Tuesday, October 15, 2013

American Babylon in Prophecy

I find that I am compelled once again to try and get the this message out to the American people. I know there are very few left who will hear the truth but there is a reason and that may be just one person out there who receives this message and is compelled to action of some sort, I just do not know but I do know that when I am compelled to pass along a Scriptural Truth then that is what I am going to do.

O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
America is the greatest most blessed nation in all the earth. Where does America fit in the prophetic scheme of things? Is America mentioned in the Bible? Will it have a role to play in the end-times scenario? Many say that America is not mentioned in the Bible. I disagree and strongly believe that America has been prophesied about in the Bible and that it will play a major role in the end times. How could the greatest nation in the world, the only super power, not have a role to play? Of course, it will. America has been mentioned many times in scripture. The clearest mention is found in Revelation 18. This chapter describes the end-times Babylon and the judgment that it will receive. I believe America is the end-times Babylon talked about in this chapter.
I believe that America is the Babylon talked about in Revelation 18 because of several verses that, when considered collectively, lead us to conclude that America is the only country that fulfills all of the parameters listed in the verses. Let us examine what the scriptures say about this modern day end-times Babylon and see how they undeniably point to America.
 1. End-times Babylon is a great nation that receives judgment for its many sins.
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” (Rev. 18:2)
 2. This nation is a superpower and has world dominance and importance. It has also spread its corruption to the world.
“For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her.” (Rev. 18:3)
 3. The merchants of the world are made rich through trading with this nation. This nation consumes huge amounts of goods.
“And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” (Rev. 18:3)
“And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.” (Rev. 18:11–13)
 4. This nation is proud and arrogant and considers herself to be invincible and the greatest nation on earth.
“How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” (Rev. 18:7)
 5. This nation is typified by an extravagant lifestyle.
“And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!” (Rev. 18:16)
 6. Other nations are controlled by her and given great riches by her.
“And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her.” (Rev. 18:9)
 7. This nation is a coastal nation, with deep water ports and much international trade.
“And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off.” (Rev. 18:17)
 8. This nation has defenses in the heavens.
“Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord.” (Jer. 51:53)
 Which nation is the only one in the world that meets all those qualifications? America! We are the greatest country in the world. We are the only remaining super power. We dominate world politics and dictate much of what happens in other countries through whom and what we fund in those countries. We have the largest Gross National Product (GNP) in the world, far surpassing all other countries. We buy huge amounts of goods from other countries. In fact, the economy of many countries would collapse without our trade dollars. We are a proud and arrogant people and feel that we are invincible and that we are the greatest nation in the world. America, as a whole, lives in luxury compared to the rest of the world. America has many deep water ports, and the vast majority of goods entering this country come by way of ship. And, yes, we now are the only country that has offensive and defensive weapons in space. The only country that meets all of the qualifications above is America.
 Yes, America is described in Revelation 18 as the end-times Babylon. R.A. Coombes, in his book America the Babylon, sums it up like this:
“So if not America, what nation will be the ‘mystery Babylon’ spoken of in Revelation, chapters 17 and 18? I submit that there is no other nation that could or will, and that therefore America must be the “super” nation mentioned in Revelation…..Empirical data suggests that it is America, not Rome, or London, nor some resurrected Iraqi empire, nor the United States of Europe. Textually, from the scriptures, there is overwhelming evidence that is ironclad in its data pointing only to the identity of ‘mystery Babylon’ as being that of the United States of America. Revelation chapters 17 and 18 give us 65 major identifying data points, which are identifying markers, that point out the identifying characteristics that point out the identity of this ‘Babylon’, and what its future will be.”
Ancient Babylon was a world power that encompassed the ancient “mystery” religions, hedonism, and materialism. America also embraces the ancient “mystery religions,” hedonism, and materialism, and in many ways is similar to ancient Babylon, and ironically, now controls the land it once occupied.
Some think that the end-times Babylon mentioned in Revelation 18 is Rome. They base their reasoning on Rev. 17:9: “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” Through the centuries, Rome has been called the city of seven hills; thus, they make the connection that end-times Babylon is Rome. But Rome does not sit on 7 mountains but 7 hills. This does not meet the qualifications of the great nation that has control over the world during the end-times as outlined above. Here is what author Stewart Best said about this:
“Rome is usually pointed at as being Babylon the city, if a literal city is even recognized. Rome, however, does not come close to being able to fulfill the parameters of God for the identification of the city, Babylon. It fails in almost all aspects. Because it does not meet the requirements of God, Rome cannot be the “great city” Babylon. This is not to say that Rome is not important in prophecy, for it is - it plays a major role and is part of the Babylonian system!”
The argument goes that Rome is a city-state, and the Vatican is in reality a nation, which it is, but beyond that fact, it utterly fails all of the parameters for Babylon the Great. Babylon the Great is a large nation, with many cities. It has many huge warm water seaports, a huge military, a space program, etc. Rome does not fulfill any of these. Therefore, believe God and not man.
Here is what another author has to say about the Rome/Babylon connection:
Some Bible expositors make a big deal of the fact that Revelation 17 refers (verse 9) to the seven heads of the Beast as “seven hills”. (Rome was apparently built on seven hills.) A momentary allusion to Rome was appropriate at the time, but everything else in the same chapter makes it clear that even the hills are not literal hills, but rather “seven kings”. So there are circles within circles here (as there are is so many prophecies) that are easily missed if one becomes obsessed with only one aspect of a prophecy.
So if one pays close attention to the language of Revelation 17 and 18, one can easily see that Rome does not meet the qualifications of end-times Babylon; nor does ancient Babylon itself, located in Iraq. Still not convinced that America is the end-times Babylon? Here are some verses that prove it conclusively.
“Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert. Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues.” (Jer. 50:12 ,13)
These verses in Jeremiah speak of the destruction that end-times Babylon will receive. It refers to end-times Babylon as having “a mother.” What country has a “mother?” America! Its “mother” is England. Consider the words of Author Stewart Best again:
“This latter day Babylon has a mother, which is also a nation. This mother was responsible for “birthing” this mighty Babylon of the End Times. If Iraq is Babylon as some try to claim, who is the mother of Iraq? If you read this verse carefully, it says that the mother nation preceded Babylon, gave birth to her, watches her rise to full power, and watches her die in fire. Again, who is the mother of Iraq? Iraq has none.
Who is the mother of Rome, which is often presented as Babylon? Rome is not a nation, but a city. Further, she has no mother. Who is the mother of the EC, which is often presented as Babylon, the Revived Roman Empire? In point of fact, she will have no mother, and further, Babylon the Great is always shown as a single nation from her birth to her rise to full power and glory. The EC does not qualify. Each parameter must be fulfilled. You cannot pick and choose that which you wish to present to prove your case.
However, America has a mother. This mother was directly responsible for her birth. That mother preceded her. England has been around awhile. England gave birth to America, and England is still around, and England will watch America burn. England is further confirmed as the mother of Babylon the Great by Daniel the Prophet in Daniel 7:4 (the lion). Ezekiel also mentions it in Ezekiel 38/39 as “Tarshish”, who gives birth to “young cubs”. Tarshish is a cryptic reference to England and her young cubs are America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Daniel refers to her as a lion. The national symbol of England is a lion. The eagle wings on top the lion is America, her daughter. America’s national symbol is the eagle with outstretched wings.”
America is the country with “a mother” and America meets the other scriptural qualifications. Thus, the clear scriptural interpretation is that America is the end-times Babylon.
More Indications
 There are more indications that America is the end-times Babylon, as well. For example, at the gateway to our nation stands the Statue of Liberty. Free Masons in Paris gifted it to America in 1886. They commissioned fellow Mason Augusste Bertholdi, who was seeking a commission to create a robed statue of the goddess Isis, the Egyptian Queen of Heaven, holding a torch. Her connection to Babylon is easily seen in the next quote.
The Babylonian heritage of the “Statue of Liberty” should come as no real surprise to God’s people. Her identity is written in her shape. She stands on a base patterned after the Babylonian stepped-pyramids, or ziggurats, of old — which themselves were designed by the “tower” woman Semiramis and her architects. She stands literally on a base patterned after the tower of Babel! She wears a turreted crown, like Rhea, Cybele, Diana, and the pagan goddesses who were counterparts of Semiramis. She stands as a universal symbol of “liberty,” apart from the laws and commandments of God. She represents the “emancipation” of mankind, and “immigration” and “unity” and the coming together of many races to become one universal mankind, all peoples coming together to one land, uniting the nations as “one,” with one language.
In her poem “The New Colossus,” Emma Lazarus calls the “Statue of Liberty” the “Mother of exiles.” But the truth is, she is the “Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Rev. 17:5)
Arguments against America as Babylon
