Thursday, September 1, 2016

New Understanding of "The Great Falling Aaway"

I have been back and forth on the "Rapture", which would be better called "The Gathering" for many years. My studies have taken me from my childhood understanding of God's refinery where raw gold is processed through a series of furnaces to melt and seperate the slag, or that which is not gold is brought to the surface of the molten gold and scraped off and thrown away. After many refining furnaces the gold is pure through and through and suitable for use as an instrument to be used in God's house, because has no sin in Him and wil not allow sin to enter His home. Exactly where this original idea sprouted I do not recall but I have had that vision in my mind since I was about 10 years old. When I became older and studied the Word of God more deeply and began to meet other Christians I began to see the correlations between this refining process and the "Born Again" understanding of renewing ones spirit through the help and guidance of the Spirit of God. For once one seeks the Truth a starting point must be found and that starting point will by God's Grace be pointedly disturbing when His Spirit displays the real existing you as God sees you. When I saw the real flawed and filthy condition God saw me in I began to grow expotentially because the truth of my life was before me and the desire God has for me were very different. To get to this position I had to breakdown and seek God because I finally saw I knew nothing though my intellect and intelligence and my ability to search out the truth lead me into a darker and darker circle of lies and deception about all things. I have seen many reach this place but have not turned to God and therefore they maintain their position in an ever spirilling downward while considering their intelligence and intellect being superior because of the knowledge of this world they have gained. They do not see that there are no conclusive answers they can find only more questions. Like being caught up in a slow turning, yet powerful, vortex of water descending drain they never reach out for the life vests tied to the rock around them simply because they don't believe they can be real because they are spiritual and therefore just crazy cerebral imaginings. Sad to see someone bypass a lifeline thinking they make it to shore under their own power.

Back to the "The Gathering" of the Saints and Souls who trust in the Lord Yahshua (Jesus). I have been pondering this gathering for years and the day before yesterday I had an epipheny when I had a serious crying and shaking breakdown asking the Lord what will become of me for I am surrounded by so many problems and it was becoming overwhelming. Well, I didn't get a big boost of an answer but rather a boost of strength and committment to see it through no matter what but hours later after having addressed many of the issues before and seeing them getting smaller and smaller I was lead to sit and contemplate the Word. That Word basically said to go online and I will show you a message to calm your mind and give you confidence in my "Gathering" together my people. The message was simple and something I do quite regularly and that is to sit down with my Bibles, Concordances, Interlinears, Dictionaries search out a word.

Apostasia was the word I was given and the search was on. "The Great Falling Away" as it has become known to the modern hearer.

1611 King James Bible
2 Thessolonians 2:3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition"

1599 Geneva Bible
1 "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our assembling unto him,

2 That ye be not suddenly moved from your mind, nor troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it were from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that the man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition,".

History comes into play here when we consider King James and his interpretation. Remember that King James and England, Scotland had been going through a very tramatic period of history when we remember Henry VIII andhis desention from the Catholic church and burning at the stake and beheadings the people of England suffered during this change. After his death the protestant Queen Elizabeth I took the throne, after some confusion, of England and her Catholic cousin Queen Mary of Scotland took the throne of Scotland and tried to force catholisism on the protestants of Scotland. This did not please Elizabeth I of England and she actively tried to undermine all Mary's efforts eventually driving Mary south for protection from her protestant subjects to her fellow Queen and cousin only to find herself imprisoned and eventually beheaded. When Elizabeth died King James VI of Scotland became James the 1st of England and took the throne of England and began the compiling of the King James Bible. As a Protestant King James wanted suppress all opposition from any and all religious leaders in the country and establish himslek as did Henry VIII as the Head of the Church of England a protestant church and protestant England. I believe the King took some liberties, as is documented in history, with some of the wording being employed in the new English Bible and one of those interpretations was the the reframing of the word Apostasia into stright up Apostacy. This has become accepted throughout the years and has influenced many other Bible versions. Today it is quite common and thought that "The Great Falling Away" from the faith is what this Greek word means and meant. Not so Fast.

Greek is an inflected language, look it up, and therefore can see sematic shifts easily. As an example awful used to mean filled with awe now it means dreadful. Over time words can shift meaning depending on the times. Well, Apostacy is a word taken directly from Greek but there are many, many words in Greek that can use the same term but convey a similar but different meaning. "Apo" in Greek means; from, moving away from something near and "stasia" means spot, space or position. Depending on the context in which the word is used it can mean moving away from a formerly held position or moving from a physical place or spot.

Look this up yourself and understand that the same word is used

Timothy 2:19 "having put away" Apotheomia

Luke 4:13 "he departed from him" Aphistema

Acts 12:10 "the angel departed from him" Aphistema

2 Cor 12:8 "that it might depart from me" Aphistema

Acts 22:29 "then straightway they departed from him" Aphistema

These are just a few examples of the word Apostasia in different form meaning physically depart. The King James Bible is a great Bible but some liberties were taken here and there to influence the people that a falling away of the faith of The Church of England was biblical and therefore should not be considered (consider the times). In actuality Apostasia, the word used in that text of 2 Thessolonians 2:3 but it is also the same word used in the interpreted text of the Geneva Bible of 1599 and was there strictly used as the Greek definition states, "except there come a departing first". I believe the Geneva Bible correctly interpreted the intended meaning of the Greek word and this is Christian world changing.

Now consider the whole text Paul is conveying;

2Th 2:1
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2Th 2:2
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

2Th 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (departure from this place) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Taken in this context it can be seen that that this verse stand to support the verse where

2Th 2:7
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

I believe this is speaking of the Holy Spirit that enfills men and women of God and that when the Holy Spirit of God is taken out of the way then the man of sin is revealed. In other words the departure from this place must first occur in order for the Beast to be fully revealed. I think Paul was telling us that a "Rapture" or "Gathering together" will be accomplished first leaving the world without the Holy Spirit of God about them, the one that restains the evil.

James 1:16
 "Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren."

Take it as you may but I found great serenity and comfort knowing the we are NOT appointed to wrath, either by the Lamb, by GOD, or by the devil.

I know this not a completed study by any means but I was compelled to write it and put it before the people who are still questioning.

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