Saturday, September 3, 2016

It Is Time To Pray in Earnst and Seek The Face of GOD

A dark and heavy spiritual pressure is seemingly building week by week and I sometimes succumb to the continual onslaught and find my myself crying out to my Lord and Savoir "please come soon." When this happens I stop the building process and find a chair, box, step-ladder anything with a flat spot and sit myself down and begin to pray.

The last time this happened was last week and it was so overwhelming that I began to shake and the tears rolled down my cheeks and soaked my shirt. Why did this happen? I was having a great day doing remodelling work to my house, the tile is getting done faster the wall preparations for paint (lots of wallpaper in this house), new cabinet doors, sheet rock going up smoothly and mudded everything was going just fine when I was hit by this overwhelming pressure of sadness as it enveloped me and physically pushed me to the ground.

As prayed asking the Lord to hear my pray I recieved nothing, no little voice, no infilling of gladness and happiness, no great lifting of my heart but rather a deeper and deeper sadness. Why? I asked why is this happening to me is it the dark forces around me tryng to bring me low and make me miserable? Part of the problem was as I precieved and then I hear and see in my minds eye the wordly secular condition of my country and our people and the world and her people all seemingly caught up in the world's day to day living around them and never looking to GOD. It was like holding a rope only to finally notice the rope getting smaller. Of coarse not everyone is in this sad state of affairs, there are many brothers and sisters in the WORD that are living a wonderful and loving exisistence where GOD comes first and they live day to day and seek only that which is pleasing to the LORD but they know what is pleasing to GOD because they study HIS WORD and seek his face and counsel every moment of everyday.

I see so many more people , young and old, who do not seek GOD through HIS WORD and through prayer and this has caused a dimming of the spiritual skies above me and around me, not a visible thing most days but some days the oppression is as thick as a fog and heavy like a wet blanket on my spirit and soul. When this occurs I am compelled to fall to my knees and prayer overtakes me and I ask why?, well, the answer I hear most often is "because they need it".

Then I always ask, "When are you are retuning to this world? When will the people see you are who you say you are? When will this darkness be vanquished and blinders removed and ears opened?" and the answer I hear is "SOON"

Each passing day this world produces another shock or surprize that will shake your faith but do not allow yourselves to fall in a downward spiral of deception for those are tools of the devil. GOD is here and JESUS is standing at the gates of Heavens awaiting that day soon when HE and and HIS angels will gather together HIS people and remove us from harms way, just as HE did for Noah and Lot. Be faithful and hear HIS WORD and see HIS works, for you are surround by HIS glory and never truly see it all, take time to be with HIM and HE will strengthen your soul and spirit.

What is happening in the world is just water beginning to boil and it is moving about the things upon the surface, a louder warning is coming and soon the world will begin to wonder. We who are under HIS cloak have nothing to fear for fear cannot exist where there is HIS light and that light is showing us a great door soon to be opened and the path beyond leads us back to Garden where a great feast will be held.

May GOD Bless you all and fill your hearts with awe and wonder and always consider how HE has blessed each and everyone of you for you are a miracle to behold.

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