 Even though the evidence points to America as being end-times Babylon, some reject this hypothesis, citing Rev. 17:6 and 18:24: “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” What you must remember is that the United States of America will no longer be the country where you grew up, it is becoming, before your eyes by a slow moving coup d’état, a very powerful centralized state government which does not follow any law or constitution but rather takes action and implements decrees by sheer power and the exercise of this power, which we just witnessed as a pure failure in the Syria affair, will generally begin to worry the other nations of the world and thereby helping to coalesce them into a force opposing the sitting power brokers in Washington D.C. Once the financial collapse of the dollar occurs this realignment of powers happens rapidily.
They assert that America cannot be end-times Babylon because she has not participated in murdering Christians. The future leader of the New World Order, America will also be the one responsible for the martyrdom of Jews and Christians during the 70th Week of Daniel. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Senate has just passed legislation that paves the way for Christians to be arrested for hate crimes for preaching anything negative about any race, religion, sexual gender or “sexual orientation.”
Not only is end-times Babylon talked about in Revelation 18, but is also talked about in Revelation 17 and other parts of scripture such as in Jeremiah 50–51 and several chapters in Isaiah as detailed by R.A. Coombes:
“Babylon as a city and nation is perhaps the most mentioned gentile city/state/nation in the Bible. Only those cities in Israel, such as Jerusalem receive greater mention. There are approximately 359 direct references to the name Babylon in the Old Testament. Of these references, many are simply tied to historical accounts of events in past history. However, the 2 major prophets of the Old Testament, Isaiah and Jeremiah received from God information about a future Babylon yet to come. This future Babylon is separate and distinct from the Babylon of their day. The message of the prophets is that a latter-day Babylon would arise that would carry on the ‘spirit’ of the old Babylon. Hence, these two prophets present significant data concerning the identity of the future Babylon and its destiny. The prophets explain what will happen to this later Babylon along with data on who will be involved, where it will take place, when and how…along with why it takes place. These two prophets account for more than 80 direct references to this future city/state/nation. 64 of those are found in two chapters of Jeremiah. Those chapters are chapters 50 and 51. Isaiah accounts for two dozen more in chapters 13, 14, 18 and 47. These chapters provide a substantial insight into what happens to this latter day Babylon of the future.”
Jeremiah 50 and 51 is a large section of scripture concerning end-times Babylon that describe its destruction. I will not list them in full here, but I would encourage you to read them. Here are a few key verses from the text.
“Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues. Put yourselves in array against Babylon round about: all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows: for she hath sinned against the Lord. Shout against her round about: she hath given her hand: her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down: for it is the vengeance of the Lord: take vengeance upon her; as she hath done, do unto her. Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest: for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn everyone to his people, and they shall flee everyone to his own land.” (Jer. 50:13-16)
“How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations! I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the Lord.” (Jer. 50:23, 24)Note: Hammer means the policeman of the world.
“Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord God of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.” (Jer. 50:31,32)
“As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein. Behold, a people shall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. They shall hold the bow and the lance: they are cruel, and will not shew mercy: their voice shall roar like the sea, and they shall ride upon horses, every one put in array, like a man to the battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon.” (Jer. 50:40-42)
 These verses paint a gloomy picture of the end-times Babylon and the destruction that it will receive. How do we know that Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 are talking about the end-times Babylon? One of the main reasons is that ancient Babylon was not destroyed in the way described in the passages above. Consider again the words of Mr. Coombes.
“The future-Babylon prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah have over the centuries been misunderstood and misapplied. Until recently, many commentators considered many of the prophecies to have already occurred. It does seem that some of the predicted results do apply to the ancient Babylon. Those results speak of Babylon becoming a desert, where desert animals live and no man resides there. In reality, ancient Babylon—the city, has been deserted for nearly a thousand years. It did not occur in the manner described in the future prophecies! Furthermore, the old national empire of Babylon has remained inhabited by man, yet the prophecies speak of no habitation for the nation/state as well as the city. Additionally, the events in question indicate that the demise of this Babylon will occur in … one…that’s 1…1 hour. Yes, that is 60 minutes of time…for complete annihilation of not just a city but also a city/state/nation. That never occurred for ancient Babylon. She just slowly dissolved into nothingness. Therefore, the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah are indeed still for the future.”
 Here is one of the prophecies that show that ancient Babylon was not destroyed in this manner. “The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof.” (Jer. 51:42) Was ancient Babylon covered with waves? Did the sea come up upon it? No! Ancient Babylon was not destroyed in that way. Thus, these scriptures have to be talking about the end-times Babylon. In Isaiah 18, we have further proof that the end-times Babylon is different from ancient Babylon: “Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!” (Is 18:1, 2)
 Once again, notes Coombes:
“Finally, we have Isaiah 18:2, where we find a reference to the future Babylon’s location as being beyond the land and rivers of Cush. This ‘rivers of Cush’ reference is relating to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers of Mesopotamia. Therefore, we find the verse trying to tell us that future Babylon is BEYOND the old Babylon by a great distance!!! The implication is that the future Babylon is nowhere close, geographically, and requires a long sea voyage to get there from anywhere in the then known world.”
If America is the end-times Babylon, which I am convinced that it is, then as you can see from these passages, America-Babylon is slated for destruction. America has lifted her fist in the face of God. Our sins have reached unto heaven. The murders, especially of babies, the sexual perversions, the child abuse, the pornography, the drug abuse, the witchcraft (includes TV shows that go after or lift up all things that God has proclaimed evil at its inception and evil in its pursuits) that this country is involved in, are deplorable. The worst sins are yet future, however, in which America will be instrumental in bringing about the New World Order and persecuting Jews and Christians. As a result, God’s judgment will come upon America swiftly and decisively.
America, as a whole, has shown God in recent years that it does not want Him. The nation has removed prayer from school, defamed the sanctity of marriage, and is removing the scriptures such as the Ten Commandments from being displayed publicly. America is shaking its fist in God’s face and saying “We do not want you!” Unfortunately, that is what we will get. God has begun and will continue to remove His blessings and hand of protection from our nation. 9/11 was just the start, and we can see from the language employed in Revelation 18 that America will eventually suffer a terrible destruction.
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” (Rev. 18:2)
“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” (Rev. 18:8)
“Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.” (Rev. 18:10)
Two-Stage Destruction
Scriptures in Jeremiah and Revelation tell us that the attack is likened to what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and will involve a sudden destruction with fire and a destroying wind that will happen in one hour. The noise of the destruction will move the earth; and the shipmasters will not want to come near us for fear. I ask, for fear of what? What type of destruction is swift, involves smoke, wind, fire, burning, moves the earth, and will cause shipmasters to not want to come near? Nuclear, Asteroid, Comet Debris, Coronal Mass Ejection they are all bad.
I am sorry to say that whether you believe it or not, America as a nation is due to be judged in the 70th Week of Daniel.
“Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues.” (Jer. 50:12-13)
“Therefore the wild beasts of the desert with the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell there, and the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited for ever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation. As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.” (Jer. 50:39, 40)
These verses indicate that, as a result of the first destruction, America will become uninhabitable and likened to a desert. The second and final judgment upon America will come near the end of the 70th Week as recorded in Revelation 16:
“And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” (Rev. 16:19-21)
“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” (Rev. 18:21)
 So we see that this second judgment will occur at the return of Christ at the end of the 70th Week and will result in America not being found any more. This final destruction will probably occur as a result of the horrendous earthquake that will shake the world, causing every island to disappear and every mountain to be leveled, and America will sink into the ocean and be covered over by the waves forever:
“The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof.” (Jer. 51:42)
“Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” (Rev. 18:21)
 O America, I wish it were not true. Your sins have reached unto heaven and you will be smitten. The country that we love so dear, that was founded upon Christian principles and used to stand for righteousness, now promotes wickedness and will receive her just deserts.
The American people have allowed this coup d'état by not paying close enough attention to what our leaders have been doing and closely examining their efforts and seeing to where they lead. Unfortunately, there are not many Christians in America these days and the tipping point has been reached and passed so it is now time to see the results of our lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
This truly sad because the knowledge has been given but few accepted it and believed God.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mazzaroth is the Zodiac in the Bible

