Saturday, October 5, 2013

Simple Answers

I have received a few questions about my presentation of the history of the Blood Moon Tetrad in the affairs of Jews and Gentiles over the past 2000 years.  After reading and answering them perhaps I need to reiterate what these “Signs in the Heavens” mean us today is an alarm to notify believers that we have now entered a specific time when prophetical events begin to take shape and we will clearly see them if we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Prophets have told us in scripture. These signs are merely telling us to pay closer attention, make sure you are anchored in the simplicity that is Gods gifts us i.e. Believe God as did Abraham, Believe Yahshua (Jesus is a Greek name), Believe in the Blood of the Messiah that has cleansed you and Believe in the Holy Spirit which is your direct line from God. If your anchor is true and held fast in the Truth then none of these signs will worry you but rather bring a sense of wonder and a confident smile that Gods plan is before us and it is revealing itself through the “signs in the heavens”.

The bottom line is that people, all people today are inundated with wall to wall polls, facts and non-facts, numbers, charts etc. that they are unaware that they are being buried beneath a mountain of nonsense designed to looked and feel informative and enlightening when in fact it is a tool of distraction from the truth and what truly matters to you and your soul. So don’t make your own mountain out minutia and nonsense simply know that God is revealing himself to you and the world today, which one will see it.  

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