Saturday, September 17, 2016

God Chose His Sabbath at Creation For a Reason and a Purpose; Do you understand the simple things?

I wanted to comment on the "Mandela Effect" once again and simply state that all is well.  Yes, I have found changes here and there and some of them are terrible but for the Christian who know the Scriptures well none of this should not be a problem because the Word is written in your heart. I have been confronted by those who do not know the Bible well and will tell you that you must stand your ground for that ground is solid rock and those making hay of these found differences are only doing it to lift themselves with false knowledge and bring down the Word of God is their aim, whether they understand their motivations or not. Believe in the Truth and that Truth will support your spirit and soul and your communication with the Holy Spirit will remain intact and your prayer for guidance will always be answered. Fear not for nothing in this world can harm you only you can allow harm to penetrate your wall of protection so keep you eyes on God and keep reading His Word and the Truth shall penetrate your heart and strengthen your resolve.

I have had a continually nudging, I call it, from the Holy Spirit about the Seventh Day Sabbath and just how very important it is to our God ( I am GOD El Shaddai). I am continually nudged to bring it up when I visit churches in the area, although most of the time it is not really appreciated, rather like pointing out a bugger hanging from ones nose. I find most Christians don't like to even confront the idea and always fall back on the Apostle Paul for a quick and simple explanation but digging deeper I find they have no knowledge of why they meet on Sunday the first day of the week. Many weak and ineffectual answers abound but all fall apart with an investigation of the Bible.

The biggest thing that was pointed out to me was that God set aside and sanctified the seventh day at creation;

Genesis 2:3 

"And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

The blessing and sanctification of the seventh day takes place at the beginning of creation. There were no Israelites, Jews, Muslims Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc.. This was the very first thing God did that man needed to pay attention to. Why else would God create all things, including man, and the emphatically state that this seventh day has been set aside (for whom) and that this day is sanctified (for whose knowledge was it sanctified) surely God knew the day was special but He wanted all His creation to know that this day was special, was set aside as a Holy Convocation a Sanctified Day a day to pay close attention too.  I am sure Adam and Eve were well aware of the day of rest form their husbandry in the garden, was it a day that the Lord God visited them and walked among the garden paths with them, spending the day in their company and they spending their day of rest in His company?

The Seventh Day Sabbath the Day Of Rest has not changed from the creation, yet man has changed times and dates from the beginning to detriment and confusion of the world. Christians, if they will, should go back and re-read the Word of God anew and they will find there is so much they have over looked and or misconstrued over the years that makes so many things in their belief null and void. Go back and read and search the scriptures so that you too are among those that God has said in,

Hosea 4:6

 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children"

Are the Ten Commandments the Law of God?

Exodus 20:8–10

8: "Remember and observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
9: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10: but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant, your animal or your stranger within your gates.”
Did Jesus say it is good to keep 9 out of the 10 commandments? or did He say keep all the commandments of God?
Revelation 14:12
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
As said earlier this subject has been deep in my heart and I prayed about it much but God has said to speak of it when you can but do not disturb the churches for if they do not understand by now they have hardened their hearts to the Truth in many ways. Little oversights can become big oversights but let not your heart trouble you too much for His Mercy and Grace is sufficient for you and your sins.  


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