I still receive questions from people about the use of Signs in the Heavens and what the Bible is talking about and some don’t believe that this is scriptural so here is a starting point for all those who want to examine the scriptures for this evidence. Did you know that most ancient civilizations saw and related the celestial bodies in like kind?
Job 38:31-33
“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?  Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?  Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”
The "Mazzaroth" is the twelve constellations within the sun's apparent path through the heavens, commonly referred to as the "Zodiac."[1] These are in the form of pictures constructed from the stars within that constellation, a woman (Virgo), scales (Libra), a Scorpion (Scorpio), an archer (Sagittarius), a goat-fish (Capricorn), a man with a water pot (Aquarius), two fishes (Pisces), a Lamb (Aries), an Ox (Taurus), twins (Gemini), a crab (Cancer), and a lion (Leo). In God's response to Job, He indicated that He alone brings forth the twelve signs each year in their proper months. Psalm 19, and Paul's quote of it in Romans 10:16-18, proves that the Zodiac (Mazzaroth) was designed by God as a means of communicating a prophetic message in pictures to all languages of the earth.
 Several authors have interpreted the zodiac from a Christian perspective, repeating the original work of Frances Rolleston in the mid nineteenth century without adding anything new or substantial. The premise of Rolleston's work was flawed, making many of her conclusions doubtful.
 The Zodiac is a twelve-step prophecy, a clock counting down the end of this age and the establishment of Messiah’s Kingdom on earth. The zodiac lays out the same story as the Bible, in the same historical sequence, using the same pictorial language as the Hebrew prophets.
 All previous interpretations of the zodiac, whether pagan, Jewish, or Christian, have failed to account for the meaning of the sun's sequential path through the twelve zodiacal signs. Since the creation, the sun's path each year through the 12 zodiac signs has foretold the whole story of God's plan to redeem the creation through the nation of Israel. In doing so, it demonstrates that the God of Abraham is the source of the zodiac.
Virgo - Abrahamic Covenant                                      Libra - Mosaic Covenant

