which is good and correct when the Spirit is leading but so many times the praise service ends and there is perhaps 15 minutes of Bible Teaching and then sometimes with never a word from the Scriptures ever quoted. It is becoming quite distressing to find a group of brothers and sisters basically floundering in high surf and there is no one there to help guide back to a rocky shore. Some preachers seem to be on a time schedule and opt for the tricky quips and wide grins to end the the service. Sure they are listening to parishioners but listening to what I wonder.

There is a great cry from the hearts of these brothers and sisters caught in the downward spiraling churches for help lifting themselves up and away from nowhere sermons. Some know it and actively search out new homes while others seem lost and stuck no even realizing their predicament. My heart is sore for these people. I want to get up and say something but I am currently being led to keep quite, be nice and visit another church next week.

Something is coming to a boil in this nation and God is about to let loose the other Spirits before the Lord's Throne and great revival will begin to take shape and grow like a Kansas twister. There will be revival and many great days of praise and worship whipping through this land but like a natural twister it has a time to run its course and then slowly fades away. Watch for the young people for they are called to start this revival and this turning back to God and finding His Truth they will save many more for this is the generation of return and the generation of "The Latter Rain".

Wake up to the Message, listen to the small quite voice, re-read your Bible and you will be amazed at what God is revealing today. We need fire and brimstone preachers and evangelists and pastors who know the Word of God and do not compromise. We need teachers, preachers, pastors or priests who bless that which God has condemned and we need fire from the pulpit not complacent smiles and wry grins and winks.

There is but one message, God Loves Us and has saved us from ourselves if only we can see it and hear it.

"Let him with ears hear."

Monday, September 19, 2016

"Do you know the name of GOD?

I recently read Rabbi Johnathan Cahn's new book "The Book of Mysteries", an excellent book and a wonderful daily guide to the mysteries of GOD and his infinite love for His creation, us. I highly recommend this fine work for it is spirit filled and an additional gift from GOD to all believers. You will be blessed and your heart will be renewed and spirit filled. I have taken the liberty of expounding and connecting a few of the profound ideas Rabbi Cahn has touched upon here in his fine book and may great thanks and blessing find the Rabbi and his family and may blessings be upon the Holy Spirit for conveying these jewels to one whom can so easily transfer these deep things of GOD into simple terms for those of us who understand simple things.

"Do you know the name of GOD?

I have wondered about this subject since I was a boy when I heard "call upon the name of the Lord", my first question was always OK, and what name is that? Assuming, as I did that Howard was not his true name as my cousins tried repeatedly to tell me that we know His name because of the "Our Father" prayer, "Our Father who art in Heaven Horward be thy name,..."

Perhaps a little levity but it is amazing how confused young catholic boys can become when faced with such nonsense and unfortunately that confusion carry's on into adulthood as I can attest. I asked for the true name of God so that I may include His name in my prayers because the Bible says "If you call upon my name". GOD stated to Moses in Genesis 3:4 "
"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

" I AM THAT I AM " in the English vernacular would be hayah. HaYah is a verb but verb of action.

God has included himself in your speech everyday whether you realize this or not, for you say, as an introduction, " I am Paul " I am using God's name prior to my name so God comes first in my life, again, whether you know it or not. YHVH means I AM. His name is woven into the fabric of your life and very existence, you cannot speak of yourselves in a proper way without saying His Name first. I t is rather like a trademark that identify you as a product made by Him. You only exist because of his I AM.

The secret to life is to understand that you live your life for and by HIM, allow yourself to see your actions coming from Him, that the emotions you feel in your heart flow from Him, the words you speak are originally from him. Keep all this in mind before you add to or take away from the things you say and do for a truth heart understand that your being is from God and therefore let God be Preeminent in your life. 

19 September 2016 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

God Chose His Sabbath at Creation For a Reason and a Purpose; Do you understand the simple things?

I wanted to comment on the "Mandela Effect" once again and simply state that all is well.  Yes, I have found changes here and there and some of them are terrible but for the Christian who know the Scriptures well none of this should not be a problem because the Word is written in your heart. I have been confronted by those who do not know the Bible well and will tell you that you must stand your ground for that ground is solid rock and those making hay of these found differences are only doing it to lift themselves with false knowledge and bring down the Word of God is their aim, whether they understand their motivations or not. Believe in the Truth and that Truth will support your spirit and soul and your communication with the Holy Spirit will remain intact and your prayer for guidance will always be answered. Fear not for nothing in this world can harm you only you can allow harm to penetrate your wall of protection so keep you eyes on God and keep reading His Word and the Truth shall penetrate your heart and strengthen your resolve.

I have had a continually nudging, I call it, from the Holy Spirit about the Seventh Day Sabbath and just how very important it is to our God ( I am GOD El Shaddai). I am continually nudged to bring it up when I visit churches in the area, although most of the time it is not really appreciated, rather like pointing out a bugger hanging from ones nose. I find most Christians don't like to even confront the idea and always fall back on the Apostle Paul for a quick and simple explanation but digging deeper I find they have no knowledge of why they meet on Sunday the first day of the week. Many weak and ineffectual answers abound but all fall apart with an investigation of the Bible.

The biggest thing that was pointed out to me was that God set aside and sanctified the seventh day at creation;

Genesis 2:3 

"And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

The blessing and sanctification of the seventh day takes place at the beginning of creation. There were no Israelites, Jews, Muslims Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc.. This was the very first thing God did that man needed to pay attention to. Why else would God create all things, including man, and the emphatically state that this seventh day has been set aside (for whom) and that this day is sanctified (for whose knowledge was it sanctified) surely God knew the day was special but He wanted all His creation to know that this day was special, was set aside as a Holy Convocation a Sanctified Day a day to pay close attention too.  I am sure Adam and Eve were well aware of the day of rest form their husbandry in the garden, was it a day that the Lord God visited them and walked among the garden paths with them, spending the day in their company and they spending their day of rest in His company?

The Seventh Day Sabbath the Day Of Rest has not changed from the creation, yet man has changed times and dates from the beginning to detriment and confusion of the world. Christians, if they will, should go back and re-read the Word of God anew and they will find there is so much they have over looked and or misconstrued over the years that makes so many things in their belief null and void. Go back and read and search the scriptures so that you too are among those that God has said in,

Hosea 4:6

 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children"

Are the Ten Commandments the Law of God?

Exodus 20:8–10

8: "Remember and observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
9: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10: but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant, your animal or your stranger within your gates.”
Did Jesus say it is good to keep 9 out of the 10 commandments? or did He say keep all the commandments of God?
Revelation 14:12
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
As said earlier this subject has been deep in my heart and I prayed about it much but God has said to speak of it when you can but do not disturb the churches for if they do not understand by now they have hardened their hearts to the Truth in many ways. Little oversights can become big oversights but let not your heart trouble you too much for His Mercy and Grace is sufficient for you and your sins.