Scorpio - Wilderness Wandering                              Sagittarius - Promised Land

Capricorn - Davidic Covenant                                    Aquarius - Babylonian Captivity

Pisces - Return from Captivity                                   Aries - Lamb of God

Taurus - Apostolic Mission                                         Gemini - Jew & Gentile United

Cancer - Great Tribulation                                          Leo - Messiah's Kingdom
Search out the truth for yourself and gain an understanding of the Scriptures, God waits for you every second of every day to come to Him and ask questions to which He will give you answers.

The Prophetic Picture of Feasts and Holy Days

 Salvation comes by the atoning blood of Israel's promised Sacrifice Lamb
“God will provide Himself, a Lamb". (Gen.22:8)
On the 14th day of Nisan
The sacrifice lamb is slain. The blood of atonement upon the door brings salvation as the death angel passes overhead. It is the eve of the Passover. The epic Exodus that follows sees God's covenant people delivered from the bondage of Egypt.
This was the Old Covenant fulfillment of Passover for national salvation.
On the 14th day of Nisan
In 33 A.D., on the eve of Passover, Yeshua is crucified. The blood of the promised Sacrifice Lamb is shed. This is the redemption God has provided. It brings salvation to His covenant people, delivering them from the bondage of sin and death.
This is the New Covenant fulfillment of Passover for personal salvation.
The unleavened "Bread of Heaven" is the sinless and accepted sacrifice.
Leaven, a type of sin, was removed from the dwellings. Then at twilight, as the 14th day of Nisan was ending, the Passover lambs were slain. Sunset initiated the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Nisan 15 was a "high day", a non-Saturday Sabbath. Bread baked without yeast was eaten during the seven days of the feast.
Sunset began the 15th day of Nisan. Jesus was buried, just in time for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But in the grave His body did not decay or see corruption. That Passover the sinless unleavened 'Bread of Heaven' was revealed as that long awaited perfect sacrifice for sin. Thus He fulfilled the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
 After a cold barren winter new life breaks forth. On the 17th day of the Nisan moon the first fruits of the barley harvest was gathered and waved before the Lord in celebration.
On the 17th day of Nisan in 33 A.D. Jesus rises up from the grave. He is the first fruits from the dead. On that very day He fulfilled the feast. 

 50 days counted out from First fruits is Shavuot or Pentecost. God comes down to His covenant people in an earthshaking day of visitation. It is a betrothal leading into magnificent future glories.
Old Testament Fulfillment
50 days from the day the First fruits of the barley harvest was waved before the Lord, (50 days from the morrow after the Sabbath after Passover), is Shavuot or the Day of Pentecost. Rabbinic scholars believe that it was on this day that God visited His people after their exodus from Egypt and through Moses, brought the Law down from Mount Sinai. This earthshaking day of visitation, trembling, and betrothal is the birthday of the nation of Israel. Moses brings down the Torah or Law for the nation. Because of sin 3,000 die under the Law that day. The Old Covenant is a national covenant between YHVH-God and His covenant people. And so the nation of Israel was established. They agree to follow Him in devotion and obedience. In spite of past failures the nation of Israel will indeed be restored. The Jewish House of Judah will be saved and the throne of David in Judah will be established upon this earth under Messiah. But that is not all. The lost sheep of the House of Israel, the lost ten tribes of Israel, will be found and brought back home to Israel again. (See Ezek.37). The nation and Kingdom of Israel along with Messiah's  Melchizedek Priesthood will be fully restored as a single Elect and Chosen people. The Old Covenant and the Law has not been "done away with" as we have been told. Both estranged houses of Israel will embrace Messiah. Then with their partial blindness healed they will rediscover each other at the end of this age to restore the Union in both Righteousness, (the royal national burden of the Jews), and in Grace, (the holy priestly burden of the Church). Both Houses of Israel are being sifted through the nations. Those being saved are bringing many companions home to Israel with them. (See  Ezekiel 37:15-28) The nation will be reunited and regathered as that Commonwealth of Israel spoken of by our Apostle Paul. (See Eph. 2:12-13). Restored Israel is destined to be cross-linked together as that "royal priesthood and holy nation spoken of by both Moses and by the Apostle Peter. (See  Exod. 19:6, and  1Pet.2:9). The Old Covenant God made with the nation of Israel and the righteous rule of Israel’s Messiah upon this earth is in the heart of the Jewish House of Judah. YHVH-God's righteous rule will surely come and the nation of Israel will be restored, but only under Messiah and not by might or by power. The restoration will not come by a seducing religious humanism or by the military might of a crusading Church Dominionism). It will come by God's Holy Spirit. (See Zechariah 4). The New Covenant is established soul by soul and silently in the gentle bonds of love and devotion as Messiah is received into human lives. It is by YHVH's Grace through faith that His Law is written into the hearts. The prophet Jeremiah spoke of this mystery. See Jer. 31:31. See also Hebrews 8:8-12. The prophet Zechariah saw the Jewish House of Judah in Israel repenting and receiving Messiah rather late, even as Jerusalem was surrounded by armies at the close of this age. See Zechariah 12:7-13:1.
New Testament Fulfillment
50 days from the day the First fruits of the barley harvest was waved before the Lord, (that is 50 days from the morrow after the weekly (Saturday) Sabbath after Passover), in the summer of the year of Yeshua's passion, YHVH-God visits His people by His Holy Spirit. This is another earthshaking day of visitation and betrothal. But on this occasion God's Presence is not as unapproachable as on the former visitation back at Sinai. Moses had ordered 12 boundary markers placed around the foot of the mountain to hold back the people lest the fire of God flash out upon them. Amidst the thundering and lightning God came down as a consuming fire and blackened the entire summit. Only Moses could stand in God's Presence. Mount Sinai has recently been discovered east of the Gulf of Aquaba in the former land of Midian, (now Saudi Arabia).  The real Mount Sinai with many accompanying archaeological proofs of its authenticity is Jabal el Lawz, now hidden from the world behind security fences and armed guards of the Saudi military forces. Back at Sinai it was a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But this next Pentecostal visitation was quite different. Tongues of fire descended from heaven to rest upon consecrated individuals gathered to wait upon God. All of them had received Messiah and had come to know Him in a personal way in the New Covenant. And just as Moses had seen the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire now came down and rested upon the 120 in the upper room, not to consume them but to fill them with the Holy Spirit and bathe them in the glory of God. This day of wonder sees the Holy Spirit descend in a splendid flooding wave. This was the beginning of the Holy Spirit outpouring. And Joel saw this coming to a peak at the 6th seal at the very end of the latter days. See Joel 2:28-32. The revival spreads out from the Jerusalem epicenter as the disciples go out into the streets of the city proclaiming the Good News of salvation. Whereas 3,000 had died under the Law on the previous visitation 3,000 are now saved by Grace as the Apostle Peter preaches to the crowds coming up to the Feast. And so on this awesome day in holy history, the 7th day of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar, the Feast of Pentecost comes to its appointed New Covenant fulfillment. The Feast of Pentecost, the fourth of the Seven Feasts of Israel is taken up to the next level. It becomes the birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit revival spreads out from Jerusalem into Judea, Samaria, and thence onward to the utmost parts of the world. This was that promised Light to the Gentiles Isaiah spoke about (See  Isaiah 49:6). The ensuing 2,000 years sees Israel's Messiah continuing to 'call out' His 'ekklesia', His Congregation, by His Holy Spirit. The Good News of the Gospel overflows Israel and spreads out into the gentile nations and YHVH-God's Covenant people expand out of Israel to become a global Congregation (or "Church"), even as Israel's Jordan river overflows its banks all the days of the harvest.
THE MEANING OF THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS   (The very next feast due to be fulfilled)
The annual religious celebration, the shofar (rams horn) is blown at the western wall on the new moon of Tishrei to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets.
In the autumn of the year and on the first day of the Tishrei moon trumpets are blown to announce the Hebrew holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Biblical Christians refer to it as the Feast of Trumpets. It is the 5th of the Seven Feasts of Israel. The ultimate New Covenant fulfillment of this future Jewish New Year, (Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew calendar), will be spectacular beyond words. The feast will explode into holy history. And it will be a blockbuster. Moses declared and prophesied that it would become a "memorial of blowing of trumpets" (Lev. 23:24,25) It seems that many faithful saints will suffer at the hands of the powers when they blow the trumpet of alarm on Yom Teruah, that awesome future Rosh Hashanah.  (Ezek.33) That epic coming feast day will see the faithful watchmen of Israel faithful to the call. And "they will not be silent". This 5th feast was instituted by Moses at Sinai approximately 3,500 years ago. It marks the first day of the Hebrew (civil) new year. 'Rosh Hashanah' means 'head of the year'. The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the three, yet to be fulfilled, Fall Feasts of Israel. These Autumn Feasts relate to Kingdom/political issues rather than the High Priestly/religious matters that we saw Messiah address in the spring feasts during His first coming 2,000 years ago. Back then we saw Him ride into Jerusalem on a donkey as the 'Suffering Servant'. But when Messiah returns this next time He will come as the Conquering King.  After Trumpets on Tishrei 1 comes the "Ten days of awe" which lead on to Yom Kippur on Tishrei 10 which is the  Day of Atonement. This is the most solemn day of the year. On this awesome Day of Reckoning all accounts between YHVH-God and all His covenant people are settled. The Jubilee Year is also announced on this same tenth day of Tishri. Trumpets are also blown during special times of national crisis. God's covenant people are summoned to gather themselves together in a solemn assembly before the God of Israel. Trumpets are sounded during battle in times of warfare. Trumpets also announce the approach and soon arrival of a king.
On a future Rosh Hoshanah, on the new moon of Tishrei, the shofars will begin to sound on a day like no other. The ultimate epic future Feast of Trumpets will burst onto the world stage and into holy history. This will be an awesome day of mixed celebration and alarm. YHVH-God's determined times for Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks will resume in earnest. All of God's covenant people from  both houses of Israel will be "called out", summoned to solemn assembly at YHVH-God's new and revamped 'ekklesia', His new 'congregation', 'synagogue', or 'church' of the  70th Week". The saints will be crying out to God and this will spark the climactic End-Time Revival that Joel saw, (Joel 2:28,29,30,31,32).We now have very  strong evidence that this future Rosh Hashanah will mark the terminus of the "Roadmap to Peace". This will be the day when Israel signs the seven year peace covenant written about in Daniel 9:27. Israel will agree to divide and sell the Holy Land and their national sovereignty for a pocketful of promises of "peace and safety".  Moses spoke of this final dalliance of Israel and predicted the ensuing Great Tribulation. Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, said that they would reject Him who came in His Father's Name and said that His covenant people would consort with a  false messiah, a man who came "in his own name" (John 5:43).  Seven momentous years will then bring in the end-time witness. Then comes the final awesome Day of Atonement. Trumpets of Jubilee will herald the opening of the Day of the Lord which opens on the very next day. Angels of wrath will pluck up the wicked as tares for the fires. (Mat.13:30) At some unknown time in those ensuing days before the Feast of Tabernacles comes into its fulfillment the last trumpet will sound and all of God's Elect, (singular), will be gathered. The climactic future Resurrection will see Messiah gather His Chosen from the nation of Israel and from among the heathen gentiles. All the saints, the quick and the dead, from every nation, race, and tribe, from both sides of Calvary will be there. And they will all enter the glory together. (Isa. 49:6 and 1Thes. 4:15, 16, 17).
In Conclusion
The Feasts and Holy Days of Israel and the Jewish people are a direct and clear picture of the Salvation God has promised the believers in the atoning Blood of His Sacrificial Lamb. If this is a direct and clear picture of the promise then the words the His Prophets have given us are also meant has clear and direct information to us for growth and knowledge. To understand the Scriptures you simply must read them with a perspective that they are truly relevant and great impact on your understanding. The signs in the heavens all make sense if you remove yourself from man’s understanding and accept that man’s understanding is very limited and leaves in a state of confusion and leads most people to give up trying, you just cannot mix oil and water and see clearly. There are only two points of view, God’s view and man’s view, I trust God to tell me the Truth.

Friday, October 11, 2013

If you know the Bible this will help you understand End Times Prophecy

I know I mentioned Jewish Feasts and Holy Days so here is a little synopsis of what they currently are and is based on the foods.

 I will do another Feast Day overview so you can see where these days fit into the prophetic picture of Old Testament and New Testament but I must get my 1959 F100 back on the road first.


Shabbat is considered the most important of all Jewish holidays. It is the day of rest and weekly observance of God's completion of creation. Starting on Friday night an hour before sunset, it lasts for 25 hours until sunset on Saturday night.

Rosh Hashanah

During the fall when the days begin to shorten and the leaves begin to change, Jewish tradition encourages us to look inward as we prepare for the New Year ahead. The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is a holiday marked by festive meals with foods symbolizing our hopes for the new year—such as apples dipped in honey for a sweet new year and pomegranates for a year of plenty—and a day spent in prayer or quiet meditation.

Yom Kippur

The most solemn day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement offers an entire day devoted to self–examination. Many spend the day in synagogue devoted to prayer and study while abstaining from food and drink. The goal is to begin the New Year with a clean slate.


This seven–day festival celebrates the fall harvest and also commemorates the time when the Hebrews dwelt in the Sinai wilderness on their way to the Promised Land of Israel. The holiday is celebrated by building (and then dwelling in) ceremonial huts called Sukkot, waving of four different plant species (palm, myrtle, willow and citron), and many food-filled festive gatherings in the Sukkah.

Shemini Atzeret

This holiday literally means the “8th day of assembly.” It is a festive day after the week-long festival of Sukkot, and is marked by the annual prayer for rain recited in synagogue. In Israel and in liberal (Reform, Reconstructionist, Renewal) communities outside of Israel it is combined with the holiday of Simchat Torah.

Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah marks the end and the beginning of the annual Torah reading cycle. Every week all over the world, the same Torah portion is read in Jewish communities. On Simchat Torah the cycle ends and begins again. This is accompanied by parading the Torah scrolls about and with singing and dancing.


This beloved 8–day Jewish winter festival celebrates the miracle of a small cruse of oil when it burned for 8 days, instead of only one. It also celebrates the military victory of the Jewish Maccabees over the powerful Syrian Greek army in 167 BCE. The victory was followed by a rededication (Hanukkah) of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. It is from this act that the holiday gets its name.

Tu B’Shevat

This is the Jewish New Year of the Trees. Observances include planting of trees, purchasing trees to be planted in Israel, and a mystical Tu B'Shevat ritual meal that includes different colored wine (from white to red) and different kinds of fruits and nuts.

Hamentashen Purim

The name of this holiday means “lots”, so named for the lots that were drawn to determine a dark day in Jewish history. As luck would have it, those dark days never arrived, as the evil villian's plans were thwarted by the clever Jewish Queen Esther, whose story is recounted in the Biblical Scroll of Esther. Celebrations include a public reading of the scroll, giving gifts to friends and to the needy, dressing up in costume, eating a special triangle-shaped pastry, the hamantaschen, and the drinking of alcohol for those of drinking age.

Matzah Passover

This seven or eight day festival of freedom marks the Hebrew exodus from Egypt long ago. The story is told during a festive ritual meal called a “Seder.” During the festival, it is traditional to abstain from all foods containing leaven; that is, foods made from grain that have not been prepared according to a strict Passover cooking procedure. Among the grain foods that are permitted is matzah, an unleavened bread that is baked before it has a chance to rise.

Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day)

Jews all over the world mourn the loss of six million Jewish lives lost during the Holocaust as part of Hitler's genocidal “Final Solution.”

Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day)

On this Memorial Day, we commemorate the soldiers who have fallen fighting for Israel’s independence and defending its security. This holiday falls the day before Israel's Independence Day.

Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day)

This holiday celebrates the independence of the Modern State of Israel. In Israel the day of Yom HaAtzmaut is marked with fireworks, barbeques, and outdoor revelry. For Jewish communities outside of Israel it is a time to gather and celebrate our pride and connection to the Jewish homeland.

Lag B’Omer

This holiday marks the 33rd day of the 49-day “Omer” period between Passover and Shavuot. This 7 week period called “the Omer” is traditionally a quiet time on the Jewish calendar, but Lag B’Omer, which occurs on the 33rd day is an exception. Bonfires, outdoor parties and revelry rule the day, which is also a popular Jewish wedding date.


Shavuot is the holiday celebration of the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. The celebration of Shavuot is also the Festival of First Fruits and Grains, a fulfillment of the promise of spring. The name means “weeks”, so named for the 7-week period from Passover to Shavuot.

Tisha B’Av

An important fast day in the Jewish calendar is Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av. The day commemorates the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and 70 CE.
Tu B’Av

Held six days after the fast day of Tisha B’Av comes a festival of love! A popular wedding date, the day is celebrated in the best way possible with wine, chocolate and roses!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Seven Year Cycle in Prophecy of American Finances

Cycle of Seven Years
American Christians are very ignorant (and I don’t mean that in a bad sense but rather a lack of understanding through knowledge sense) about how the Jewish calendar is the calendar God uses. If you don’t understand the basics of the Feast Days throughout the Jewish Civil calendar then you’ll never truly understand the prophecies and the signs God uses to inform us of impending happenings that will affect us all. If you want to understand French you need to learn French, simple as that. I am writing this article because it is being played out before your very eyes every night on the TV news programs (albeit very one dimensional reporting). There will be an economic collapse of the American dollar and that will greatly affect all world economies and leave America pretty much destitute and the rest of the world will be very angry with us letting this worldwide economic collapse happen. Below is a general synopsis of the soon to occur events here in the United States and it is all Biblical and all prophesied through the Bible. When American politicians began to defy God in speeches to the nation and the world God took notice and began the warnings immediately, the tipping point had been reached.  
 Deuteronomy 15:1 “At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.”
Deuteronomy  15:2 “And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD'S release.”
The year of the Lord’s release from debt is called the Shimitah year. This always takes place on the 29 Elul (around the end of September by our Roman calendar) and is the last day of the civil Jewish calendar which is one day before the Feast of Trumpets which is heralding a time of renewal and new beginnings.
September 17, 2001 (29 Elul on Jewish Civil Calendar) 684 point loss or 7.13% after one week of closure
Now move forward exactly seven years to
September 29, 2008 (29 Elul on Jewish Civil Calendar) it lost 777 points or 7.0%
The people and the nation are only given so much time to make amends before real financial pain is felt.
Move forward seven years to the next Shimitah year of September 13, 2015 (29 Elul on Jewish Civil Calendar) and here we find a partial solar eclipse (which in this case) is a sign for Gentile Nations that a financial eclipse is coming for the world economy.
September 14, 2015 (1st of the month Tishri) and is the Feast of Trumpets heralding a time of renewal and new beginnings which is also during the 8th Tetrad Blood Moon sign in the Heavens
September 28, 2015 (15th of the month Tishri) the last Blood Moon of the 8th Tetrad falls on Sukkot which is the second Feast of Tabernacles (the eighth is always a sign of new beginnings).
Once the financial systems have weakened and are in the throes of collapse then the stage is set and the understanding of Revelation begins to be seen and unveiled to more and more Christians who are trying to seek the truth and the picture becomes clearer.
Rev 6:12
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
            NOTE; The earthquake will be a huge sign because we already know when the sun and moon will have their eclipses 2014 and again in 2015
 Rev 6:13
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
                NOTE; If you haven’t noticed and you probably haven’t noticed that here are multiple asteroids, comets and meteorites suddenly being discovered and their orbits are much closer to earth than ever suspected. Stars falling onto the earth could be meteorites which come from Comet tail debris fields and some asteroids break up when they get too close to the earth of sun are seen as fireballs in the sky
 Rev 6:14
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
                NOTE; This is rather spooky in that it reveals a picture of great crustal movement as part of an earthquake scenario or combined with a great tectonic plate movement or shift, this would be bad and I pray it is site specific and not worldwide.
 Rev 6:15
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
                NOTE; Why are all the underground safety zones built by the U.S. government intended only for government officials, look it up.
 Rev 6:16
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
 Rev 6:17
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
January 2010 7.0 Earthquake hits Haiti 316,000 die
September 2010 7.0 Earthquake hits Christchurch New Zealand
February 2011 6.3 Earthquake hits Christchurch 185 die
March 2011 9.0 Earthquake hits Japan and causes Tsunami 20,896 die
August 2011 5.8 Earthquake hits Washington D.C. cracks Washington Monument
These earthquakes are warnings and are precedent of the big earthquake of Revelation 6:12 prophecy
During these days of financial upheaval, earthquakes (large ones), fireballs hitting the earth or Coronal Mass Ejections (electrically charged blasts from the sun) it becomes a complete distraction and overwhelms the nations who simply go into survival mode and will accept just about anyone or anything they think can help them survive. People who have read the prophecy of Revelation and recognized the signs God has given us can be assured that the Word of God is true and He is to be believed it also gives those on the fence ample time to come to grips with their faith and accept the promise of salvation through the Blood of Christ.
I believe there is little time left on the clock and that is why I am trying to get the basics out there for those who remain searching for truth.  This is no time delve, as I have for 45 years, into scripture to disseminate the truth of God’s Word versus what is taught and supposedly known in the world according to men. When these signs come to pass many will say it is a coincidence (I get that phrase an awful lot, a catch-all for don’t understand or don’t want to understand and I am happy being ignorant, OK go be ignorant) but others will see the correlations of Bible prophecy and the things happening in the world all around them.
If you want to grow shortened it up and concentrate on Matthew, John and Revelation and you will have as complete a picture of Jesus and His teachings and prophecies as anyone alive because it is the foundation of our faith in Him.
To understand the world around you and get a clear vision of what the world is really doing and where it is truly headed one must be able to see the big picture and see that all things are indeed connected and this can only be done once you realize it is not a variety of small interesting stories, conspiracy theories, and a million other things that do not look like they are connected but they all keep you distracted from the truth in front of you. 
It really is simple to comprehend and see the distractions of the world for what they are but you can only do this if you see that a single strategy is in play and the individual tools used are widely varied and seemingly unconnected. Look at things from a battle ground perspective if you can and you will see, using the Bible as a guidebook, that it is one side bent on destruction of all things and the other side bent on saving each person from that destruction. Easily written but apparently so hard for many to understand but as Jesus said, some hear and some see because the truth is in them but most do not have the truth as a foundation and are blind and deaf, sobeit.   

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Do you know what ghosts really are?

I had a discussion recently where I hurt some dear to me when and I have deeply regretted it since and certainly wish I could make any sort of amends to repair the hurt I caused this person but unfortunately there is little I can say or do in this instance because the truth is sometimes painful. The subject of ghosts came up and I explained how I had been on a mission to figure out just what was going. I grew up believing in ghosts and wee things that go bump in the night, typical Irish country bumpkin stories and visuals were reinforced regularly by sightings and more stories.  I never gave it much thought until I was 14 years old and began asking serious questions of my churches priests (yes, I was Catholic) where I received zero information on this subject and many other subjects on the Catholic faith. I soon realized I would get no answers so I struck out on my own, without my Father and Mothers knowledge, to see if there were any answers for me in the secular world. This is when I somehow met a family, along with others, who said they were in contact with the other side on a regular basis and that if I wanted I could join them to see for myself one early evening. I agreed to go as an observer and wanted no part in any ceremony or any other mumbo jumbo which they assured was not required because they had a an ongoing relationship with some spirits. We went to the graveyard for added effect and sat quietly in 2 separate cars, my friend and 2 others in one car and 3 people and me in the other where we sat for about 20 minutes. Nothing was said that I could understand and it was pretty much low murmurings of wish I had no idea what was being mumbled. We waited an additional 10 minutes and then it happened. I remember this event like it happened an hour ago and still clearly see what I saw that early evening. The young guy sitting next to me, he was the son of the spooky family and about 16 years old turned towards me in the back seat and a sickly greenish/yellow glow appeared all around him like an luminous radiation or aura, it finally coalesced around his entire body and the outside edges of this illumination became clear and sharp. I sat amazed at this and kept looking for flashlights or some other means by which these people were trying to fool me, there was nothing and no one was moving or talking, I looked back to the face of the young man and saw a face begin to develop in front of his face, it was startling and but I continued to watch its formation until I saw it wasn’t a human face but rather a face that belonged on a cathedral in Paris. As I stared at the face it showed no inclination to be alive or moving, that is until did move and I saw it was very much alive as the face extended itself from the body of the greenish glow to within a couple of inches of my face where smiled and a very evil presence emanated from it and filled me with absolute fear and dread and a need to get the heck out of there. I barely managed to get the door open and fall out of the car and start running when I heard them yelling that everything was OK and I turned to see no more green glow and everything looked normal again. I stopped and went to the other car with my friend inside and told him I done here and wanted to leave for home immediately, he agree.  I was confused and just didn’t know what to think at that moment but then my friend asked me was the greenish/yellow glow in the backseat with me. I nearly fell over with the realization that he had seen the glow also it wasn’t just a mind trick they had played on me. On the way home, just up the road, they were all smiling and telling me that they indeed have communications with spirits and asked me what I thought, I replied that I was convinced and needed no further proof of spirits being continually around us but I knew they were not ghosts of dead people but spirits of evil entities tied to Lucifer/Satan.  After much study and investigation I found the truth of the matter answered in the Scriptures.

I am writing this because I was so struck that I had caused a dear friend to suffer but I cannot take back anything I said because the truth of God’s word is the real Truth. I realized then that there are many people who have seen or heard from loved ones after death that it is a great comfort to them something I was truly unaware of because I have a rather scientific and analytical mind when it comes to these sorts of investigation and just see in black and white or truth and non-truth. I am truly sorry for any hurt. 
Question: “What does the Bible say about ghosts / hauntings?”

 Answer:  Is there such a thing as ghosts? The answer to this question depends on what precisely is meant by the term “ghosts.” If the term means “spirit beings,” the answer is a qualified “yes.” If the term means “spirits of people who have died,” the answer is “no.” The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there are spirit beings, both good and evil. But the Bible negates the idea that the spirits of deceased human beings can remain on earth and “haunt” the living.

Hebrews 9:27 declares, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” That is what happens to a person’s soul-spirit after death—judgment. The result of this judgment is heaven for the believer (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23) and hell for the unbeliever (Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:22-24). There is no in-between. There is no possibility of remaining on earth in spirit form as a “ghost.” If there are such things as ghosts, according to the Bible, they absolutely cannot be the disembodied spirits of deceased human beings.

 The Bible teaches very clearly that there are indeed spirit beings that can connect with and appear in our physical world. The Bible identifies these beings as angels and demons. Angels are spirit beings who are faithful in serving God. Angels are righteous, good, and holy. Demons are fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating a deceased human being definitely seem to be within the power and abilities that demons possess.

 The closest biblical example of a “haunting” is found in Mark 5:1-20. A legion of demons possessed a man and used the man to haunt a graveyard. There were no ghosts involved. It was a case of a normal person being controlled by demons to terrorize the people of that area. Demons only seek to “kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10:10). They will do anything within their power to deceive people, to lead people away from God. This is very likely the explanation of “ghostly” activity today. Whether it is called a ghost, a ghoul, or a poltergeist, if there is genuine evil spiritual activity occurring, it is the work of demons.

 What about instances in which “ghosts” act in “positive” ways? What about psychics who claim to summon the deceased and gain true and useful information from them? Again, it is crucial to remember that the goal of demons is to deceive. If the result is that people trust in a psychic instead of God, a demon will be more than willing to reveal true information. Even good and true information, if from a source with evil motives, can be used to mislead, corrupt, and destroy.

 Interest in the paranormal is becoming increasingly common. There are individuals and businesses that claim to be “ghost-hunters,” who for a price will rid your home of ghosts. Psychics, séances, tarot cards, and mediums are increasingly considered normal. Human beings are innately aware of the spiritual world. Sadly, instead of seeking the truth about the spirit world by communing with God and studying His Word, many people allow themselves to be led astray by the spirit world. The demons surely laugh at the spiritual mass-deception that exists in the world today.